Chapter Fifty Two

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Go away.

"Lib, Love."

Go away.

"Come on Love."

I groan, loudly, when the disturbance finally manages to pull me from my slumber. "What?" I croak, eyes screwed shut, voice thick with sleep. I hear Gary laugh, a low laugh of self amusement, one arm moving under my neck, the other under my thighs. It only takes me thirty seconds to realise that ive fallen asleep on the settee and my neck throbs gently as a punishment.

"Bed time, i think. Don't you?"

With eyes still closed, i stretch two arms, linking my fingers at the back of Garys neck as he scoops me up, bridal style. A chilly breeze causes me to shiver as the blanket slips away, and Gary, much to my delight, pulls me closer. "What time is it?" I mumble, asking because i feel like i should say something as a posed to actually wanting to know.

"Half seven."

"What?!" Suddenly, im wide awake. Half seven?! Fuck me, ive been out for a whole afternoon! Gary laughs again, leaning down and kissing my temple.

"Dont worry, ive not burnt the house down."

"Yet." I grumble, but relenting to the warmth of his lips at my temple and relaxing into his arms as he ascends the stairs with an easy grace.

"Im more of an adult than you give me credit for, Elizabeth." Garys fingers flex against the backs of my knees just enough to tickle, i squirm happily.

"Oh of course." Tongue in cheek, i nod enthusiastically.

"Hey!" Gary feigns offence, but as ever, the smirk biting at the corner of his mouth gives him away. "Ive been proper productive this afternoon!"

"Oh yeah?" I challenge as we reach the bedroom.

I go to kick my legs free as Gary reaches the end of bed, but to my surprise, he only tightens his hold, dropping down next to the mountain of pillows and clutching me to his chest.

"Yes! I got me pedal.." He grins and I roll my eyes, but dont interrupt. "Sorted out me studio days next week, answered a load of those e-mails clogging up my inbox..."

I close my eyes, resting my head against Garys shoulder as he carries on.

"Bathed and fed Ethan, rescheduled my yoga class. I might be ill more often you kn- ay! Am i that boring that youre falling asleep on me?!"

Keeping my eyes closed, i smile again, sighing peacefully. "No, i just like listening you speak."

Gary scoffs. "Is that so?"

"Mmh." Sleepily, i open my eyes.

"Well sorry Sweet-pea..." Garys index finger taps the tip of nose, something ive seen him do to Ethan a thousand times. "...But youre gonna have to do without me for ten minutes while i take a shower."

I mumble protest, but no words are formed and Gary grunts quietly as he twists to lie me on the bed.

"Ten minutes." He mutters again, kissing the tip of my nose before he disappears from my line of sight.

I wait until i hear the faucet spring into life before i move, swinging my legs off the bed and standing with a satisfying stretch, ironing out the kinks in my back. Jesus thats good. Meandering out of the bedroom, i find myself at Ethans threshold, door ajar and the soothing tinkle of the lullaby floating through the gap. Reaching to open the door, the creak it makes has me thinking twice about disturbing him and i turn on my heels instead, pulling off my t-shirt as make my way back to bed. Jesus im beat.

Tempted to just flop back down on the bed, i pull myself over to the dresser, discarding my clothes here there and everywhere as yank open the top draw in search of something to wear to bed.

"Now theres a sight i like to see."

I spin on my heels at the sound of Garys voice and my chest tightens with the site of him.

He stands, leaning with one foot crossed in front of the other, against the threshold of the en-suit. Bar the white towel, twisted snugly around his waist, hes naked. The soft covering of hair over his finely toned torso, glistening with the aftermath of his shower. I grunt something about him being a pervert in response, tugging the first thing i set my hands on over my own half naked body.

"Dont.." Gary pulls himself away from the door frame, sauntering over to me with that damned lopsided smirk plastered across his face. He reaches me just in time to halt the t-shirts coverage of my hips and he gasps them firmly, running two smooth hands back up to my shoulder and pulling the t-shirt with them. "Youre beautiful." The t-shirt it discarded back into the open draw.

I laugh. "Shut up."

"No." Gary grins, bending at the knees to smack a kiss against my lips. I laugh again, placing my palms on his shoulders and pushing back.

"Stop! Youre dripping on me!"

"What?" Garys eyebrows widen playfully. "This?!" He shakes his head, strands of hair falling free and flopping against his forehead.

"Yes this!" I squeak, pulling back as far as i can with his hands clasped at my lower back. Moving my right hand from his shoulder, i comb four fingers into his hair. Its sodden.

"Did you not think to dry it at all?" I admonish. Gary grins back impishly in response. I roll my eyes. "Give me this."

Gary raises an eyebrow when i tug free the towel around his waist. With a quick scan of his perfectly sculptured body, i smile.

"Thats better. Lean forwards."

Willingly, Gary complies, presenting me with the top of his soaking head. When i throw the towel over the back of his neck, he steps forward, grasping hold of my hips for support.


I smirk with a small shake of the head and a roll of the eyes.

"Oh man up." My fingers ruffle his hair through the towel, massaging his scalp in an attempt to absorb most of the water. I falter when Garys stubble rubs against my chest, but try and regain my pattern without it being noticed. Wishful thinking. I feel Gary smirk under the towel and I continue to dry his hair, this time, he moves his head from side to side, tickling me again with his stubble.


There's no answer from under the towel, but the rubbing stops and for a moment or two I'm permitted to continue my task in peace.

When Gary dips his head further, pressing a tongue flat against my nipple, I back instantly out of his hold. "Enough!" Tossing the towel next to my clothes, I can't conceal my own grin as Gary straightens. When i giggle, he frowns.


"Your hair." Grasping his shoulders, i turn him towards the mirror fixed above the chest of drawers and we both giggle in sync at the hair stood on its ends.

"Whats wrong with it?" Gary fiegns innocence, dragging a four long fingers through the damp strands and pulling them higher. "I thought i might try for hair cut of the year again?"

"Oh yeah?" I smile, raising an eyebrow and Gary nods into the mirror, his smile baring a cheesy set of white teeth. I laugh again. "Its very nice."

"Youre very nice.." He purrs back suddenly, and the atmosphere in the room shifts, along with Garys eyes as they skim my naked body through the mirror. Involuntarily, my teeth find my bottom lip as i gaze back, our eyes locking eventually, just for the smallest second before Garys spins, swiftly on the balls of his feet and catching my waist as he goes until we're staggering backwards in clumsy synchronisation towards the bed. 

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