Chapter Nineteen

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Something is tugging on my arm.


Leave me be. I want to sleep."Wakey Wakey..." Garys voice rolls around in my head as the darkness of my closed eyes lightens when the curtains are drawn back. "...Rise and shine..Come one Lib, its after twelve."
"Mm-h." I grunt in response, making a pathetic attempt to bat away the hand on my hip."Come on Libby, look, eh. Here, look, heres a glass of orange juice and your painkillers, wake up for me baby."
I try. I ty and open my eyes but i cant, i really cant. My head hurts, my stomach hurts, my ribs hurt."Gary no..."
"Libby yes..." Gary mimics my tone and gently prises the duvet away from me. "Come on baby girl"
Reluctantly, i force one eye open and gaze up at Gary. "Leave me be.""No." He grins, adjusting the pillows behind me and lifting me into a sitting position, before producing two red and white capsules and a glass of orange juice. "Hows your head?"
"Fuck off..." I breathe, because its all i can manage. We remain in silence for a few moments as i gulp down the orange juice and swallow the tablets. Eventually, Gary speaks."Why'd you do it Lib?"
"What?""Drink yourself into oblivion. Last night."
I shug quickly, lowering my gaze to the knotted fingers in my lap. "Hey, talk to me..." Gary probes lightly, rubbing his hand gently against my knee as a comforting gesture. "I dont know." I confess quickly."I dont know okay? Its just, this last week as been" I trail off as tears begin to burn my eyes.
"Hey." Gary leans forwards quickly,wrapping his strong arms around me as tightly as he can, and i realise its been so long, too long, since hes held me like this Too long since ive felt that nothing else matters, because Garys got me and hes never going to let go. Unthinkingly, i loop my arms around his shoulders, playing slightly with the short hairs at the back of his head as i bury my face against the crook of his neck.
"We're okay ye?" Gary mumbles into my "We're fine."
"Mm-h." I nod slowly in response, forcing my body to prise itself away from Garys. "I love you."
"I love you too." He smiles, leaning in to plant a quick, wet kiss against my lips before puling away, taking the duvet with him.
"Gary no!" I protest, curling into a ball on top of the mattress in order to regain some warmth.
"Eh." Gary grins as he wonders over to the other end of the room. "Come on, look at the state of you."
"Oh thanks." I grumble into my folded arms.
"Im going to run you a bath."
"Id prefer a shower."
"Im going to run you a bath." Gary repeats deadpan, however, after three years, i can notice the smirk playing on the corner of his lips.
"Thanks." Is the only response i manage before Gary disappears onto the landing and into the bathroom.

"Is it too hot?" Gary grips hold of my arms as i lower myself into the water.
"No." I shake my head with a slight smile. "No its fine."
"You sure?"
"Yes, Gary." I chuckle as i play with the white bubbles. "Stop fussing."
"I worry about you." His tone is serious as he drops down onto the floor at the side of the bath, dangling one arm over the edge and swirling the water around with his finger tips.
"I know you do." I smile again, attempting to roll onto my side, but its too sore. "Get in with me?"
"What?" Gary furrows his brow a little in an attempt to conceal the excitement fleeting across his face.
"I know you want to." I smirk, easing myself into more of an upright position to make room. "Get in with me."
"You sure?"
Rolling my eyes, i scoop up some of the bubbles from the surface of the water and blow them into Garys face with a small, childish giggle.
"Right then!" Gary laughs, and it feels like the first time in forever ive seen him without tension lining his features. "Thats it!" Standing quickly, Gary tugs at the bottom of his t-shirt and whips it over his head, letting it drop to the bathroom tiles as he moves his attentions to his jeans, unfastening them within a mili-second with this dexterous fingers and pushing them down his legs, along with his boxers. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip at the sight of him stood in front of me, before he disappears, joining me under the water.

"Fuck!" Gary hisses, holding out his arms and beckoning me towards him. "It is too hot! Why didnt you say?!"
"Its fine!" I laugh, easing myself comfortably in between his legs, his front to my back as i rest my head against his firm chest "Youre just a wimp."
"Am not!"
And i can tell hes pouting as he scoops some of the water towards us, splashing me lightly in the face before reaching for the shower fixture situated at the opposite end of the slipper bath and flicking on the taps.
"What are you doing?"
"Washing your hair."
"I can do that myself." I mutter my disapproval as Gary begins to soak my hair with the warm, silky water, tipping my head back against his chest as he combs through from root to tip."I never knew you were a hairdresser." I smirk as i close my eyes.
"Me neither."
I feel Gary shrug behind me as he reaches for the shampoo.
"Must be a nartral."
"M-mh." I sigh in agreement as Gary begins to work the shampoo into a lather, massaging my scalp with his long fingers and somehow soothing the raging hang over.
"Okay?" He breathes, and i hear the sound of the shower head springing into life again as Gary tips my head back once more and rinses away the soap and suds, leaving me feeling more fresh and awake than i have for the last week.
"Thank you." I sigh as Gary leans forward to flick off the taps.
"Im not finished."

I turn to face him as he leans forwards and takes the loofah sponge from the side of the bath and applying some overly priced shower gel.
"Im not an invilid you know." I raise an eyebrow as Gary runs the loofah down the length of one arm, holding it out with the other hand. "I can wash myself."
"I know." Gary mutters as if hes concentrating as he drops that arm back into the water and turns his attention to the other one. "But i like seeing you relax." Suddenly discarding the sponge into the water, Gary pours a dollop of shower gel into the palm of his own hand, and begins to slowly massage my neck and shoulders. Unintentionally, i groan in response as Gary works his hands down my back, before moving round my front, massaging from my chest, down over my breasts, ever so gently over my aching ribs and stopping just before he reaches the surgery wound at my stomach.
Taking the shower head one more time, Gary rinses over my body, washing away the soap and lather, before pulling out the plug and climbing out of the bath. I turn to face him just as he secures a purple towel around his waist. Shivering slights as the water disappears from around me, i make an attempt to stand, but it hurts. Shit it hurts.
"Eh." Gary frowns at my attempt to climb out of the bath myself. "Come here." Wrapping a matching purple towel around my body, Gary lifts me effortlessly to my feet and pulls me close.
"Feeling better now?" He smiles against my temple, slipping his hands down and cupping my bum.
"Mm-h." I smile back as i plant my hands against his, still wet, pecks. "Much."

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