Chapter Forty Three

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I sit with Luke, and a strong mug of black coffee, around my dining room table, sifting through an uncountable amount of papers. Its getting on for ten and we chat as we work, the reassuring gurgle from Ethans baby monitor lessening the potentially harsh silence each time we fall quiet.

"This is obscene." Luke lets out a disgruntled sigh, throwing his Biro down and watching it drown in the sea of documentation.

Nodding in agreement, my eyes slipping in and out of focus, my exhaustion gripping me, as i glance up at the clock.


Gary should be back any minute. From whatever gig hes doing tonight. Hes been out so much lately and im sick of being on my own, and so now im sat here, half asleep and working with Luke at ten past ten on a Tuesday.

"Maybe we should call it a night?" I offer, quietly eager to get Luke gone so i can go to bed, but right on cue, the baby monitor broadcasts a shrill scream from my sleeping son, preventing me from hearing my desired answer. Standing, i shake my head. "Im sorry, i better go and see to him. Ill be back in a minute."

Of course, Luke grins amiably as i scuttle out.

"Mumma!" Ethan wails again as i push his door open. "Mumma, daddy, daddy!"

"Hey baby." I whisper, flicking on the night light to reveal a tear stained face gazing up at me though the darkness. The toddler clambers to his feet as soon as he sees me, extending his arms in a gestured request to be lifted up and out of the cot. Of course, i comply, swinging him into my arms and cradling him against my chest, stroking a hand though his over-growing hair. "Whats wrong?" I whisper sympathetically, pulling back to press my lips against his forehead as i hand him 'Lizebeth, the pale blue bunny rabbit, which he grabs onto as if it were a life line. "Whats wrong, Ethe?"

His only response is to nestle his head against my neck as i sway him rhythmically, his knuckles white as he clutches 'lizebeth for dear life, occasionally pulling the toy up to his face and rubbing the velvet material against his cheek. I kiss his head again and continue to sway.

"Are you going to tell me whats wrong?" I whisper one more time, but when i get no answer, i know hes fast asleep once more. Tentatively, i lower him back down into the cot, warily avoiding pulling 'lizebeth from his grasp as i tuck him in under the fluffy blue blanket, stroking his forehead gently with my finger tips and whispering a good night kiss, before flicking off the night light and heading back to my waiting company.

"Sorry about that." I let out a breathy laugh as i rejoin Luke, who has, like an angel, arranged the mass of papers into four neat piles. I gawk momentarily. "Jesus! Thank you. Youre a star." I commend as he pulls on a cliche raincoat. Luke shrugs.

"It was no bother, thanks for having me." He grins.

"Thanks for coming." I laugh, leading him down the hall and to the front door. "What can i say? I needed the help."

Luke grins again as i pull the door open, letting in an icy blast from the night. "Any time. Ill see you tomorrow."

I smile back. "See you tomorrow Luke." Before shutting the door, running back to the settee and collapsing.

The front door clatters and Gary bursts in, mid-way through a verse of Never Forget. I sit upright on the settee, abruptly woken from my slumber as Gary continues to sing. Theres an audible fumble as he kicks off his shoes and i can tell hes had a drink. Emerging from the lounge, i greet him.

"Good night?" My voice croaks, its thick with sleep and im not even sure i can be heard over his ridiculously loud voice. But Gary stops singing suddenly and turns to face me, and element of alarm on his face and his brow pulling together when he see me, he eyes my work clothes in disapproval. "Are you still working?"

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