Chapter Forty Five

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It's too early when I wake, and cold. When I fumble in the darkness for my phone and my ears attune to the softly playing piano in the study downstairs I know I'm alone.

4:18 am


Turning the bedside lamp on I grab my robe from the end of the bed and shrug it on, tumbling sleep riddled across the landing. I stop when I arrive at the study threshold, in two minds whether or not to enter as the soft melody continues, it's a tune I recognise, but cannot place. It stops abruptly.

"Come in then."

I push the door open, forever alarmed at his astute awareness of my presence.

"How did you know I was there?" I mutter, looking anywhere but at Garys face as I make my way over to the upright piano.

"I always know you're there." Gary shifts, planting his hands on his tracksuit clad thighs and twisting on the stool to face me. I don't resist the urge to clamber onto his lap, wrapping his arms around his bare shoulders and resting my toes on the keys of the piano, producing a mangle of notes. "What are you playing?"

"Coldplay." Gary mutters back and I can tell his mind is elsewhere as his nose strokes against the back of my ear, his arms encircling both my back and stomach, cocooning me against his pleasingly toned chest.

"You okay?" I coax quietly.

I feel Gary nod against my head, but he remains silent for the next minute. His chest drops beneath my cheek on a deep breath. "You dropped that one on me didn't you?" His teeth nip my earlobe and I feel the corners of his mouth slip into a slow smile "Pass out on me after telling me youre pregnant and expect me to sleep?"

"Sorry." I smile, because i know he is too.

Garys fingers move to pull loose the belt of my robe, i dont stop him and instead sink my teeth into my bottom lip at the carnal sound of his low growl when he pushes it off of my shoulders.

"Why dont you come back to bed?" I shift to face Gary, pressing my chest into his until there is not even a fraction of air between us.

"Do you want me to come back to bed?" Gary purrs, the tips of his fingers gliding easily to the small of my naked back, leaving, as always, the inevitable trail of sparks, setting alight my flesh until I am burning from head to toe.

"I always want you in bed." Smiling, I lean in to nip Garys jaw, feeling the small rake of stubble beneath my teeth. He hums appreciatively in response, slipping his hands to the curve of my butt, hitching me closer against him.

"Do you want to grab a coffee?" Luke's head pops around my office door at half past eleven on Monday morning.

I glance briefly at the piles of binders strewn across my desk and decide a caffeine fix is definitely going to be needed.

"Sure." I stand, grabbing my bag and making for the door.

"Good Christmas?" Luke asks, throwing a chunky grey scarf around his neck as we step out into the cold. I smile, genuinely.


In ten minutes, we're in a mile long line in Starbucks, waiting contently to be served at the understaffed counter.

"Looks like everyone's had the same idea.." I mumble, studying the menu boards above our heads, Luke nods and squints further down the line.

"Oh look."

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