Chapter Forty One

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I drop down into my office chair for the first time in a year, the familiar squeak greets me, and i smile because they havent fixed it.
"Hiya Libby!" Amanda beams as she pops her red head around my door. "Its good to see you back at last!"
I laugh in response, shrugging my jacket onto the back of my chair. "Thanks Amanda, its good to see you too."
"Hows your dad?"
My smile fades. Ive come back to work to take my mind off all of that, not talk about it.
"Getting better i think." I force a tight smile to send the message loud and clear. "Thanks."
Amanda nods, "Im glad, ill let you settle in. If you need anything just give me a shout."
I smile again. "Thanks."
"Oh, but before i go," Amanda clears her throat, pushing my door open a little wider. "Ill introduce you to Luke."
A tall man with olive skin and dark, dark hair stands warmly in the doorway. "Hello, Miss O'Regan, right?"
Standing swiftly from my desk, i laugh as i make my way over to the stranger and extend a hand. "Mrs Barlow actually," I smile causally. "But just call me Libby."
Luke nods, but doesnt say anything else so Amanda butts in.
"Luke here is an apprentice, hes been here for about five months now, he did have your office but now youre back we'll have to find him somewhere else."
I shake my head. "No no, its fine. We can share. Besides, hes not going anywhere until hes tidied all of his paperwork off my desk."
Amanda and i laugh, but Lukes eyes widen in horror.
"Hey!" Still chuckling, i place a friendly hand on Lukes arm. "Im joking, im joking."
Noticeably, he relaxes and i meander back to my desk as Amanda and Luke wonder off down the corridor.

My text tone chimes as i readjust my seat and begin to fire up my computer.

new message; Gary x
ill pick you up at 5, be ready. x

I roll my eyes as i hit reply.

Recipient; Gary x
Gary, i dont finish work til half past.. xxx

Maybe he wants to take me out for dinner, although seen as we went out last night, that seems highly unlikely. Pushing the thought to one side, i begin to work.

"Hi?" An hour later Luke sticks his head around the door.
"Hey!" I grin, glad of the distraction as Luke enters the room.
"I brought food? -And some briefs that need going over too though im afraid.."
Rolling my eyes with a small giggle, i nod to the chair opposite my desk. "Some things never change- Here, it down."
Luke complies and settles down."Its a nice little room this isnt it?"
"Yeah, i like it anyway." I shrug, taking a Starbucks coffee out of its holster. "You like it here?"
Luke nods eagerly. "Oh yes, very much."
I smile at his enthusiasm, "So, whats the deal? You just finished uni?"
Luke nods again, "Pretty much yeah, ive managed to get a flat share round the corner from here so its kind of ideal for me."
"I image so." Taking my phone out of my desk draw, i agree with him. "So youre renting at the moment?"
"Yeah, thats right, cant afford to buy anything at the moment, not with all these debts. I bet youre still paying yours off right?"
Furrowing my brow as i slide open a text from Gary, i half nod. "Mmmh, yeah, just about." I dont think Luke has realised who im married to, so i save his embarrassment with an awkward smile.

new message; Gary x
ill pick you up at 5. x

I grumble under my breath, pushing the Starbucks to one side and grabbing a file from the pile Luke has dumped on the corner of the desk. Jesus this is going to take me longer than three hours.When i look up, Luke is staring apprehensively at me.
"You okay?"
I nod. "Yeah.. Yeah, i was just hoping to get off for five, but it doesnt look like thats going to happen now." Sighing, i sink my teeth into my bottom lip as i begin to read.
"Well ill help you? We'll get it done in half the time."
"Will you?" My eyes light up as i gasp, and Luke helps himself to a manuscript.

At five o'clock, we're finished. Four briefs edited and filed and three sent back to Amanda.
"Good work." I grin, setting back in my chair and stretching lazily. "We make quite the team."
Luke grins back, rising from his seat and tossing the empty food wrappers into the bin. "That we do, shall we?" He gestures towards the door and i nod encouragingly.
"It was nice meeting you." He offers a hand as we reach the front door. I shake it warmly.
"Yeah, you too. It almost makes me wish id come back five months ago." I chuckle, stepping outside into the shill wind. I groan inwardly when i see the black Audi waiting. I can just about make out Garys figure in the back. Well this is going to be embarrassing.
Dont get out of the car. I pray. Please dont get out of the car.
Too late.
The back door swings open and Gary steps out leisurely, tucking his works Blackberry into his back pocket and strolling towards us. I risk a glance across at Luke, who is stood in utter shock, jaw on the floor. Poor lad.
"Hello baby." He greets me with an unusually affectionate hug, wrapping his arms around me and stooping me backwards as he smacks his lips against mine, hard.
"Gary this is Luke." I smile through embarrassment and Luke manages to stutter a hello and extends his hand. Gary takes it, shaking it firmly and i cant help but notice that his hand swamps Lukes. Unthinkingly, i find myself biting my lip. Ive kind of missed his hands all day. Swiftly, Gary turns to face me.
"We've gotta go, baby."
I nod and turn to Luke smiling, "Ill see you tomorrow."
"Yeah," He chokes back, "See you."

"That wasn't necessary." I roll my eyes, slamming shut the car door as Gary slips into the seat next to me. His eyes widen as feigns his innocence. "What was?"
"All of this," I wave my hand about. "The chauffeur driven car, the sloppy kiss."
Gary furrows his brow, "Im an ageing pop star, of course i have a driver, ive come straight from a press release you know, Elizebeth."
I laugh loudly and hit his arm, but he catches my hand and kissed my knuckles, holding them against his mouth for a few seconds.
"And as for the sloppy greeting, ive missed you thats all."
"Right." I nod with a smile as Gary relinquishes my hand, only to place his own on my thigh, squeezing lightly.
"Its true. Who is that lad anyway?"
"Luke." I smile back. "Hes nice."
Gary pulls a less that satisfied, yeah-whatever-you-say kind of expression as his hand slides upwards, hitching up my grey pencil skirt. "Not as nice as this though, i bet..." His long index traces the lace top of my stocking. "This is very sexy."
"Stop it." I hiss, as his finger begins to trace patterns on the small amount of bare flesh, Garys eyebrow shoots into his hair as he shrugs.
"I dont see you trying to stop me?"
And my teeth sink into my bottom lip as his hand begins to creep higher.

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