Chapter Four

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"Is that you, baby?" Gary calls as i unlock the front door.
"Mu'mma!" Ethan squeals from the kitchen and i cant help but grin as i hear the patter of footsteps coming down the hallway.
"Hello baby boy!" I gasp, dropping my bag and in return lifting the toddler high into the air before puling him close to my chest and blowing a kiss against his cheek.
"Mu'mma!" Ethan squeals again, wrapping his little arms around my neck and pressing his face against my collarbone.
"Hey." I laugh, wondering through to the kitchen. "Did you miss me?"
Ethan just nods against me in response as Gary saunters over to where im standing, placing a cup of tea down infront of me.
"Thank you." I smile, leaning forwards and brushing my lips against his.
"You look exhausted." Gary smiles in response, taking a seat opposite me at the breakfast bar and i peel Ethan away from me and adjust him on my lap.
"Oh dont start." I roll my eyes slightly ad immediately regret it.
"I hope you didnt just roll your eyes at me Mrs Barlow." Gary breathes, leaning over the counter to slide Ethan his phone. Ethan gazes at it impassively for a while before picking it up with both hands and examining it steadily.
"Unlock!" The toddler holds the phone out to Gary as far as he can. "Unlock 'addy!"
"Oh dear." I smile slowly, taking a welcome sip of the tea.
"Unlock 'addy!" Ethan urges again.
"Unlock what?" Gary raises a steady eyebrow. "What do you say Ethan?"
"Pwease." Ethan states quickly, his eyes widening. "Unlock pwease 'addy."
"Good boy." Gary grins back, taking the phone and sliding it unlocked before passing it back to the toddler, who once again studies it quietly.

"Hes just woken up." Gary explains after we've both spent five minutes gazing idly at our son. "He wont be sleeping tonight."
"Fantastic." I shake my head with a smile, taking another sip of tea.
"Are you okay?"
When i look up Gary is frowning at me.
"Yea im fine." I smile, "I think ive got a cold coming, thats all."
"Ill run you a bath." He smiles in response and as he pushes himself up from the breakfast bar i catch a sneaky peak of his biceps bulging under his striped t-shirt.
"'Addy where you go?" Ethan looks up immediately.
"Im going to run Mummy a bath, shes been at work all day hasn't she?"
"No!" Ethan giggles, holding his arms out and inviting Gary to lift him up.
"Yes she has!" Gary gasps in response as he takes Ethan from me and rests him on his hip.
"Nooo, dont -be, siwlly 'addy!" Ethan grizzles again, giggling hysterically and pressing his nose against Garys chest. Neither of us can contain the laughter any longer and Ethan joins in once more as Gary carries him up the stairs towards the bathroom.


I sink slowly into the welcoming water and close my eyes as the warmth consumes my body, my muscles relaxing, calming my breathes. I frown slightly, placing my hand over my chest to monitor my racing heart as the steam circulates the bathroom. Resting my arms on either side of the bath, i attempt to pull myself a little further out of the water, but i have no energy. My fingers wont even grip the sides of the bath, let alone support my body weight. Shit. The hot steam hangs around my head, sending me delusional as i try and steady my breathing. Im hot. Too hot. Im going to pass out. I try and call Gary, but my voice comes out as a pathetic breath. Shit what is this? I was fine five minutes ago. I try and call Gary again, but its no use. Closing my eyes, im aware of my quickening heart rate. I need to get out of the bath, it too hot.
I can hear Garys voice behind me.
"Lib, baby are you okay?"
And then his arms are on my shoulders. I surrender immediately, allowing my body to drop back against his body. Hes talking to me, shouting at me, but i cant answer, i cant do anything.


"What at fuck where you playing at?!" Garys face is over mine before ive even fully opened my eyes. I squint, focusing my gaze on his face as he sits on the edge of our bed, his mouth pressed into a firm line.
"What?" I murmur quietly, my head hurts.
"I said what the fuck were you playing at Libby?!" Gary hisses again, flinging his arm to point to the ensuit. "I thought youd fucking died on me in there!"
"Calm down...." I breathe, i want to roll my eyes but i have no energy.
"Dont tell me to fucking calm down!" Gary stands up quickly, raising his voice. "I told you not to go to fucking work, i knew this would happen! I told you it was too much for you but you wouldnt fucking listen to me would you?!" He balls, flinging his phone across the room so it hits the wall with force, making me flinch. Jesus, i didnt know he felt so passionately about it.
"Wheres Ethan?.." I whisper.
"Downstairs, in his playpen, totally oblivious to the fact that his mother has just passed out upstairs because she wont take no for a fucking answer!" Gary growls at me. "Why are you being so stubborn?!"
"Its how i am Gary." I grit my teeth because its all i can manage. I need something to eat. "You knew that when you married me!"
"Dont be stupid!" He snorts in response. "Its not just you youre affecting with your stupid antics, youre pregnant Libb-"
"Dont." I butt in quickly as tears pool in my eyes. "Dont play the emotional blackmail card with me, it wont work okay?" I sniff as i pull the covers back and slip out of bed, gratefully finding that ive been dressed in my pyjamas.
"Where are you going?" Gary demands.
"To find Ethan. Is that okay with you? I forgot i needed to ask your permission."

"Dont take that tone with me." Gary growls quickly, stepping into me and grabbing my arm, forcing me back against the wall. "Youre the one thats not listened to me, youre the one thats overdone it to prove a point, youre the one thats nearly died on me just endangering your life and the life of my unborn child. I think if anyone has the right to be fucking mad right now its me Libby!" He hisses and i wince slightly as his fingers dig into what feels like my bone as he pins me against the wall. Blinking quickly, i fight back the tears before i open my mouth.
"You remember that time, that first holiday we took together? When you saw a text from Mark and you lost it on me? Told me to turn the phone off and when i said no you snatched it off me and threw it across the room before pining me against the wall like you are now, i was twelve weeks pregnant then too. Is it becoming habit?" I narrow my eyes although my voice is small. "You scared me then Gary, you scared me then and you promised me, you promised me never again." I take another breath. "And at the moment i dont feel well and youre hurting me. Let me go."
Reluctantly and with his mouth pressed into a grim line, Gary releases my arm, allowing me to turn and slip through the bedroom door with a deep breath.

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