Chapter Thirty Three

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"Libbyyyy!" Garys voice wines down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Gary grow up!" I half laugh as i begin fumbling around in the cupboards for a mixing bowl.
"Gary i said no!"
Theres silence for a little longer, and i think hes given up.

I spin quickly on my heel when i hear Ethans voice behind me. Hes stood in the threshold, half hiding behind the door frame as he gazes inquisitively at me. "Mumma, what are you doing?"
"Hello gorgeous!" I beam down, discarding the mixing bowl on the counter top and padding towards the toddler. "I was going to make a cake." I explain, swinging Ethan up onto my hip as i carry im back over to the island and perching him on the top, resting my arms either side of him.
"A cake?!" Ethans eyes widen immediately. "Cake?!"
"Yes!" Chuckling back in response i gesture towards the ingredients sprawled over the counter.
"Wow..." The toddler gazes at each one in turn, before his eyes set on the box of eggs. "Mumma?" He looks back up at me, reaching a small hand out and retrieving one from the box.
"Careful..." I warn as i go to take the egg from him, but the toddler pulls a face and cradles it against his chest. "Careful.." I smile again, "It'll break.."
"Break?" Ethans eyes widen and he hold the egg out in both hands and his eyebrows meet in the middle, just like Gary, as he studies it carefully. "Does egg go, in, the cake?"
"Mm-h." I nod with a smile, once again attempting to remove the delicate item from Ethans hands before theres an accident.
But he helps quickly in response, pulling the egg back against his body. "No! Mumma no! I do it! Me do it!"
And before i have chance to answer, the toddler is twisting his body, stretching his tiny arm as far as it will go in an attempt to place the egg into the mixing bowl.
"Ethe, carefully.." I murmur, concentrating on my grip on his leg as i pull the bowl a little closer for him. However, i cant help but watch fascinated as his mouth hangs open a little, just enough for his tongue to skim over his lips. It reminds me of Gary, and i smile slowly.

"There!" He exclaims happily as he drops the egg into the bowl with minimal damage. "All done!"
Im just about to open my mouth when Ethan throws his head back, cackling hysterically to himself as he thrashing his legs from side to side. I cant help but laugh too as the toddler proceeds to laugh his childish laugh, uncontrollably.
"Ethan whats so funny?" I coax between breathes. A small finger point in the direction of the mixing bowl in response. "Come on!" I chuckle back, lifting the toddler from the work surface and planting him back down on the floor, but i dont get another word out before Ethan has scampered off and out of the kitchen, leaving me to turn back to the baking.

I smile idly as i flick through the recipe book and its not long before i hear the familiar pad off feet nearing me. I keep my back turned, pretending i haven't noticed and as i reach forward for the scales, he strikes.
"You left me up there." Gary purrs against my ear as his arms snake around my waist, his chin resting neatly on my right shoulder. I squirm against his body, grinning wildly as i wrap my arms over his.
"I know."
"I cant believe you did that."
"Sorry..." I smirk back, twisting around to face him. Garys arms slip against my sides, resting firmly on the counter top either side of my body and effectively trapping me. "...Maybe im just getting used to you eh.."
Gary gasps. A loud and almost outraged gasp. "I dont think thats possible." The look on his face is replaced with the bastard sideways smirk and i bite my lip unconsciously in response.
"Oh." I shrug back, running my hands down his firm chest to the waistband of his running shorts. "Are you going on a run?"
"Not if youll come back to bed with me."
I cant see his expression as he lowers his face to my neck, kissing pleadingly, but i can tell by his tone of voice that hes grinning.
"Well im not doing that." I plant both of my hands either side of Garys head and pull him away from my flesh. Theres a comfortable silence for a few moment as our gazes lock. His eyes seem to be glowing as they stare through me, into my mind, into my thoughts.

"I love you." The words drop casually from Garys lips suddenly, breaking the momentary trance.
My hands run down his cheeks and land at the collar of his running shirt. I fiddle with it absentmindedly. "I love you too."
"No." Gary breathes, his arms suddenly winding theme selves around my shoulders as he takes a step closer towards me, pressing our bodies tightly together. "I really really fucking love you."
"I know you do." I manage to mumble back against the rigid collarbone. My own arms snake around Garys body, connecting my left hand to my right wrist at the base of his back to keep them there.
Garys chin is resting on the top of my head, his breaths are slow and almost hypnotic. "Do you?" He breathes. "Because sometimes i dont feel like i tell you enough."
"You do." I smile back, even though he cant see me.

Theres silence for a little longer as we stand there holding each other, and im vaguely aware of the passing time. Reluctantly, i pull away from the warmth of Garys body, dragging my hands back around, back to the collar of his t-shirt.
"Stay and bake with me?" I gaze up at him through my lashes, pouting a little as i plead the best that i can.
"You know i cant cook to save my life!" Gary throws his head back and laughs, cackling hysterically to himself and i smile again, because he reminds me of Ethan.
"Please." I tug a little on the bottom of his t-shirt. "Itll be fun..."
"Fun?" Gary scoffs, but the corners of his lips twitch into an amused grin.
"Mm-h." I nod.
"You know cooking doesnt excite me in the slightest."
Deliberately this time, my teeth sink into my bottom lip. "No.." I murmur, "But what'll come after the cooking might..."
Garys eyes widen immediately. Bingo. "You'll come back to bed with me?"
I shrug in response, "I dunno.." Smirking a little i run my hands up under his t-shirt a little, just enough to rest the palms of my hands either side of his happy trial. "We dont necessarily have to go back to bed..."
"Oh baby.." Garys lip darts over his top lip as he lowers his face to my neck once more, planting hot, wet kisses all the way up to my ear, where his teeth close quickly around my lobe and he tugs softly. "Youve got me sold..."

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