Chapter Two

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I stir awake after a good nights rest and snuggle further under the covers as i hear the unmistakable sound of Ethans hysteric laughter from down stairs. I listen as Gary says or does something i cant hear, and Ethan shrieks in delight once again. Carefully, i turn back the covers and reach for my grey track-suit bottoms, pulling them on, followed by my t-shirt before i clamber out of bed. Im still tired, exhausted in fact, it would probably be a good idea to start my maternity leave sooner rather than later, but that would satisfy Gary too much, pus i dont think id be able to cope of i didnt work, at least this way it gets me out of the house, id be stir crazy otherwie.
"Mumma!" Ethan shrieks as i pad into the black and white kitchen "'Addy look! Mumma awake!"
Gary leans into Ethan and whispers something i cant hear into his ear, and with a smile, Ethan tumbles off his lap and staggers towards me, holding his arms wide.
"Hello baby boy!" I coo, bending down to lift him up onto my hip before blowing a kiss against his cheek. "Has daddy fed you or just made a mess of the kicthen then?" I grin, looking round at the train set scattered around various corners off the room.
"Dont worry, im not totally useless." Gary rolls his eyes, flashing me his timeless lopsided smirk as he swaggers towards me and plants a wet kiss against my lip. I raise my eyebrow as i plant Ethan down between my arms on the worktop, reaching for Garys Blackberry off the side and handing to to the toddler. That should keep him occupied for at least thirty seconds.

"Will you wipe that smirk off your face please?" I mutter, but i cant wipe the smirk off my own face as i speak. "Anyone would think you got some last night."
"Oh darling," I can practically hear his grin behind me, "..I got some alright.."
"Youre awful." I shake me head in response as Ethan begins to fight to get down, i comply and drop the two year old to his feet, watching carefully as he wonders idly towards his toy chest.
"No, Mrs Barlow." Gary breathes, stepping behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Youre the awful one.."
"Oh shut up." I hiss, rolling my eyes as i turn to face him. "I wasnt doing to leave you digging into my thigh all night was i? Oh and im going into work at eleven."
"Youre doing no such fucking thing." Garys face hardens immediately. Shit this isn't good.
"Keep your voice down." I glance across at Ethan who, for the time being, is content in his own world. "I'm going and you're not stopping me Gary." I make a move past him but he grabs my arm, yanking me back against his chest.
"You're not going to work Elizebeth." Gary glares at me, his fingers flexing gently into my flesh. "End of."
"Oh spare me the lecture." I roll my eyes.
"Don't roll your eyes at me either. Look at you, you're clearly exhausted, and what about Ethan? What's he going to do?"
"Oh jeez," I raise my eyebrows. "Thanks babe, you don't look too bad yourself-"
"-Lib I didn't mean it like that-" Gary sighs, but I carry on.
"And as for Ethan, well he can go to my mums or the child-minders as usual, unless you want to stay off with him for once?"
"You know I can't do that." Gary breathes hopelessly, loosing my arm enough for me to pull away and make a move for the stairs.
"See, you seem to think you're job is so much more important than mine, well news flash Barlow, this job is the only thing I have that's actually me anymore. Okay?" With that, I turn on my heels and head for the stairs. Maybe that was a little to harsh, I can't hear Gary following me, but Ethan could have pre-occupied him.

Slumping down at the cream dressing table, I begin to viciously comb through my hair. I wasn't being unreasonable? I mean, why wouldn't I be able to work? It's my decision right? The uneasy tightness clenches my stomach as I recall the numerous disagreements Gary and I had about me working when I was pregnant with Ethan...
I glance into the mirrror as I see Gary stood uneasily in the door way.
"Hey." I half grumble in response, continuing to brush pathetically through my hair.
"You're going then?" He mutters, stepping into the room and perching on the end of the bed.
"Yes." I smile, heading for the wardrobe.
"Lib you know I didn't mean it to be like." Gary sighs, lifting himself from the bed and walking towards me. I freeze slightly as he approaches, his green eyes burning into mine.
"I'm sorry.."
"Gary." I choke, taking a step backwards. "Dont kiss me. Please don't kiss me Gary because if you do I don't stand a chance and we need to talk about this."
Gary doesn't say anything, but nods slowly, sighing and leaning back against the wardrobe.
"what is there to talk about Lib? I don't want you to go to work because I've made enough money to keep you at home, in comfort, because you're carrying my baby and I don't want anything know.. And Ethan. I want him at home because it's the best place for him. I want to look after you baby."
"Gary." I groan in frustration, resting my hand against the wardrobe. "How many times do I need to tell you I know what I'm doing and I know what I'm capable of. When it gets to much I'll stop okay? I'm eleven weeks pregnant Gary, I want to work, I need to work. I need to get out of the house, I don't want to be a housewife that's not what I am and you knew that when we got married. This is something you have to let me do. Ethan's fine with my mum, they've moved practically down the road Gary."
"Libby your dads getting worse."

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip to stop the tears as Gary refers to my fathers second stroke in three years.
"Gary." I mutter. "Don't..please."
"Baby you can't deny the facts." Gary sighs, stepping into me as tears pool in my eyes. "Don't cry baby, please don't cry, I didn't mean it like that, you know I didn't." He wraps his strong arms around me and pulls me against his chest, relaxing me instantly.
"I'm sorry." I sniff, whipping my eye with the sleeve of my dressing gown.
"No I'm sorry baby." Gary breathes, rocking me ever so slightly as he plants kisses in my hair. "I'll be back at half two, I pick Ethan up from your mums then eh?"
"Ye." I nod quickly, "I, erm, I need to get ready."
"Libby." Gary grabs my hand as I pull away.
"You know I love you don't you? More than anything else in the world?"
"I know." I smile, taking another step towards Gary and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you too."

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