Chapter Forty Six

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At 3:59, my phone chimes again.

New Message; Gary x


Or do i need to come in and fetch you?

My nose turns up instantly at his tone, after having all day to fester over the coffee shop incident, i am utterly irritated and not in the mood. Who the hell does he think he is? And what the hell have i done wrong? Deep down i know the reason, but refuse to accept the fact hed be that petty, especially after his behaviour in the coffee shop. Standing my ground, i save my documents and remain seated at my desk.

True to his word, three hundred and sixty seconds later, my office door flails open.

"Get down here." Gary stands in the threshold.

"I told you i wouldnt be finished." I smile, pretending to tap away at a blank computer screen. Taking me by surprise, Gary slams the door, grabbing my coat and bag as he storms up to my desk.

"Get your stuff, and get down stairs. Im not in the mood for your childish behaviour."

"Im not in the mood for your abhorrent tone. Whats rattled your cage?"

"Dont play dumb!" Gary leans into me, hissing the words so precisely i can almost see his tongue moving behind his teeth.

"I really think youre over reacting -again." I shrug, slipping a chewing gum between my lips and beginning to chew absent-mindedly.

"Over reacting?!" Gary chokes, making a grab for my wrist, but i pull away, standing abruptly from my desk, the bubbling fury threatening to spill any second.

"Yes. Over reacting. Your behaviour today was appalling. What the hell was it in aid of? You made Luke feel so uncomfortable, why dont you like him!" Im almost sure he growls, but it may just be the snare of his teeth when i mention Lukes name. "Youre being pathetic Gary."

"Dont you dare." He narrows his eyes, making another grab for my wrist. When i jerk away, Gary slams his fist down onto my desk, sending a shudder through the room. "Stop denying me, damn it!"

"Denying you?!" I screech, louder than i intend to and painfully aware that there are still people at work. "Do you realise how shit you made me feel today, just so you could take part in your pissing contest and you have the nerve to tell me not to deny you?!"

Gary opens his mouth but makes no noise, so i carry on.

"And what the fuck is your problem with Luke?! What has he done to you?!"

"He wants into your fucking pants for starters!"

"Oh shut up." I shake my dead with a dismissive spit and make a snatch for my bag, but Gary yanks it out of reach.

"No. You wont come down, we sort this here."

"Sort what?! All you need to do is apologise!"

Gary shuts his eyes, draws in a deep breath and for a split second i actually think hes going to; until he opens his mouth. "No." The word is only short, but icy enough to send a spike of adrenaline down my spine, rooting me to the spot.

I exhale, attempting a different approach. "Why not."

"Because he needed to know who youre married to, and you need to learn not to disrespect me."

Mentally, i count to ten, suppressing the urge to throw myself at him and thump him until my arms ache. "I am not your child Gary." My tone matches Garys, unnervingly low. "I am your wife. I will speak to you how i want, where i want and in front of who i want. I dont owe you my affection. Had we had that debate in front of any of your femal colleges you wouldnt have given a damn if id kissed you and left you breathless or puched you in the face. Stop going alpha-fucking-male on me. Does Luke threaten you or something, Gary hes like twen-"

"You always leave me breathless."

I falter, taking a moment to process the information Gary has just interrupted me with. "What?" When i stare at him, he is wide eyed and looks alomst lost.

"You always leave me breathless. Everytime you leave."

I shut my eyes. "Shut up."

"Even today, when you left Starbucks and i wanted to take you across my fucking knee, i was still breathless. Youre so brave, and brassy. Even that leaves me breathless." He smooths a hand across his eyebrows and i screw my face up, confused by the sudden change in persona.

"Are you.. feeling.. okay?"

Gary seems to pretend i havent spoken and stares at me blankly. "Just, kiss me please."


"Please?" He urges, "Please kiss me."

In a moment of callous curiosity, i decide to play it to my advantage. "First tell me what the deal is with Luke, you know theres nothing going on. Whats with the alpha-male?"

"I just...want you all to myself Libby." Gary shakes his head, pulling a face that could only suggest that he doesnt quite comprehend his own thought process. "Im greedy with you and i want you all."

I shake my head, reluctant to forgive him. "Youre ridicuolous."

"I need to know that we're okay."

"You haven't apologised."

"And I'm not going to."

"Then how are we going to be ok-"

"Fucks sake!"

My sentence is halted when Gary throws his body against mine, his lips mashing against mine, aggressive and hungry. I stumble backwards, taken aback and not strong enought to stop the assault as Garys right hand moves into my hair, tugging loose the updo until I feel the blonde curls hit the middle of my back. Gary collects them in a swoops, twisting them around his wrist until he can hold me exactly where he wants me, slanting his mouth over mine as his right hand grips hold of my thigh.

I duck my head away, but he catches my mouth with his own before I can tell him to stop, his tongue pushing against my lips util it feels too much like hard work to deny him access.

"Don't deny me Libby." He mumbles, heated and aroused as his teeth sink into my bottom lip, swelling it completely. "I don't like it."

"Don't act like an ass." I bite back, trying to pull his hand free from my hair, but he maintains his firm hold.

"Don't flirt with your colleagues." Garys eyebrow quips but his tone remains blunt. I gasp.

"I do not flirt with him!"

"I'd knock him out if I could get away with it." Gary hisses between kisses to my lips and jaw, walking me backwards until I feel the cool glass of the skyline window against my back.

"What is your problem with him?" I drop my head back, purely for the physical distance, but Garys lips are never more than an inch away from my own.

"He wants into your pants." His expression is hard, serious and arousing as hell as he stoops momentarily to hitch up my skirt, hooking two thumbs into the waist band of my underwear. "And these," He snaps the elastic, hard. "Are mine."

I stare down at Gary; angry and bewildered. But still the only phrase I can force past my lips, as Gary sinks deliciously to his knees, is "I know."

"Good." His breath is fueled against the inside of my thigh, his prior aggression still clearly palpable as his tongue darts past his lips to skim the seam of my stocking top.

I jump like a light when the door swings open.

"Shit!" Luke gasps, clearly as mortified as myself. "I'm er-er."

"N-n-no!" I yelp trying to shake off Gary and rearrange my skirt, but his grip is lead like and he remains exactly where he is, staring up at me with eyes brimming with warning.

"I'll-er-ye!" Luke slams the door shut as quickly as he'd opened it and I curse so loudly I feel the groud shake. Gary rises to his feet in an instant.

"I'm taking you home now."

Gary and Libby - Take TwoWhere stories live. Discover now