Chapter Sixteen

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I twist my fingers together as I sit silently in the hospital bed. Gary's gone to fetch Ethan, so I've been left here on my own. I groan inwardly and my ribs sing in pain in response. Ouch. Gary's been gone nearly an hour and I'm bored stiff. I want to go home. I hate it here. No-one will let me do anything, they won't even let me shower. I've been sat here, thrust up on a machine for this and a machine for that and fed the most awful food in this disgustingly uncomfortable bed and all I want to do is go home. Or at least speak to someone. Ethan. I want to see Ethan. I haven't felt his tiny arms around my neck in too long.
A sudden sickening feeling clenches my stomach suddenly. If that car had come ten seconds later I would have had Ethan in my arms too...Quickly, I shake my head, dismissing the thought from my mind and turning my attention back to pushing away my cuticles. Oh where are you Gary?

I look up quickly as I hear the movement of the heave hospital door and the all too familiar voice of a toddler.
"Mumma!!" Ethan exclaims once more, clapping the palms of his little hands together so wildly he almost topples out of Gary's firm hold.
"Hello Baby boy!" I grin, ruffling his once hair as Gary leans over to kiss me briskly on the lips, before sitting down on the bedside chair and setting Ethan on his knee.
"I missed you!" I carry on, "Have you been good for Grandma?" And I can't help but grin as I look at the two year old in front of me. God I love him so much.
"I have!" Ethan grins proudly, turning to face Gary as he uses a small finger to point at his own chest. "I've been good!"
"Good boy!" I chuckle, catching Gary's eye as he too grins at the toddler on his knee.
"My mum sends her love." Gary smiles eventually.
I simply nod in response. "Tell her thank you. I'd do it myself if I was allowed." I roll my eyes as I fished the sentence.
I don't need to look at Gary to know he's raised his eyebrow at me.
"You've been in a car accident Libby. You've had surgery. If it was up to me I'd have you in here for two weeks, not too days."
"That's because you're a cruel man." I deadpan. To which Gary throws his head back, laughing hysterically and startling Ethan in the process.
"Oh sorry mate.." Gary chuckles, placing a hand behind Ethan's back and stroking rhytmically as his face begins to redden. "Eh. It's okay look!"
"Mumma!" Ethan screws his hands into fists and then opens them again, leaking in my direction. "I wa' mummaaaa!"
"Eh." Gary's tone becomes more serious as he lowers his face to Ethan's. "If you sit in bed next to mummy, do you promise to he very good and very still? Because mummy is poorly at the moment Ethe."
I want to roll my eyes at Gary's statement, but I refrain.
"P-womise." The toddler nods quickly, gazing expectantly at Gary. 'Daddy I p-womise!"
"Good lad." Gary smiles proudly as hec reaches over and pulls the white linen duvet back a little, exposing the matching sterile white sheet, before slowly, he lowers Ethan down so he's sat next to me.

"Hello beautiful." I grin, wrapping my arm around the toddler to keep him secure on the bed, and it's as I feel the physical contact between us, I feel the overwhelming urge to cry. Shit. Not here. Not now. I'm fine. I shake my head slightly to dismiss the tears. Look, I'm fine. I've got Ethan, and Gary. Ill be fine. We'll be fine.
"Munma?" Ethan furrows his tiny brow as he attempts to clamber to his feet on the bed, resting his lips against my ear. ""
"What?" I turn towards Ethan, giggling at the feeling of his breath and the unformed words against my ear. "I can't hear you babe."
"Noooo!" Ethan groans, pressing the palms of his tiny hands against his eyes. "Noo!"
"Hey!" I giggle again, pulling his hands away. "Tell me again."
Ethan shakes his head viciously in response, crashing back down onto the bed.
"Ethan careful." Gary says warily. "Gently around mummy ye?" He pulls Ethan back into an upright position so he's once again sad beside me on the bed.
"When is Mumma come ho-me?" The toddler looks expectantly towards Gary.
"Soon." Gary smiles calmly, running his fingers though Ethan's hair. "Soon ok."

"Ye." I scoff, narrowing my gaze at Gary. "Not soon enough."
"Seriously Libby?" Gary's eyes widen in exasperation. "What do you want me to do about it?"
I shrug in response. I don't really have an argument here. "I'm going stir crazy..." I mutter as Ethan crawls to the end of the be and occupies himself with railing.
"I know Libby." Gary groans, "I know baby I do, I want you home too."
"No you didn't." Shit where did that come from?
"Jesus are you for real?" Gary sits back in the bedside chair.
"No." I shake my head quickly. "I'm sorry."
"Good." Gary grunts.

We sit in silence for what feels like hours, before I decide to lie down under the covers. However the sharp pain in my abdomen forces a small cry from my lips.
"You okay?" Gary's arms are around me immediately, pulling me against him as he adjusts the pillows behind me.
"Ye." I grunt in response. "Ye thanks."
"Here you go.." He pulls the covers back over my body, leaving his hand against my temple, his long fingers stroking back and forth.
"Mm-h." I murmur. "Sorry for being an arse."
"Hey..." Gary breathes, lowering his lips to mine. "It's okay, it's fine. I love you."
"I love you too." I mutter.
"I'm going to take Ethan back to my mums. Ill be back soon okay?"
"Come on monster." Gary groans, lifting Ethan high into the air. "Wave bye bye to mummy. She needs to sleep."
Ethan squeals in delight as Gary lowers him down so he can plant a wet kiss against my cheek.
"Bye bye Mumma, l-ove oo."

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