Chapter Twenty Three

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"Noooo!! Sillly!!!" Ethan presses the palm of a small hands to his face. "Noo 'addyy!!"
"Which one then?!" Gary grins, pointing at yet another chocolate from the box of Milk Tray.
"Wred one! Wred one!" Ethan cries, wriggling forward on the big arm chair as he sits opposite us in the bay of the Costa window. The frustration in his voice becomes evident after several failed attempts at trying to get a chocolate.
"What?" Gary smirks, moving his fore finger to point at yet another wrong chocolate. "You want this one?"
"Gary..." I chuckle softly, placing a hand on his knee as Ethans little face begins to redden.
"'Addy!!" The toddler whimpers, a single tear trickles down his chubby cheek. "Addy no."
"Hey!" Gary jump up from the chair opposite Ethan immediately in his all-too-protective manner. "Hey Ethe! Im sorry!" Swinging Ethan into the air, before pulling him close and sitting back down on the over-used brown plastic-leather settee. "Im sorry i didnt mean to make you cry mate! Look, 'ere, here it is look." Gary passes Ethan the red foil coated chocolate as he plants a kiss against his temple.
Quickly, Ethans face unfolds from its previously screwed up exasperation as he studies the chocolate hard, running the tips of his little fingers over it. I watch with a smile, sipping my latte as Ethan makes a move to put the chocolate in his mouth.
"Eh!" Gary laughs quickly, "You gotta open it monster!"
Ethans face drops once again as Gary takes the chocolate from his hands and unwraps it quickly.
"'Addyyy!!" The toddler protests, leaning forward on Garys lap to the point of nearly falling of as he outstretches little arms in an attempt to reach the chocolate.
"Jesus Christ!" Gary chuckles, placing the chocolate back in Ethans waiting hands. "Here you go!"

We both watch in awe as the two-year-old begins to much gratefully on the sweet, Gary running his fingers through his wavy blonde hair.
"Youre good with him.." I sigh happily, taking another sip of latte.
"So are you." Gary turns his face quickly to look at me, the lop-sided grin playing on his lips as it always does.
"You need some Vaseline or something on this." I murmur, reaching forward and running my thumb over the obvious cut on Garys lip.
"Mm-h." He nods in agreement. "Or maybe you should be a little more gentle."
"Do you want me to be more gentle?" I raise an eyebrow at Gary as his tongue darts quickly from corner to corner of his lips.
"No." He grins quickly. "No i dont."
"Good, im glad." I smirk in response, eyeing Ethan who is beginning to squirm in an irritable manner on Garys knee. "You know, its been a month since my operation now.."
"And whats your point?" Gary grins back at me. Jesus he knows how to play.
"You know what my point is Barlow." I narrow my gaze, necking the dregs of my latte before standing from the settee.
"Oh do i Barlow?" Gary smirks as he mimics my tone, standing swiftly and hitching Ethan up onto his knee.
"Fuck off.." I breathe with a smile as i push past Gary to move the shopping bags from the seat of Ethans push chair.
"Mrs Barlow watch your mouth." Gary grins once more as he crouches next to me. Oh, hes enjoying this.
"Why?" I giggle, lifting Ethan from Garys arms and strapping him into the pushchair. "What are you going to do about it?"
"Well..." Gary mutters as we both stand simultaneously. "Seen as its been three weeks since youre operation i guess i could punish you.."
"Mr Barlow!" I gasp with a smile, taking then handles of the push chair and heading out of the coffee shop. "Are you trying to seduce me?"
"No..." Gary smiles against my neck as he presses his body next to mine, slipping his hand into the back pocket of my jeans and squeezing gently. "Just laying down the facts baby."

"Oh dear.." I smile as Gary carries a sleeping Ethan through the front door. "I knew he was tired."
"Mm-h." Gary smiles against Ethans temple, carrying him up the stairs. "Nap time i think."
"I think so," I smile in agreement, following Gary into Ethans room as he lays the toddler down in the white bar cot, covering him lightly with the baby blue blanket before making sure 'Lizebeth is close by.
"I did mean for all of us..." Gary spins quickly, taking me by surprise as he grasps my hips.
"Oh." Is the only noise i manage to get out before Garys mouth moves to my neck, his teeth grazing my skin. "Gary.."
"Mm-h..." His lips vibrate against my now damn skin as his mouth moves up to my ear, his teeth closing slowly around my earlobe. "You were teasing me in there Libby..."
"Gary come on.." I breathe slowly, walking backwards in the direction of the door.
"Oh i am.."
I feel Garys lips twitch into a smile as his teeth still hold my earlobe. He tugs gently, slipping his hands down from my hips onto my bum before walking me backwards along the landing until we reach the bedroom.

"Are you going to say sorry?" Gary purs slowly while his hands move to the front of my jeans, his dexterous fingers unfastening them skillfully before he drops to his knees in front of me, pulling the trousers down as he goes.
"What for?.." I groan inpatiently, stepping out of the jeans, but keeping my eyes fixed on Gary at all times as he gazes up at me , his green eyes brimming with lust.
"For teasing me of course.." He purs once more, hooking his thumbs into the sides of my underwear and dragging them down to join the jeans.
I toss my head back in frustration, moving my hands to grab onto Garys shoulders when i feel his warm, damp lips on this inside of my thigh. "Nooo." I moan slowly.
"No?" Gary stands once more, grabbing the hem of my camisole on the way up and ripping it over my head.
"Mm-h mm-h." I shake my head, screwing my eyes shut as i feel his hands move around my back, before my strapless bra drops to the floor.
"Oh dear.." Gary sighs as he pulls his own t-shirt over his head. I allow my gaze to fall upon the way his six pack ripples as he moves,. Stretching to remove the t-shirt and then bending to unfasten his jeans, kicking them away eagerly.

"Go on then." Garys voice pulls me away from the day dream and i noticing him nodding to his now taught and slightly damp boxers. "Take them off."
Hungrily, i sink onto my knees, running my fingers down Garys happy trail as i go before hooking them into the elasticated waistband of his pale grey Calvin Klein boxers. Dragging them down his thighs, i release his waiting length, but as i go to open my mouth Garys arms make firm contact with my forearms, pulling me to my feet.

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