Chapter Fifty Six

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"And he just stopped calling so frequently when he was away, and-and i thought it was odd- well, i suppose i knew really, i always had an inkling, you know!?"

I nod, smiling as politely as i can muster at nine forty-five on a Monday morning, having been up since four with a teething toddler and only one mug of coffee since. I fight back a yawn, as Mrs Watts unloads the burdens of a collapsing marriage behind a handful of Kleenex, dabbing appropriately at her streaking mascara.

Mrs Watts sniffles, pulling the tissues from in front of her mouth, only to wave it in the air instead. "Im so sorry; im being silly i know.. Its just- it came as such a shock; i just didn't expect to find the two of them together like that! And to think; in our bed as well!" And then shes nose deep in the tissues once more, wailing silently, head in her hands. I wait a couple of moments before i clear my throat.

"Mrs Watts?" I urge quietly, feeling awful but conscience of this appointment running over and merging into my next. I really cant afford to be working through lunch today if i want to leave this evening with a modicum of life left. Mrs Watts appears from behind her tissues once more, snivelling again with a small shake of her head.

"Yes, yes. Sorry; i am sorry."

"Its quite alright," I assure as best i can, pulling my chair further under my desk and hoping to God that Luke will bring me a coffee within the next ten minutes. "You're not the first and i most sincerely doubt that you will be the last either, but, Mrs Watts?" I swallow, leaning closer still, not that there is anyone else in my office but feeling it better to be safe than sorry.

"Mmh?" Mrs Watts looks up from her manicured fingernails i feel sudden a pang of nostalgia as i admire her sheeny burgundy polish, and amazingly even, but obviously St.Tropez tan. I remember when i had time for that level of personal grooming and i wonder out loud if she has any children.

"Two." Mrs Watts smiles, the first genuine smile ive seen since she stepped into my office half an hour ago. "Boys. Nine and Seven." And i watch as her eyes light up, crinkling every so slightly at the corners with that maternal glow that never really fades. She brushes a strand of chestnut hair from her eyes, reaching momentarily to pin it back into her up-do, her nude lips pursing into a thin line as she concentrates on getting it just so. There is no mirror needed, but really, when do mothers have time for mirrors anyway? And suddenly, i am awash with empathy for her and it is beyond my mental capacity, solicitor or not, to understand why on earth her husband would have wanted to cheat on her anyway. And then, when i feel i have gaped for long enough, but not really long enough to be noticed, i swallow again.

"Mrs Watts, this isnt exactly professional of me, and for goodness sakes, keep this to yourself, but im not going to begin the divorce proceedings yet."

Linda Watts' jaw drops for a second before snapping back up. "Why not? I bought everything you asked." She waves a tissue clutching hand towards my desk. "My employment information, social security number, Sean's social security numbe-"

"N-n-no." I smile now, trying to put this as delicately as i can without sounding like a sleep deprived mother desperate to loose business. "I just mean-i, -i just think that maybe youre not quite ready; not that you have to be- i mean." I pause, only to clear my head and start again. "Mrs Watts, if i may be so brazen to say that, in my personal opinion, disregarding my professional one completely, i think that it may be best for you to go home and talk to Mr Watts about the situation. If i understood correctly, youve not even told him that youre filing for divorce; in fact, youve not even seen him since the incidence in question. Go home Linda, go and talk to your husband; and then, if you really are sure, come back and i wont charge you for this appointment."

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