Chapter Six

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I sit cross legged on the bed, typing away at the laptop as Gary potters about in the bathroom. Ethan is asleep after a busy morning at Nanny and Grandads whilst Gary and I went to the hospital.
"Do you want to do anything tonight?" Gary calls and i can tell by the strain in his voice hes shaving.
"What do you mean?" I mutter idly, concentrating as i type in my card details.
"Like me and you, let me take you out somewhere, we havent been anywhere for ages."
"What about Ethan, Gary?" I roll my eyes at the computer screen.
"Ill get Howard to come and babysit." Comes the reply.
"Yea, like hes going to want to come and do that." I chuckle, "Lets just stay in tonight baby."
"Too late." Gary grunts and i feel him clamber onto the bed behind me, "Because ive already organised it."
"Gaz." I sigh as his arms snake around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. "What if i dont want to go out though?"
"I know you do though."  I feel Garys smile against my neck as he lets his hands drop into my lap, my breath hitches and i squirm uncomfortably when his fingers rest against me. His smirk widens.
"Dont." I murmur, shaking my head and continuing to type at the keyboard.
"Dont what?" He kisses my earlobe and presses his fingers against me firmly this time. I bite my lip to stop the groan.
"You know what.." I sigh, turning my head slightly so i can face him. "Stop it."
"Im not doing anything!" Gary insists again, "I just want a cuddle."
"Yeah sure." I scoff, shaking my head as Garys fingers tug the string of my tracksuit bottoms undone. "Stop."

"Make me." Garys tone changes suddenly and his breath is hot against my neck as slips his hand into my underwear.
"Shit." I hiss through my teeth as he presses his thumb firmly against me.
"I cant hear you?" He smirks against my neck once more, planting hot, wet kisses against my shoulder.
"Ah." Yelping at the combined feeling of Garys teeth in my skin and his fingers at my entrance, i push my hips forward to try and create more friction.
"I thought you wanted me to stop?" He breathes, lapping his tongue over where his teeth have just been and i groan at the realisation, itll leave a mark. "Dont you want me to stop anymore Libby?"
"Youre a bastard." I push the words out as i let my head drop back against his shoulder, pushing my hips further into his hand as his thumb begins to make slow, steady circles.
"Now now." Gary chuckles slowly, his second hand gripping the side of thigh, holding me firmly as he curls his fingers inside of me.
"Please." I beg softly, moaning again, but louder this time as the warmth in my abdomen begins to spread, my muscles beginning to stiffen.
"You want me." Gary whispers satisfied as he pushes two long fingers inside of me, his thumb still making slowly, steady circles. I want to moan but i cant, instead i shut my eyes tightly. Lifting my arms, i wrap them around Garys neck, pulling his chin further onto my shoulder so his newly smooth cheek presses against mine.
"You want me dont you?" He repeats his fingers and thumb both working in unison to push me closer to my limit.
"Yes." I gasp because its all i can manage as i circle my hips slowly in time with his hand.
"Come for me Libby..."
My muscles stiffen once again and my legs begin to shake as i draw dangerously near to my orgasm, my breath hitching in my throat as i try to hold on for as long as possible, but its no use. I moan loudly, pressing my head against his shoulder as i donate around Garys fingers, his thumb presses against me firmly, prolonging the pleasure hes bringing to me, until finally he pulls away, leaving me breathless against his chest.

"Twat." I sigh after regaining some composure, i shift slightly and turn to face Gary, cupping his face in my hands. "Hmm, i like this." Smiling, i run the backs of my knuckles down his smooth cheeks and onto his lips.
"Do you?" Gary raises one eyebrow, locking his fingers at the base of my back and pulling me onto his lap.
"Yes." I smile again, lowering my lips and gently pressing them against the corner of his mouth.
"Mm-h." Gary murmurs approvingly, moving his lips so theyre under mine and kissing me quickly. "Im glad. I like to please you."
"Dont you mean pleasure?" I smirk, combing my fingers through the back of his hair.
Gary shrugs with his lopsided grin before kissing me softly again. "That too."


"You shouldn't be drinking." Gary eyebrows me as he sits across the table in his favourite Italian.
"Oh one glass of red wont hurt." I roll my eyes, setting my glass down on the table and tucking back into my risotto. "Youre drunk anyway, its a good job im driving back."
"Am not." He sniggers playfully. Oh Lord.
"Are too." I laugh, "What have you been drinking?"
"You." Gary grins from ear to ear before his face falls. "I wish."
"Youre so kinky." I drop my head with a smirk as i feel his foot run up the length of my leg.
"You love it though." His eyes green eyes dance and his face splits into yet another grin.
"Maybe." I smirk, gazing up at him through my lashes and taking another sip of wine.
"I enjoyed touching you earlier."
"Gary!" I hiss, kicking him a little less than subtly under the table as he chuckles into his wine glass. "Keep your voice down!"
"Youre very bossy Mrs Barlow." Gary tips his head to one side and regards me intently
"And youre very drunk. Come on." I gesture towards his pizza, "Eat up, maybe itll sober you up a little."
"Im not hungry." Gary pouts like a child as he cuts into another slice. "Im only hungry for you."
"Will you shut up?" I widen my eyes, aware of the waitress standing about a meter away, but i cant suppress the small giggle. "Or am i going to have to drag you out of here?"
"I like the sound of that." He smiles again, licking a lips and im not sure whether its on purpose or because hes eating. I choose to go with the latter as a red haired waitress approaches and asks if wed like anything else.

"No th-."
"Desert menu please." Gary cuts me off, sitting bolt upright in his hair as he addressed the waitress, "Thank you."
The waitress nods politely and scuttles away.
"Dessert?" I raise an eyebrow. "Seriously Gary, you wont be able to stand up by the time we leave."
"So what?" Gary leans back in the chair and gives me a carefree shrug of the shoulders. "I need to de-stress."
"De-stress?" I smirk, "Dont you usually get me to do that for you?"
"Is that an offer, Mrs Barlow?" He gasps and leans towards me, grasping my chin between his finger and thumb.
"I dont know." I shrug, "You tell me, is it?"
"I think it was." Garys nods. "And i think we should definitely leave now." He grins again, standing clumsily from the table.
"What about desert?" I enquire innocently, linking his arm as we stroll out of the restaurant.
"Oh Libby." Garys tone is hushed against my ear. "Ive got a different kind of desert planned for you baby."

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