Double digits (pt 1)

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It was two weeks after Karl's death and Jaden was excited for his tenth victim. He had been invited to Maddison Mays seventeenth party.  Of course this meant there'd be alcohol and drugs. This was not what excited Jaden though the thought of having ten people die by his hand made him squeal like a girl at a Spice Girls concert.

He'd entered the party with his friends Trish and Danny. Trish loved parties. She was always going to them with her boyfriend Jamie. She was certainly a party animal she had dresses in a short red dress with her beautiful blonde locks curled to perfection. Danny on the other hand hated parties he only showed up because Jaden persuaded him to and he only lived two doors down. He was wearing a plain blue T-shirt and a black pair of joggers.

Jaden kept thinking about number ten who could be the lucky person? He looked around at everyone they were all busy getting pissed. He turned around only to be met with the eyes of Maddison. He stepped back "uh hi" he said startled. Her eyes lit up with excitement "hey J-boy how's the party?" She asked seductivly. "It's great just trying to um take on the atmosphere" answered Jaden. Maddison sighed with relief "that's great to hear I love hanging with you". Jaden's eye brow raised slightly "we've never spoken before" he said confused. "Well not in person but I do love you I mean not love you but" she quickly changed the subject "isn't that your friend shaking in the corner" she pointed towards a scared Danny hunched into the wall. "I think I should go home sorry" Jaden apologised before walking over to his friend.

"Hey Danny" Jaden said kindly "you ok". Danny looked at his friends shaking "no" he replied. Jaden rested his hand on the back of his neck. He then told Danny to come outside with him. He swiftly followed.

"Ok what's wrong?" Jaden asked. Danny looked up at his friend. "Murderer" he stuttered. Jaden jumped back in fear. How did he know oh no I'm going to jail. Jaden thought to himself. "Wh-what do you mean Danny" he quivered. Danny stared him directly in the eyes. Jaden whimpered in discomfort. " nine people have gone missing around here six from school including Sofia and more recently Karl". He had to do something he can't go to jail. Jaden twitched he had an idea and it also meant he'd get his tenth victim. "What are you talking about?" Jaden asked. " I think" Danny shakily said "I think they are being murdered". Jaden stopped his friend "that's absurd listen why don't we go for a walk so you can calm down" said Jaden encouragingly. "No your right I am being absurd I think I'll just go home instead" Danny smiled. "I really think a walk will help" continued Jaden. "Thanks Jay but I'm just gonna head home". Danny smiled and walked away.

Jaden lost the chance at least he was safe for now anyway. He walked back into the party and looked around at all the faces. "Hey J-boy I thought you were going home" said Maddison confused. Jaden felt sick his friend could have connected him to the disappearances and all this bitch cared about was why he's not at home. He pushed past her went dizzy and fell onto the couch.

He woke up looking at the ceiling. He was lying in the couch confused. He looked around no one was there they must've all left he thought. He rolled over looking over the edge of the seat. He gasped there on the floor lay Trish she past out too. Looking at his friend sleeping there a thought came into his head.

Who better to be his tenth than his best friend.

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