Secret fun

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Leon pecked Jaden softly on the lips as he was preparing to leave. "I love you" the man gently whispered in his boys ear. "I love you too" came the reply. Jaden blushed a deep red before turning around to leave but was pulled back into Leon's strong body. The boy sighed before stating "Babe I have to go to work I love you goodbye" Jaden broke free of his lovers arms blew a kiss and ran out the door. Leon waved sadly before closing the door.

A few hours later Leon decided to go tidy up the bedroom ready for a night of passion with his soon to be fiancé. As he was tidying Jaden's writing desk he knocked over a pencil pot. "Shit" he cried as the pencils poured onto the floor. He bent down to pick them up when he saw a small crack in one of the floorboards. Leon went to brush it off when he saw a small glint come from underneath. Intrigued he carefully lifted up the old wood only to be met by a brown leather journal he untied the strap holding it together and removed the leather case. After doing so he revealed the journal with the words "MY SECRET FUN" engraved onto a gold plate in the centre.

Leon was hesitant before reaching in and removing the book. "Jaden I swear if you've been cheating on me" the man swore under his breath he had had people do it too him before and as much as he loved Jaden he wouldn't let him walk all over him. He lifted open the first page it was mostly plain with the words Jaden Penicot stamped on the centre. Just his name nothing too out of the ordinary he thought too himself. His hand cautiously lifted the page open and he read.

June 6th 2002
Today i did something unspeakable I killed a girl. She went to the party my mum threw to celebrate our new house. Her name was Emma Sultan  11. She kept bugging me and part of me ticked. So I led her too the old shed in the woods behind my house I stabbed her several times with my favourite knife. My arm got tired so i decided to just slit down her belly and pull out her large inte..

Leon stopped reading shocked at what he had just read his boyfriend the guy he sleeps with every night  the guy he cooked for the guy that he had kissed goodbye this morning had killed a little girl. After a minute of taking it in he flicked to a random page and like before read.

November 22nd 2004
Loanne Edward/17
Loanne was a whore she always wore too much make up and dressed in slutty clothing. I wanted to punish her so badly so I caught her at 11:32pm leaving a corner store. I followed her for around 10 minutes before pouncing and drugging her. She was surprisingly easy to lift up probably because she starved  herself stupid bitch. I carried her too the shed and placed her on the table. I stripped her naked as I was repulsed by the skimpy black dress she had been wearing. Id never seen a naked woman before which I wish I hadn't. I injected her in the neck to wake her up faster she freaked out naturally. She kept screaming don't rape me please too Which I replied "as if I'd want to fuck that monster". Long story short I cut of her tits and..

Again Leon stopped reading his heart was pounding against his ribcage craving for more. He flicked threw and kept reading he got to a page dated 8th March 2008 he had just got to the part where Danny woke up when he heard the front door open downstairs. "Hey honey I'm home" came the scream upstairs. Jaden was home Leon looked at the book and smiled.

"At least  he's not cheating"

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