Jingle hell

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Jaden snuggled into Leon they were both sitting on the sofa watching Home Alone on the TV. Jaden couldn't believe it was only a week before Christmas which was by far the greatest day of the year. The couple shared a laugh as Kevin set off one of his timeless traps. Leon offered to make hot chocolate for his fiancé. He came back a few minutes later with two mugs of sweet chocolatey goodness. Jaden gently took the drink from his lovers hands. Once he held the mug Leon bent down and kissed him on the forehead.
Then the doorbell rang. Jaden leapt out of his fiancés arms. "Are we expecting someone?" he asked in a panic. Leon shook his head. Jaden ushered for Leon to answer the door which he did with a grunt.

Leon could see the silhouette of a person behind the murky glass. They didn't look very tall maybe 5ft. Leon put on a fake smile and unlocked the door. He opened it to reveal a girl around 19-20. She had curly black hair that fell down at her shoulders and she held a soft smile that would make anyone feel safe. She began singing.

"Dashing through the snow
On a one horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go,
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tail ring,
making spirits bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A sleighing song tonight

Err.. jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open slei.."

She was a terrible singer and she stoped once Leon held out his hand in protest. She smiled in embarrassment. "Sorry I know I'm not very good" she apologised before digging into her pocket. Leon was confused as to what she was doing. His discomfort being tamed when she pulled out a small box wrapped in thin green paper. "What's this?" Leon smiled receiving the present. "I like to give everyone a bit of joy at Christmas so I give people little presents to make them happy." She replied. Leon smiled again and shouted for Jaden who was cowering in the other room.

Jaden walked to the door nervously only to see Leon holding a present. He quickly ran over and tore off the flesh engulfing the gift. His smile turnned into a frown when he saw the gift. It was a small book with the words. 100 ways to tie a knot. Jaden thanked the girl for the present he didn't like and readied himself to slam the door in her face. Until he changed his mind. "Would you like to come in for some Coco?" He asked welcomingly. The girl obliged gratefully and entered the house.

Once she was in she was greeted with a nice warm cup of hot chocolate. Unaware Jaden had slipped a sleeping pill in a few minutes prior. She took the drink and sipped it gracefully. She fell into a slumber after five long minutes.

Leon carried the girl upstairs like you would a sleeping child and laid her softly on the table. When she awoke she naturally screamed. Jaden replied to the scream by splashing burning coco in her face. As Jaden did this Leon prepared a jug full of hot water and created more coco. The girl cried as her face burnt slowly. Leon placed the jug on the tool desk.

Jaden ran over to it excited. He grabbed a pipette from a draw and sucked up some of the hot chocolate. He then ran over to the girl sprawled across the table. The girl locked her eyes shut in fear. It was no use as Jaden savagely ripped them open to reveal her chocolatey brown eyes. He dropped a sweet eye drop into both eyes blinding the girl. Leon continued filling two more jugs with coco. Jaden grabbed himself a jug and Leon grabbed the other pair. The couple smiled at eachother and held hands. Jaden grabbed a stapler and stapled the girls mouth permanently open. Him and his partner then poured the hot chocolate. Down the girls throat. This caused the girl to flail about like a fish whilst drowning in coco from the inside out.

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