Christmas with the killers

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Christmas Day - 2010

Jaden screamed causing Leon to jolt awake. "OMG what's wrong honey?" He panicked. Jaden laughed then slapped his partner round the face. "You plank its FUCKING Christmas I don't know about you but I'm gonna call the family over and make it the best Christmas ever." Leon smiled and prepared to kiss Jaden but was stopped when Jaden bolted out of the room. He ran down the hall into the play room and burst himself into Sabrina's house. He was about to yell "IT'S CHRISTMAS" but was stopped when Sabrina leapt out holding a knife to his neck. Obviously she pulled it away when she saw it was Jaden. She slapped him around the face for scaring her and they walked into The Playroom.

Charlotte and Clara arrived a little while later bearing presents. The group decorated the room with left overs from their victims. Intestines were wrapped around the tree like tinsel and eyeballs replaced Baubles. The star was replaced by a human skull. After decorating the room the group sat at the torture table and have each other gifts. Charlotte gave Jaden a copy of Bram Stokers: Dracula. Clara gave him The Silence of the lambs on DVD. Leon gave him a bracket made from human bone. Sabrina's gift was the nicest off all she gave him a curved blade with the edge tinted red symbolising blood. "Thank you so much Sabrina." Jaden said gawping at the amazing gift in front of him. More presents were exchanged Sabrina got a set of knives. Clara got a voodoo doll. Charlotte got a chainsaw and Leon got the heart of a victim.

After opening presents the group had Christmas dinner the usual Turkey, Roast potatoes, sprouts and Yorkshire puddings. They ate like savages tearing into the tender turkey like a knife through flesh. Jaden got up after dinner and grabbed a bag from under the tree. "What's in there?" Clara asked in wonder. "Oh this just some stuff donated by our playmates." He smiled. He poured out the contents of the bag. Each person looking through the junk seeing what they wanted. Jaden grabbed a pair off blue converse he believed will fit him. Clara grabbed a pretty necklace. Sabrina went through every wallet and purse taking whatever money she could find she got £65 in the end.

The group played games like pin the arm on the corpse and pass the stomach. It was the most fun Jaden had ever had without killing. He looked up and smiled thinking about the greatest Christmas ever. His smile turned to fear as he saw him another him standing across the room. The other him left the room. Jaden gave his friends an excuse and followed himself. He led himself to the bathroom and locked the door. On closer inspection the other him had black hair and black eyes darker than night itself. "Who are you?" Jaden asked scared. "I am the embodiment of death." Came the reply. "But you look like me." Jaden was terrified now. "Trust me if you saw what I truly looked like you'd beg me to take your life." Death giggled. "Why are you here?" Asked Jaden worried for his life. "I have come on Christmas Day to try and persuade you not to take anyone else's life it's hard work you know." The embodiment of Death lectured not amused. "You're not the first killer I have encountered but by far you are the worst." Death scorned. "You want me to stop killing?" Jaden laughed. "No I won't stop killing not till my last breath." He shouted at the creature in front of him. Death looked disappointed for a moment then a look of pure anger and hatred infiltrated his face. "Fine have it your way you pathetic psychopath but heed my warning Jaden Penicot when we meet again I will show no mercy you will be sent right down to where you belong the bottom of the fiery pits of HELL." Death vanished as quick as he came Jaden turned white as a ghost. Was death really coming for him or was he just his insanity playing tricks on him either way Jaden couldn't shake the eyes of death out of his head for the rest of Christmas Day.

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