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The detective looked at Leon with sheer disappointment. "Why Leon? You had your whole life ahead of you, why throw it away for some psycho nut job?" Leon stared into the eyes of Lilith Jean and smiled like the Grinch that stole Christmas.

"I did it because I wanted to and that psycho nut job is my husband." He smiled sarcastically. Lilith looked disappointed she wanted more than anything for this man to be freed. "Please just admit that it was Jaden that was the ring leader." Leon leaned in closer "no because he wasn't." Lilith stood up quickly. "FORGODSAKE Leon if you testify against Jaden you won't risk being executed by new law of The Queen." Leon sat back he wasn't going to send his husband to the docks not after all they've been through.

"No DI Jean I will not testify against my husband he is innocent." He crossed his arms. "INNOCENT, the man has killed over seventy known people Leon. Just pin the blame on him witnesses placed Jaden there on the night of the discovery of The Shed Killer. Jaden is The Shed Killer." Leon shook his head. "If you ask me The Shed Killer is a crap name for a serial killer, this town is crap at giving names to killers. The Graveside Slasher, The Shed Killer oh no look out here comes The Killer Cat. What's that I see over there, that's right it's the Sickly Six. That's the crappiest crap I ever laid crap on." Lilith looked at him in bewilderment. "Have you no remorse? Killers don't deserve decent names they are dirt, mud and what did The Queen call you vermin. They are the crap of society that needs to be stumped out."
Leon laughed maniacally. "Oh please you're just bitter that you spent so long looking for a serial killer when they were right under your nose Lily."

Lilith looked on in shame. "Don't do it" she pleaded. "Why not Lily? Do you not want the world to know your little secret?" Lilith boiled with anger "Leon don't you fucking dare" Leon laughed "oh come on it's ok no one will mind that.." he paused sadistically. "Leon please" Lilith begged looking for some kind of humanity within the man. "No one will care that.." he paused again as if he were about to sneeze before blurting out in front of the whole room.

"DI LILITH JEAN IS THE OLDER SISTER OF THE RINGLEADER OF THE SICKLY SIX.. LEON JEAN" he laughed at the reaction of everyone around him. Everyone in the room was in utter disbelief and shock. All eyes turned to DI Jean. Lilith almost cried but she held it in. She simply stood up and said "Leon Jean you are no longer my brother, not only have you been accountable for the death of over sixty people but you are accountable for the loss of my job and my lively hood. I hope you're happy rotting in jail." Lilith turned around avoiding the eyes of who once was her brother. "Oh I am Lily I am"

The evil laughs of Leon Jean followed Lilith as she left the building, got in her car and headed as far away from the prison as possible.

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