A killer reunion

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8th August 2005
Clara, Charlotte and Jaden walked into the canteen laughing about random stuff they found funny. Clara got the trio a table as Jaden went up to grab some lasagne. Once Clara and Charlotte were settled Charlotte pulled a news article out of her bag. "What's that?" Clara asked confused. "This" Charlotte started "this is our good friend Jaden" she pointed at The Shed Killer article. "How can you be so sure it's him?" Clara asked sceptically. Charlotte smiled "I don't but we'll find out soon enough."

26th November 2010
Leon held onto his fiancé like his life depended on it. Jaden wriggled trying to escape his grip. "Babe" he groaned. "There's someone at the door" he wriggled harder. "It's 10pm what could someone possibly want" Leon argued. "Let me bloody go answer the door" he squirmed. "Nooo stay with me." Jaden finally slivered out of the grip and ran to the door.

Jaden brushed himself off to look presentable before opening the door slowly. "Hey" Clara chimed happily "no time to talk" Charlotte pushed past Jaden and into the house followed swiftly by her friend. "Oh please do come in" Jaden muttered under his breath.

8th August 2005
"We'll find out soon enough ."  Charlotte smiled hopefully. Clara nodded in agreement. "Wait how will we do that?" She asked confused. Charlotte rolled her eyes like it was obvious. "With this" she pulled out a tiny glass bottle with liquid inside. "We're going to splash water on him?" Clara asked. "No idiot it's snake venom we're gonna kill his dorm buddy." She laughed quietly. "Why do we need to kill his dorm buddy?" "Why do you always ask questions, we'll poison them as a test for Jaden." Clara was intrigued now. "If Jaden is not the killer he'll panic and tell someone however if he is the killer..." "his killer instincts will come out and he'll hide the body" Clara finished Charlotte's sentence.

26th November 2010
Jaden was still confused as to why his old friends had payed him a visit at 10pm. "Why are you her...?" "Ask no questions there is a guy in the boot of my car I was hoping you'd help me end his waste of a life." Charlotte replied without hesitation. Jaden's jaw dropped. At that moment Sabrina came rushing down the stairs followed quickly by Leon. "What's going on babe?" Leon asked looking suspiciously at the two girls. "Oh please it's obvious" Sabrina cut in "these two girls have whacked a guy round the head with a bottle and stuck him in their boot ready to kill him with us" she paused "I love it." Everyone looked shocked "and breath" Jaden told Sabrina. Charlotte smiled "see Clara this girl gets it come on our kills getting cold."

Leon carried the guy upstairs, striped him and tied him to the table. The five stood around the table smiling. "Ok so this is what we do" Sabrina addressed the group "we each grab one toy and take it in turns to cause pain and suffering too.." she looked over at Charlotte "his names Jack" she answered getting the prompt. "Jack" Sabrina smiled. They all walked  over to the tool table near the entrance to Jaden and Leon's house.

Sabrina grabbed a potato peeler.
Jaden grabbed a knife.
Leon grabbed a hack saw.
Charlotte grabbed a hammer.
And Clara grabbed a pot of nails.

They all locked eyes with eachother and smiled. Jack woke up groggily he was about to speak when Jaden locked lips with his silencing him. He tore his lips away from his and smiled "shhh the more you speak the more it will hurt" Jaden teased evilly "we wouldn't want this pretty face to go to waste now would we" Jaden caressed his victims cleanly shaved face with the back of his hand. He looked over and nodded at Leon.

Leon grabbed the hack saw and placed the jagged edge against Jack's genitals. Jack went to scream but Jaden quickly silenced him by cutting out his tongue. He then looked into the boys hazel eyes as Leon hacked off his privates. The group watched on relishing in Jack's obvious discomfort. Leon smiled holding his prize.

Clara and Charlotte both walked over to Jack now holding the hammer and nails respectively. Clara hovered a nail over the boys right nipple allowing the tip to softly touch the tip. Jack shock his head protesting trying to scream but instead coughing up blood. Charlotte laughed "what's that did you say something?" She taunted. Then without hesitation she smashed the hammer against the nail hammering it into the nipple. The tip just tapping his lung causing deep discomfort as he breathed. The pair repeated this with his other nipple. Causing even more discomfort.

Sabrina was up next and she was so excited. She smiled at Jack. Then she pushed the potato peeler into the skin of his leg and pushed down. Sliding the skin off nice and painfully. She did this twenty times on each leg laughing with each skin flap she received. Jack passed out with exhaustion. Tears streaming down his face. Jaden gently wiped them off and smiled down at Jack. He gave the boy a peck on the cheek and stared into his eyes as he guided the knife across his neck. Once Jack was dead everyone cheered at their  accomplishments.
"I can't wait for next time" Clara laughed.

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