Look at this

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The bench felt uncomfortable. She didn't know why perhaps it was because it was uneven. No that's not right she thought. She looked to the boy sitting next to her and a shiver went up her spine. He was a small guy around 5'6 with light blonde hair and pale skin. His eyes were a mint green she could just about see them through his thick glasses.

Although she felt uncomfortable by him she stayed quite and carried on reading. "What you reading" came a voice in her ear. She swallowed before saying "the wind in the willows. The boy nodded "what part are you on?" He asked. "The part where Badger is talki..." She was quickly cut off and everything went dark.

Her light brown eyes opened as the little light leaked in. She tilted her head up to see a boy and a girl looking down at her. "Hey there" said the girl. She had long brown hair that fell over her shoulder. The girl couldn't talk something was stopping her. A tear fell down her cheek as she felt the pain get worse. The other girl scorned at her "well you don't need to be so rude". She then walked off to the other side of the long dark room.

A few moments later the girl returned with a mirror. The river of tears rushed down her swollen cheeks. In the mirror was her she had an open mouth held open by two metal stick things. She could see her teeth clenched together in pain. "Calm down" came the boys voice. "My names Jaden and this is my friend Sabrina" he continued. "What's your name". The girl shook in fear scared of what these monsters might do she forced her mouth open wincing in pain. "Ssss" she stuttered "ssssaawee" she cried. Sabrina giggled "well hello Sawee". Jaden nudged her shoulder "I think she means Sally". "I was trying to make a joke damnit". Jaden backed away slowly "sorry" he said.

Sally tried her best to release herself from this torture. Sabrina turned towards her "woah what do you think you're doing" she asked bitterly. "Jaden knives now" she held her hand out waiting. Jaden walked towards the knife table and grabbed one long thin one. He carried it over to Sally who shook in fear. He giggled as Sabrina furrowed her brows. He turned to pass her the knife but just before the exchange the boy turned in his heels and stabbed it into Sally's right eye.

Sabrina jumped back in shock before smiling. She was impressed. Sally screamed out in agony tearing her lips free from the metal. This caused her to scream even more. The blade twisted in the socket there was a small pop as the eye was freed. Sabrina grabbed the knife from Jaden's grip. She waved it around showing off the eyeball. Sally went pale she stared at the eye her lips were sore and bleeding.

Sabrina twirled the eye around in circles slowly making sure Sally saw it. She crouched down to the scared girl. "Open wide" she smirked. She grabbed the girls jaw and forced it open before shoving the eye into the girls blistering mouth. A small squeal escaped Sally's lips.

Sally fought hard not to bite down on her eye. Sabrina was impatient "eat the stupid eye Sally or I'll force it down your throat" came the vicious voice. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" came the piercing scream of the girl as she spat the eye at Sabrina. Jaden stood stunned he had never had anyone react like this before instinctively he lunged at the girl. Sally screamed as her hair was gripped in the boys fingers. He grabbed the knife and forced it into the girls beating heart before getting covered in the red sticky liquid.

Sabrina stared in silence she hadn't been expecting this her kill had been taken from her she had to do something.

The Boy That TwitchedWhere stories live. Discover now