The Party

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The year was 2002. Jaden was thirteen now so practically a teenager. He did normal teen things he stayed inside played his play station. He went out with some friends down the park like most kids. Why not, nothing good ever happened at home anyway. Apart from today. Today was different. Jaden's parents were throwing a house party for their neighbors. The once poor family had managed to win a lot of money from scratch cards and had bought a house on the edge of the town.

Jaden was playing a game on his PlayStation before he was inturupted by his younger sister Tara. "Mamma wants you downstairs" she sad happily. "I'm busy" came Jaden's reply still playing his game. Tara waited by his door with her hands on her hips disapprovingly. Jaden turned his head to see her. He let out a little moan before saying. "Fine I'll be down in a minute". "No NOW" came his sisters young voice. Jaden got up from his chair and barged past his sister on his way out his room. Before proceeding down the stairs.

Once down Jaden was greeted by his mother "Jaden dear" she said in a unconvincing sweet tone "won't you join the party". Jaden looked around to see a room full of people from around the neighborhood. Amongst them were some people from school he recognized one of them to be Sabrina a strange person much like himself. He turned to look at his mum who was still smiling falsely. "I don't feel like socialising" he said bitterly. His mum was taking none of it. "listen here you little brat your gonna find someone in this room and your gonna socialise" she screamed quietly. Jaden sighed and walked over to a girl who couldn't have been older than eleven. "Hello" he said loud enough for his mother to hear. He got a quick reply "hello I'm Emma I'm eleven I live on the other side of town with my family what's your name". Jaden was already annoyed "Jaden" he said as calmly as possible "oh hi Jason nice to meet you I'm Emma I'm eleven from" Jaden stopped her "the other side of town I know and my names not Jason its Jaden". "Oh I'm really sorry they sound very similar like cake and bake" came Emma's reply. Jaden no longer knew what this girl was saying nor did he care,  he had to get rid of her. Suddenly he thought of a way. "Hey Emma" he said kindly "how would you like too see something". Emma raised her eyebrow questioningly. "What sort of thing?" she asked curiously. "Just follow me" said Jaden excitingly.

A few minutes later Jaden and Emma had found themselves by a small shed in the woods behind Jaden's home. Emma felt a cold tingle climb up her spine. "We're here" said Jaden cheerfully. Emma took a step back. Jaden looked at her in annoyance. " what's wrong little girl" he said patronisingly. Emma shivered "nothing" came her shaking voice. Jaden's eye twitched and he grabbed the girls arm shoving her in the shed. She screamed as Jaden pinned her to the wooden wall with one hand covering her mouth to stop her screams. The girls blue eyes searched around the room there was nothing just four wooden walls and a window. Jaden produced a knife from his left pocket and waved the sharp edge in front of the girls face. A tear rolled down her cheek. "Congratulations your my first I've waited for this for a long time" came a sinister voice. Jaden bent down so the girl could see his face. She was now looking into the green eyes of a madman. Emma felt a sharp pain in her stomach and watched as the man pulled her large intestine out in front of her face. She felt dizzy. Emma lost her vision the last thing she felt was the cold slimy intestine wrapping round her neck.

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