Hide and seek

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The dusty grey haired man stared at the woman opening the door. "Come in" he said with an ounce of authority. This was a man who had faced many evils in his time of being Chief Constable at Dorset County Constabulary. No Evil however prepared him for such evils as The Shed Killer. This person was a cruel benevolent beast who needed to be brought down.

"Eleven years" Chief Constable John Ioho said with a fierce snare. "Pardon Sir?" Lilith Jean asked taken aback. "It has been eleven years since the bodies in the shed were discovered." Lilith went to pull up a chair from the side of the room but the man put his hand up to stop her. No she would have to stand for this encounter. "Eleven god damn f*cking years and yet where is the murderous psychopath responsible?" The man leaned back in his chair constantly throwing his arms about in anger. "Well where is he?" The man leaned in to get closer to DI Jean. "Um he's not been caught Sir." Lilith looked down with defeat this could cost her her job. "Exactlamotherf*ckerlutly" the man shouted with an uncomfortable sternness. Lilith accidentally giggled at the made up word.

"Oh you think this is funny?" Lilith shock her head in defence. "This isn't a game of f*cking Hide and Seek DI Jean this is a threat to society who YOU haven't put behind bars yet." CC John Ioho was having none of it. This was not just the biggest case in Dorset County, but if it has escalated this would be the biggest case in the whole country and he wasn't going to allow this woman in front of him to screw things up. "You have no leads, nothing?is that correct?" Lilith looked the man directly in his silvery grey eyes. "Sir with all due respect we have a witness statement from both Miss Thomas and Mr Walters.." she was stopped. "Yes that's correct I remember vividly the statement had lacked severe detail and where our are witnesses now? Oh that's right they were killed in a godforsaken car accident. Which the other car was not seen on the scene. Two witnesses who were found mangled at the site of the wreckage." The man pushed. "That was just a very horrible coincidence Sir" Lilith defended. "Oh really do you not think the killer would have wanted to tie up some lose ends? They had a daughter you know a baby who was left in the custody of her Grandmother. Where are they? Oh that's right missing much like the seventy plus people from this County. Seventy f*cking people don't just go missing. There are missing persons posters on every lamppost and telephone pole. The whole country is shaken up by the news of a serial killer in their midst."

"I'm sorry Sir, I really am but I'll find the people responsible for this." Lilith tried reassuring the man. "Just give me two weeks and I'll find something big me and my team are always looking." The woman was pleading now to keep her job. "DI Jean you have ONE week not TWO and in that seven days you will find me a f*cking serial killer or I can no longer afford to have a failure on my force. Do you understand?" Lilith nodded "yes Sir". "Good then get out of my site" the man shoed her away with his hand looking down at his paperwork.

"I will find the people responsible I have to" Lilith told herself but could she really solve such a big case in one week?

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