Buzz kill

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"And these two girls you should have seen them.." Leon was finishing the story about the honeymoon he'd got back from last night with Jaden. Sabrina stood slightly further back than Clara, Charlotte and Luna. She was debating on whether or not to bring up the fact Luna had been kidnapped whilst they were away on their honeymoon enjoying the sun. So she stayed quiet. "That's a great idea" Charlotte laughed "Don't you think Sabrina?" Suddenly all ten eyes were pointed at Sabrina. Caught unaware she nodded and agreed allowing everyone to relax a little.

That afternoon everyone had gone to a secluded field in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. Sabrina had finally realised that they were going on a group killing together and that Luna was the hunter for the victim.

"Now Luna" Leon said bending down to talk to his adoptive daughter. "I want you to pick anybody you like, man or woman." Luna smiled at the man and pointed to a dog walker near by. He was a tall man couldn't be no older than thirty-three. His dog was a beautiful German Shepard. Seeing the dog instantly lit Sabrina's eyes up. Everyone looked around at eachother trying to gain confirmation. Sabrina shook her head making her pony tail swish side to side. "No we can't kill him sweetie he's got a doggy and as much as I would really like to have the dog for myself. It's not fair as he would have grown to love his owner." Everyone looked at Sabrina in shock. She, the most brutal of all of them had turned down a kill. "Ah come on Sabrina don't be such a Buzz Kill" Leon stated. "Yeah don't be a Debbie Downer" Charlotte laughed.

Eventually all parties agreed on finding someone else even if it was to a Luna's disappointment. They all settled on a kayaker nearby on the water next to the field. The group were behind a shelter of woodland a small patch of land. Out of the way. They could see the occasional dog walker but they could not see them. The only person around was the kayaker a young man in his early twenties. Jaden thought he was sexy he had a nice build not to skinny and not to muscular. He got the same feeling he did with Harry all that time ago. The sun bounced of the man's face causing it to glow beautifully. Yes he would make the perfect kill.

The group called the man over to help them with "a issue with their tent". The man introduced himself as Toni Warren, 21 from Middlesex. He had come to Dorset for a holiday. It was the middle of summer and the sun was out why not. When the man asked where the tent was the group plunged on him. Pinning  him to the soft earthy ground.   Toni screamed and squirmed but it was no use he wasn't escaping these murderers. The group lifted him up and Sabrina held him upright an arm around his body and a hand over his mouth. Of course he wriggled but that was no match for Sabrina.

The other people in the group gathered around and each took it in turns punching, kicking and throwing rocks at Mr Warren. Five minutes later he was hardly recognisable with a swollen eye and broken nose. Sabrina let go of the man and he fell to the ground with a thump. "Why me?" He wheezed in pain. "I'm not black or disabled or a faggot, I'm just a man" he cried each word caused him more pain. Perhaps he'd damaged a lung? "It was a simple case of wrong place, wrong time" Leon shrugged. "But now you've gone and used the f word, we have a reason to kill your homophobic arse." He fringes like an evil clown.

Sabrina knew exactly how to kill this man in style. After Leon told him to stand up she took her chance. She whispered inaudibly with a voice not of her own.

"From water come the monster within. From water come pull this man in. From water come and take your prey. From water come to take this man who hate gay"

The water bubbled and splashed. The group looked over in complete shock as what looked like a giant snake slithered out of the water. Toni tried to scream but he has no voice left. The serpent coiled around its prey and squeezed him to death. Toni's lifeless body was devoured whole before the serpent slithered back into the water.

Jaden and Leon looked at eachother in shock. Sabrina and Luna looked at eachother both knowing what had happened.

"What was that?" Clara asked in shock.
"I don't know but that was awesome" Charlotte replied.

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