Where you belong

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The room was dark very dark almost pitch black. He had no idea how he arrived there he recalled nothing. A man stood on the other side of the room it was a man he recognised too well. It was Death.

"Welcome Jaden Antonio Jean, I warned you of what would happen if you ever killed again and now you're hear." Death spoke with such viciousness. His voice husky and cruel. Jaden had heard the phrase "do not fear Death he is your friend." Jaden knew that was a lie, to him at least Death was not his friend. "Where am I?" Jaden asked shivering from the sight of the being. Death sighed. The kind of sigh you sigh not when you're bored but when you are fed up. "You are where you belong Jaden." Jaden frowned and looked up from staring at his feet avoiding Deaths judgmental gaze. "Hell?" Jaden asked believing he was stating the obvious. Death's face was unreadable if you could call it a face. By now Jaden knew Death was just copying and pasting his face onto his own and tweaking it a little to make it seem darker.

"No Jaden you're not in Hell. Not yet atleast." The man looked confused how could he not be in Hell? Death had claimed he was where he belonged. Death read the man's expression well. "You are in stage three of what I like to call the death process." Jaden still didn't understand. Death sighed. "Right so there are four stages of the death process. Stage one is obviously dying, stage two is soul reaping, stage three is judgement and stage four is the afterlife." Death smiled thinking as if he'd explained it clear enough. "The afterlife is shaped around the persons belief systems. If they were a satanist in life and they mainly did good deeds then they get to spend eternity in the company of Satan as one of his friends. Like Hell is their heaven." Jaden nodded in understanding. "If you did bad in life all your bad deeds are forced onto you." Jaden looked at Death who was now grinning benevolently. "Oh shit" the man looked at Death in horror.

"Unfortunately Jaden I have to read out every bad deed you have done from your book." Death sighed again. (He did a lot of sighing for something that shouldn't be able to breath) "my book?" Jaden asked confused. "For god sake or Allahs sake or whatever you believe ins sake, your book is a book detailing every single little detail of your life from birth to death. Each chapter is a year and each page is a day." Death explained hastily. "Let's start from the first bad deed you did." Jaden looked down ashamed. "On The eighteenth of July nineteen ninety-nine you tore the legs off of a beetle. As punishment for this act you will have your legs torn off by a giant beetle." Death smiled. This carried on for a while Death would read out a bad thing Jaden had done and tell him his punishment.

After Death was a tenth of the way through, the room Jaden was him began to fade out. Death looked at Jaden with both fear and anger. "No not you, you can't go now." He screamed as Jaden disappeared.

Jaden woke up screaming. He immediately grabbed for his back checking the stab wound was still there. It was but it was no longer bleeding. The man ran around in a circle until his eyes stopped on Sabrina who stood in front of him smirking.

"I just brought you back from the dead, you're welcome"

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