A great patnership

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He sat alone on the floor of his bedroom the fluffy blue carpet gently hugged his bare toes. A small tear rolled down his smooth cheek. This was the best thing that had ever happened to him so why did he feel bad. Sabrina had explained about the time she had killed Amanda with a baseball bat from her mother. What a gift he thought what person would give there daughter a baseball bat. He was interrupted by the door slowly creaking open.

"Jaden" came Sabrina's calm voice. "Are you ok" she asked worryingly as she saw him sitting against the wall in his pyjamas. She walked over to him and slumped herself slowly onto the ground next to him. "I know this is new to you, I mean before now you'd only ever worked alone" she turned her head so it was now facing the side of his. "Do you know what they're calling you?" She asked excitingly. Jaden raised his eyebrow questioningly they have him a name he thought to himself. He turned his head facing hers "no what?" He asked calmly. Sabrina nudged his shoulder with her elbow. "They call you the shed killer" she said with a childish excitement.

Jaden was slightly disappointed, is that it he thought to himself. The shed killer wasn't as exciting as names like Jack the Ripper or the Zodiac killer. But then again they had chosen there names Jaden had no choice over his he was the shed killer whether he liked it or not. "What's up" asked Sabrina sensing her friends disappointment. Jaden turned his face away from her before replying with "nothing they could've come up with a better name". Sabrina gave a slight giggle "what like the psycho shed killer". Jaden cringed he hated that word so much but deep down he knew she was right.

"Sorry" Sabrina said "I forgot you don't like that word". Jaden looked down towards his bare feet he began to sob quietly. Sabrina gazed at him with sadness in her eyes. She felt like she needed to protect Jaden he was like her little brother and she was the only thing guaranteeing he doesn't get caught. It was a hard patnership yet it seemed to work well it was 12:1 kills. He'd killed a dozen shed killed a single lone person. She had found out about a couple of his kills Jaden had told stories of him killing a girl named Gemma and a guy named Lewis. She remembered Gemma was his third victim and Lewis was his sixth. She was fascinated with his kills so much so she couldn't wait to kill someone herself.

Jaden wiped his green eye with his arm before asking Sabrina "so who do you want to kill and how?" As if to confuse him Sabrina answered the latter first "with acid and I want to kill Leo" she replied. "Why Leo" came Jaden's response Leo was his friend. Sabrina explained how she didn't have a reason but for some reason just wanted him dead. Jaden nodded his head in understanding. He had only ever killed by himself and now he had to share between himself and Sabrina. It had been just under a month since they joined forces and they still hadn't killed someone yet. So Jaden slowly lifted himself off the floor ready to find Leo and let Sabrina take his life.

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