It's a girl

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Rouchelle crushed her lovers hand turning his beautiful bronze skin into a blistering purple and red colour. Ashley bit his lip he couldn't seem weak in front of his fiancé. The nurse tried his best to calm Rouchelle down as she experienced the pain of childbirth for the first time. If she had known it would be this painful she would have made Ash wear protection.

A few hours later and Rouchelle lay asleep with her little gitl tucked softly in her arms. Her lover walked over to his two favourite girls and brushed a piece of Rouchelles soft red hair out of her eyes. He sat there for a good five minutes before drifting of himself.

2 weeks later
"I can't believe we still haven't decided on a name yet" Rouchelle stated under her breath. "It will come in time honey I promise" her fiancé comforted. The tv flickered on at the touch of Ashley's finger and they were greeted with the news flickering on the box. On the screen the couple could see a woman with short brown hair being interviewed by news reporters.

Reporter: "So DI Jean have you had any luck in solving the case of the shed killer?"
DI Jean: " we have one lead which we are following we believe the killer is a man in his early twenties."
Reporter: "Is he working alone?"
DI Jean: "So far we only have a slight description of the male it is more than likely he isn't on his own"
Reporter: "Is there any possibility the disappearances of late are connected to the killings?"
DI Jean: "We can't take any chances"
Reporter: "If they are connected then is anyone safe?"
DI Jean: "I wouldn't worry Patricia we will find the killer/s and the victims will get justice in the mean time don't walk outside without someone and lock your windows and doors."

Ashley turned off the Tv and looked back at his fiancé who was trembling with fear. Seeing her like this made him sick they should be worrying about baby names not a serial killer. "What if he wants us?" Rouchelles pale skin turned paler at the thought. Ashley grabbed his lovers hand. "How can he want us he doesn't know where we are he's probably forgotten we exist" he comforted. "Yeah but still we stopped him from killing someone she died of a heart attack Ash" she sobbed "hey don't think like that honey soon they will find that lunatic and look him up for life" he promised.

"Lunatic" Rouchelle repeated. "Yeah" Ashley replied. "Luna" Rouchelle smiled looking down at the little sleeping girl in her arms. Ashley followed her eyes to his daughter and smiled "Luna is perfect" he stated and gave his fiancé a smile before kissing Luna on the forehead.

Luna's scrunched up eyes pushed themselves open revealing her soft blue eyes underneath. She made a small yawn to the pleasure of her parents.

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