Freedom comes with a price

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The victory of freedom was short lived when all four of the murderers woke up in chains on the floor. Clara was the first to wake up. "What on Earth?" She asked confused. Out of the dark came Lilith she had a sinister smile on her face. Clara looked around in shock. Trying ever so hard to recount the events up to now. She couldn't, how could she? It was all gone just an empty black spot in her memory.

Luna woke up next fear obvious in her eyes. She screamed which awoke both Leon and Sabrina. All four had no idea how they ended up at the feet of Lilith. Leon looked up at his sister. "How did you do this Lilith?" He asked genuinely intrigued. His sister laughed darkly. To dark for her. "Oh Leon I didn't do this you did." Leon was not impressed "don't fuck around with me Lil, how did you get us here?" Lilith shrugged her shoulders. Did she genuinely not know how they got there? Or was she playing with their minds? All these thoughts turned in Leon's head. Him, Sabrina, Clara and Luna all stared at the woman awaiting confirmation on which question.

Lilith gave in after a while and laughed. "Relax I'm not going to hurt any of you" Leon raised his eyebrow. "But I am going to slaughter my brother in law as he sits all snug in his straight jacket. Leon jumped out at his sister only to be pulled back by his chains. "YOU DON'T TOUCH MY HUSBAND" he screamed with all his might. Lilith jumped back in fear.  She raised her hands to either side of her head. "Wow I touched a nerve."

Lilith rambled on for a while. During this long speech about why Lilith was gonna kill Jaden Blah blah blah. Sabrina and Luna were plotting an escape. Sabrina had already removed Luna's shackles using magic allowing the girl to free Clara. After Clara was free she jumped up and kicked Lilith to the ground. Luna got up and went to unshackle Sabrina and Leon when she was interrupted with a BANG. The little girl immediately turned around to see Clara on the floor holding her leg. "You have a gun?" Leon said in shock. Lilith smiled she was still holding the hand gun in her hand. "Not another move or next time it'll be in the head." She warned. Sabrina used all her power to unshackle herself it had been tiring enough freeing Luna. After she succeeded everybody in the room stared at her in shock except for Luna. Who everyone assumed was small enough to squeeze out of her chains or Lilith didn't put them on as tight as she was only a child.

Once Lilith was distracted Luna grabbed Clara's hand and the pair ran and limped out of the cave and ran out to freedom. Lilith chased after them whilst being chased by Leon and Sabrina. Lilith pulled out her gun and pulled the trigger, the bullet flew threw the air and went straight through Clara's head. Causing the girl to fall down dead. Luna panicked and started walking backwards in fright. She tripped over a log on the ground and fell backwards sharply. The force of her back bending at such an angle snapped the girls spine and she also died a couple of feet from Clara.

Sabrina and Leon were distraught. Leon wrestled the gun from his sister it was reminiscent of a brother wrestling the TV remote from his sister. After he got the gun he pointed it directly at his sisters head. "You killed my family, you are no longer my sister." Lilith shock in fear until BANG she could no longer shake no more. Leon and Sabrina walked over to Luna and Clara lifted them up and buried them in a nice part of the woods.
"R.I.P Luna and Clara" they both said together.

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