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Kia's POV: The next day, Blade asked,"Is that a birthmark?" He pointed to my cheek that has a mark that is in the shape of a key. I was about to explain when Chi did it for me. She said" Kia is the keeper of the assassins, I'm the Warrior of the assassins and Ender is the sorcerer of the assassins. That mark on Kia's cheek is a mark that you have when you are chosen to be that rank. Trust me, Kia has the hardest and easiest one. Nobody fights for his title and Ender and I are always having challengers for our title. Kia's is special for it is connect to... Sorry but Kia or anyone in the assassins clan can't talk about it until we know that the war is 100% over." Master looked like he wanted to know more. Master Blade only gave me his name and things to do. He is said to be a cold-hearted person. I can't really say anything about that, but when I do something good he pets my ears or something like that. He's not that bad. I wish I wasn't on duty because then I would be able to talk to him. Our leader told us to stay out of trouble and to not give loads of information that is fragile to them. You see we live beside a gate, that leads into Tartarus,since I'm a keeper I always feel when someone is trying to break into it, the inside of it is unbreakable. The only way that someone could let the people out is killing me or breaking the gate from the outside and not many people know about it, mostly why is because we hid it with Ender's Magic and Have our town there. The clan has 3,000 members. Mostly not human, 4% are human,but even those have to be really skilled in bowman-ship and swordsmanship, with the ability to ride horses for miles. Today is the day that our 'masters' trade with each other for their are many of us. We even have some of the others spread out to other vampire castles. The only people that are here ,in the Bloodin' Castle,in the assassin clan is 1,000. I'm kind of surprised that there are 9 princes in this castle. Of course I've heard from Ender that their were 10 princesses in the Karma Castle. I wonder where these vampires get there castle names. I'm guessing that this castle has a load of blood accidents and that the other castle has a load of bad luck. I heard someone say," Kia the Keeper and Chi the Warrior, report to King Z's office." I found Chi and we asked someone for directions. We made it there and thanked the person that helped us get there. We knocked on the door, well, I did. We heard someone say," Come in." I opened the door and followed after Chi into the office.The office was like a generic office except everything was lined with yellow or gold, the only items that were not lined with gold were the walls, the floor, and the desk.Chi said" Can we help you, your majesty?" King Z had black hair like Blade and was wearing royal rodes. He looked over to Chi then to me then back to Chi and said" Yes, we heard from your leader that you two are to be somewhere at this hour of day." Chi said" Yes, we usually go out for patrol." Blade came in and said," Father, you called me?" The king said" Yes... Can you wait a few minutes? Their leader said something about packing and then we will be leaving today. I need you and Prince Set-Up to take care of everything while I'm gone. If I get word that you did something to fail your challenge than I will have to punish you with having no servants." Blade said," Yes father, understood." All three of us were permitted to leave and did. Blade said" What were you two doing in my father's office?" I said" We were told that we could go on patrol... Of" I looked at Chi for to help me, since I don't really talk to people. Chi said" What Kia's trying to say is that We were told that we could go on a patrol for something that's very important." I nodded,for I was about to say the village and the gate, but then I kind of remembered we're not suppose to talk about that.

Prince Blade's POV: I feel like their not telling us something. Of course they are assassins, so we shouldn't even trust them to not poison our food. I was in the area where the assassins were having a break from their masters orders. I overheard Kia and Chi talking.Chi said" Ok, Want to do some training? Nobody has seen you do anything with a bow besides when we're under attack." Kia said" I have to have..." Kia then said as his eyes glowed yellow and his eyes turned into cat eyes," Gate under attack,damage of attacks 0.5, estimated days of gate destroyed 10 weeks." Chi yelled," The gates under attack!Teleport to the village immediately!" Chi then yelled for me to come over. I ran over there and said" What's going on?" Chi looked worried and said" I'll explain later, but for now I need you to look after Kia." He kept mumbling the same thing. I wonder what is happening. His key mark is glowing yellow like his eyes. Chi said" I'm sorry, Kia. I'll be back, just please hang in there!" Kia nodded still mumbling the same thing. I lifted Kia to his feet and then shouldered him into my room. I said," Kia? Can you hear me? What's going on?" Kia then said, still the same thing," Gate under attack, damage of attacked 0.5, estimated days of the gate destroyed 10 weeks." That's all he's going to say while he's like this.? What if I give him an order? I said a random order but he still said the same thing, but he shook his head 'no' after I said the order,which was, Tell me what's happening! After 1 hour Kia said" Gate repairing damage..... Done, Gate saved... Soul Damage......20%.." Chi came running in and said" We got them Kia! Now please... Please tell me something!" She was beside Kia, who I laid down on the bed. His eyes turned green and he said" I have a massive headache.. So tired..." He looked like he didn't have sleep for 2 days, not that bad yet not that good either. Chi said," you just got to get some sleep, that was a pretty big blow." He said"but..."I interrupted him and said, "Sleep." He closed him eyes and slept as soon as I said that.

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