Chapter 7 pg.18

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Blade's POV: I'm used to having Kia in the same bed as me when going to sleep... I went into Kia's old room. Kia seemed to be planning something. He mumbled." No, that won't work..." I went over to Kia and said," What are you doing...?"Before I could look at the papers,Kia scrambled all his papers and said," N-nothing! Master! I mean.. Blade." I said," Are you up to something bad? You said my real name... You don't usually do that unless your happy about something.. But you don't look happy? Can you tell me why? " Kia said," Um... I..I'm not upset or anything... It's just complicated... I can't really explain it to you in words..." I said," Well, Since you messed up your papers,let's get some sleep... Ok,kitten?" Kia smiled and said," Sure." We then went into our bedroom and went to sleep on my bed. It was a king-sized bed for me ,so it was able to fit both of us. I ran my fingers through Kia's hair as he slept. He's acting weird and I want to know why... I hope he has the same feelings ,I have for him ,but something is in the way of us being together and I have to eliminate that first.. Till then Kia,your going to have too wait for me... If you even are.

Kia's POV: Today,is the day of the tournament.! I'm so excited! There's going to be games,fightings in the arena and tons of food! This year we are going against the Royal School which is a school Royal vampires go to, well... Except for the nine princes as our academy, of course! I am jumping up and down with anticipation! Ender said," Calm down,Kia! Let everyone get ready,before you storm out yet door." I stopped hopping and said," I'm not going to storm off! Promise! But how could anyone not be excited about the tournament and the games! Oh and don't get me started on the food that's going to be there! I've heard that they have cotton candy! And it's very fluffy... What type of food have you seen could be fluffy?" Blade laughed ,as he came into the living room and said," Cotton candy looks fluffy...But it's very sticky... Have you never had any,Kia?" I said," Nope! And now we have to still wait for Chi and Jazz! If they don't hurry up ,the tournament could fly right by us!!?!"

Blade's POV: Kia's very excited and looks really happy to go to the tournament. I'm glad, We decided to go as a group, since if we just explored the place alone we 'wouldn't have as much fun.' At least that's what Kia said when the plan of it was mentioned. Ender suggested that we go in pairs of two, but if we did that Chi would have to walk alone,so we decided to go as a group.Ender said," Now if we had went with my idea, You two could have left by now." Kia said," True, but then Chi would have been all alone! She's our commander and friend! We stick together! " Ender mumbled ,as he let out a sigh," Why did we have to agree to Kia's idea... If we went with mine, Jazz and I could be alone...together.." I laughed at that. Ender said," What's so funny?" I said,"Nothing,"as Chi and Jazz came into the living room. Kia said," Finally! Let's go! Let's go!" Kia then grabbed my hand to drag me out the door.He didn't notice till we were in the front gate of the tournament. His face went red for a couple of seconds,as he said,"You could of told me to stop.." I laughed and said,"What if I didn't want you to?" Kia blushed more,and Ender said,"Ok,Blade...Enough.. You're making poor Kia blush from embarrassment..Now Kia..Since you usually have the whole-" He was cut off by Kia ,who said," Ok, Today's plans... I made a list,We're going to try as many games as possible... The ones with shorts lines, will be a go-to-place..Since we have to go to the arena,we only have half the time to play games, after 4:00, we will be going to lunch, then after that we will only have time to prepare to go to the arena with our weapons.After the arena, we will then go to any long line game and roller coaster that we missed! Then we do what we do every year, we win! Karaoke!" Ender said,"And if we lose..?" Kia said," Don't worry ,Ender! They've only trained in swordsmanship and bows-manship for a year! We're miles ahead with experience,we can't lose! Besides if we do lose...which is unlikely we can always get some ramen and watch a sad movie!" Chi said," Seriously? That's your plan?" Ender said," GUYS!?! We're missing something very important?!" Jazz said," And what's that?!" Ender said,as he shook Jazz," The photographers and fans that you guys have!?!?!" Ender let go of Jazz and then said,calmly," I mean... The newspaper people, fans and let's not forget the other royal vampires that will be here.." Kia mumbled," I knew I forgot something," as I said," Other ROYAL vampires?!" Ender said," Kia... how in the world can you forget something like that?" Kia said,as his ears went down," I got d-distracted with making a plan for today and getting the new video games, that were here a month ago to tell him!? If anything you should have helped me! I mean ,Chi did make us work to almost death." Ender,Jazz and I glared at her for she did do that.. If we weren't supernaturals ,we would have died from the workout. Chi said" Hay now,It paid off!" Kia said," That's why I can't really glare at you for doing that...Any way! We're wasting daylight here!" He then pushed me,I said," Why do you always have to drag me somewhere?" He said," because I'm your partner in the tournament and I don't want to miss out on any games...Now IF only the rest of the guys would stop walking and hurry up!" It was true ,they were a couple of feet behind us. Ender said," You can go without us.!" Kia said" You sure?!" Ender and Jazz said," Yeah!" I already knew what Ender wanted to do.. Any way,we went to the first game. Which is one that Kia picked, it was a game where you knock down bowling pins and get a stuffed animal. Kia put his hand in his pocket to pull out a wallet. His eyes went wide and he said," No! no,no,no! Of all the days to forget my wallet! it was today...and the dorms miles away.." His ears went down as a frown replaced his happy smile.I was to entranced about how his cute face looked, that I didn't know that I was just standing there till Kia said,as he looked at a blue kitten stuffed-animal," Don't you go anywhere,Mr. I'll get my wallet from the dorm and be right back!" Then he turned around to run off, I grabbed his hand and said," You go get your wallet, while I win the prize you want." He said,as his ears perked back up,"Really?" I said," Sure,now go.."

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