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Kia's POV: I was reading a book called The Blue Sword. It's a pretty good book... I don't get why the girls nickname is Harry,but can't say anything about the other things in the book because It's all awesome. I like the fighting scene the most though. Anyway after I read the book,which took a couple of hours. I got tutored by Ender,after Blade,Jazz and him finished their conversation. I don't know what they were talking about, but if it was something important then they would have told me.Blade hanged out with that princess named Bella. Takin' up all his time! Doesn't he know us,cats,are needy.He said," I'm going to hang out with Bella want to come with me?" I said," No.. Thank you." He went out,while I just went and wrote more songs.. I mean after a bit of training,Chi,Ender and I usually do karaoke. Chi has been very busy,and Ender's been hanging out with Jazz. I don't want to be a third wheel,or ruin what they have planned. Blade may have invited me, but I know that he would want to go alone. I got some headphones and listened to vocaloid. I like this one song called Glass Wall by Hutsune  Miku. I don't know why. I just listened to music and then went to Game Stop. I bought some toys and some new video games. Then went back to see Blade and the girl,I'm assuming named Bella. I ran away,crying. I thought that I could trust him,but it's not like he would know your feelings you also...never explained how my kind works. Ender was coming to the gate of the dorm ,and saw me. He said," Kia! What's wrong?" I pushed past him and kept running,dropping the things that I bought from Game Stop.Not wanting anyone to see me weak,and not being able to stop. I stopped in a alley way,near a kitten... I stayed there crying my eyes out. Your such an idiot! Why would I think anyone would love a freak like me? To me your thinking is pretty pathetic..Everything you say isn't true! I just have to remember that...Cute kitten... Wonder who your master is... Wish I knew why I felt this way about mine.

Blade's POV: Bella kissed me. When she was saying goodbye. She better not do that again..I heard Ender say," Kia? What's wrong?" Ender and Jazz came up,when Bella left the dorm porch. Ender said," What happened?" I looked at him and said," What are you talking about?" Ender said," Kia ran away from here after coming back with Game Stop things.. He dropped them,pushed past me and then ran away.." Jazz said," I tried to stop him ,but he was so fast! I lost him as soon as I started running for him and lost him when he got in that big crowd.."  Jazz said," Did anything happen before we came in.?" I said," Bella kissed me..then left.."

Ender's POV: That idiot! I mean I know Blade is a cold-hearted vampire when Kia's nor around ,but to be that ignorant of a person's feelings! He let her kiss him.. I bet Kia saw,who knows what he could do at this weak state! He could kill himself! Or be kidnapped! Or ?!? I don't even want to think of the possibilities! If it becomes one o' clock then I'm searching for him.

Kia's POV: It's getting dark... Maybe I should head back? I grabbed the kitten,since it was comforting me. I went out of the alley way and started walking back. It was late at night,and I bet nobody even realizes that I'm gone. I mean Ender and Chi have to notice, right? Right!

Blade's POV:It was twelve o' clock. I sighed and said," Where could he be? Ender... Do you think we should.." The door opened and in came Kia. He said," Sorry... I didn't realize how late it got! Is it ok to have RainCloud stay here?" I questioned," RainCloud?" He said,with a smile," The little stray kitten..."then looked at the kitten in his hands. I said," Sure,Kia.. You'll have to buy it some supplies..." Kia said," Ok. Hi, Ender. What's up? Have I missed anything?" Ender said,with a semi-worried look," No, Kia... You didn't miss anything.." Kia said," Ok," then went to his regular if he couldn't bring himself to go into our room. I said to Ender,as soon as Kia closed the door to the room," Does something seem off about Kia to you?" Ender said," The honest answer would be yes something does seem off... But I know what he's going just give him some space."

Ender's POV: I know what it felt like to be in Kia's position... I feel in love with Jazz... Of course he may have known from the start and even though he does tease me a lot and makes me jealous from all the girls he flirts with! At least he was able to understand my feelings and figure them out. Then ask me about them. Blade hasn't even figured out when it's so officious! I mean Kia blushes whenever Chi and I teaseabout it! He kept on mumbling to himself, he got cat eyes whenever the princesses were to close to him! I every confronted him about it and he said," I do love him, but I don't want to get rejected... I mean have you looked at Bella and Blade together? Everyone's talking about how there meant to be together and that their so cute together... They even have a fan group... How could I ever compete... I'm glad that Jazz accepted your feelings,though.." I couldn't come up with a combat that day. I still have hope in them though. He's still an idiot though.

Kia's POV: I feel lonely... Maybe I should have went into Blade and I's room. No! That would only bother him... He loves that Bella girl not me... Ender came into my room and said," Kia? Are you ok?" I said," Yeah... I'm okay.. Totally fine.." Ender said," You want to talk about it...?" I said," I'm not giving up if that's what your thinking Ender... " Ender said," You aren't?" I said," Course not! It takes more than just one move to defeat me! Bella is now an official rival... But I'm not allowed to kill people anymore... So I have to be very,very strategic... That's why I need a place to plan... If I do nothing then she will have an advantage and I can't allow that!" Ender smiled and said," Glad you have a plan, Kia." I smiled and said," Yeah.. but I can't sleep for some reason.." I sighed as Ender left the room ,not hearing what I said.

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