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Blade's POV: I ran with my vampire speed to catch Kia,who fainted. I looked at him worried and said," Is he ok?" Ender said," He fainted from making his wings bigger and flying to scare Bella. Bella,we have questions to ask you. Come with us." She said," No! Just how? Kia threatened to kill me! Lock him up! Burn him! He.." I went over to her,when I got frustrated after setting Kia down.I said," Shut up... A princess shouldn't say things like that! Your just jealous that he has something that you could never have." She looked at Kia with jealousy;she said,"You... You tricked me! You played me into thinking that you loved me! You toyed with my emotions! Your.. A cold hearted bastard!" I said,as I looked at her on her knees," You tricked yourself into believing that I would love you. You are tainted... Some may say twisted... We are going to put you under arrest for what you did. Kia didn't deserve to be hunted by the likes of you. And after we get your other little friends then you will pay for doing such an act." I can't believe that the person I thought was my friend loved me. To the public,we were seen as a couple sure,but why did that of all things filled her head with love for me. Such an idiot,she was never able to calm me down... She wasn't the person I needed by my side. The only person to have ever calmed me down... In the middle of killing someone is and forever will be Kia.

Kia's POV: I woke up and saw that I was in Blade's room in the castle. I guess it made since for us to come her since it's the closest building to the Karma Castle. I got out from under the black colored covers. I went to the door to find out that the door was locked. I said," Why's the door locked?" If they forget that I'm here after a day, I'm going to have to jump out the window in cat form. I yawned and decided to read a book that I left here,called Assassin's Love for the Enemy...Kind of a chick-flick book but whatever.

Blade's POV: Ender and Jazz are questioning Bella while my father called me to his office again. I opened the door and said," Hello father." He said," Hello,Blade. You didn't tell me that you fell for a winged-neko.. Do you not know,Blade?" I sat down and said," Don't know what?" My father then told me," Blade, Kia is one of the lost princes of the Neko Nation... A long time ago,the princess named Hollow and a human servant named Will ran away together... I bet that Kia and his brother.. Con was it? Doesn't know that they're even royalty." I looked at my father in disbelief,I smiled and said," Did you do this research just so that I could say,' He's a royal so you can't object father.' Hmm?" My father smiled and said," I wanted you to prove me wrong and find the information yourself ,but I then realized that Kia and Con probably don't know their royalty." I left the room after saying," Thanks father for accepting... Even though you're usually tied to tradition." I may have not seen it ,but my father did smile.I went into my old room to see that Kia was still there. Kia said," That door was locked.. Or I forgot how to open the door. What took you so long?" I said," Ender and Jazz are interrogating Bella...and I figured out something." Kia said,as he put the book down," Really? What's that?" I said." I get overprotective of you,always want you to be by my side... And your the only person that makes me feel this way... Before you say anything or do anything I want you to know that I,Prince Blade,love you."

Kia's POV: He said those three words that I always wanted him to say to me...I smiled at him while tears were falling down my face. He looked at me and said." Did I say something wrong?" I shook my head and hugged him,then said," You don't know how long I waited for you to say those words." He smiled at me,and said," It's glad to here that." Jazz and Ender said," Aww..." Ender then said," Congrats! Can't wait to see when you two finally get married.!" I blushed at the statement while Blade retorted," Yes, When are you going to finally get married to Jazz?" Ender blushed at the statement and put his head down,so that nobody would see the blush in his cheeks. I smiled at the seen then said," We should probably go back... We still have to deal with Bella's comrades." They all nodded and I got to hold hands with Blade! To say I wasn't overjoyed would be an understatement. He's our and our's only.! I yawned as we got half way there. Blade said," Sleep Kia.. I'll carry you, after all you are as light as a feather." He winked as he said that and I couldn't help but laugh. I then fell asleep as Blade carried me while I listened to the sound of his heartbeat. Tomorrow will be the day that we can go backroad our work the only thing that we have to worry about is getting permission from Blade's Dad and John,well.. John will except me and Blade being together..he just won't want us to do anything bad. I mean we're not going to get married yet but as boyfriend and boyfriend? Yeah.. I then slept with dreams of Blade and I's future together.

Ender's POV: I said," Jazz~ You're like a rabbit, no!" Jazz said," Aww~ come on... Just one little bit.." I said," NO! The last one looked like a hickey! Do you know how hard it was to cover it?" I glared at him, he said," Ok..Ok... I surrender Endy." He looked really sad,and I said," Stop that face... you're going to make me feel guilty...." Jazz said,sadly," It's not my fault, I'm upset that you denied my request..." I gave in,sighed and said," Fine...You can bite me...." Jazz said,happily," I knew you would see it my way!"

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now