pg. 19

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Kia's POV: I took a taxi to get to the dorm and back. Blade was eating cotton candy,with the blue kitten stuffed-animal beside him. I said,as I was walking up," Where did you get that?" Blade said,"Well.. I got the stuffed animal on my first attempt,then waited for you, got a little hungry..and got some cotton candy.." I said," That's cotton candy!?! But in the pictures there only blue!" Blade then handed me the stuffed animal, then we went to play more games... until these people came over to us,with flashy devises and asked so many questions at once..Thank goodness I could hide behind Blade,cause the bright light hurt my eyes.Blade said," Ok.. One at a time, so I can at least understand what you are trying to tell me."

Blade's POV: Reporters... it's hard being a prince, Kia hid behind me. I said that,then they started asking questions one at a time, one reporter said," Why did you pick someone from the special class at DWMA? Why is a prince like yourself even at school? And my final question Can I take a picture of you two?" I said,kind of lying," I met Kia before ,and the people in the special class at DWMA are suppose to be the best swordsman or bows-man in the academy. My father wanted us to go to this school to learn what to look for in our soldiers and to learn independence, apart from our loyal staff members. Kia's camera shy, so I have to say no to that last question." Then someone said," Why is Kia camera shy?" I said," He's not used to being in a crowd.." Another person said," Do you think if there weren't as many people, Kia would answer some questions?" I said," Maybe... but I think it's only a small chance." Someone then took a picture,Kia blinked when the picture was taken. I whispered to Kia," Is the light hurting your eyes?" Kia nodded. I whispered," You can go, I'll answer people's questions." He said a small Ok then left as he ran to Ender,who was waiting for Jazz to get done with the people. Another person said," Can you go over to Prince Jazz?" I said," Sure." The reporters followed me. I said," Hello Jazz.." He said," Hello Brother." I said," We are on a schedule ,so can you people ask us questions." Then someone asked," How come you and Bella aren't together in this area?" I said," Simple.. We are both going to be in the tournament..And need to know where our partners are...And I'll let you in on a little secret... Kia's not good at direction.. at all." Kia said," NOT TRUE!" Ender said," Kind of true... I'm just glad there's no more flashing lights.." Kia said," Yeah, but I still don't get ,why their pointing a little device in our general direction.." Ender said," We really need to get out more...Or learn what these reporters are suppose to do.." Someone said," Kia! Ender! How is it to be chosen by these two princes?!" Kia said," I don't get the question..." Ender said," Blade and Jazz are terrible...They are terrible at cooking.." Kia said,as he covered Ender's mouth," DON'T EVER MENTION THAT! The food was terribly burned... I don't want to remember the taste." Jazz said," Hay,Ender you can't cook either!" Ender said,"Duh! That's why we go to Kia's house..or Chi's house." Kia then said," I gave you that key for emergencies only, not to steal leftovers.." They had us pose for a picture then they all left.

Kia's POV: I said," Why did they want a picture of us.? Who knew those people were crazy.." Blade laughed and said," I'm kind of suprises that you haven't been in the spotlight at anything! For the DWMA is widely known." I said," You know, you could have said that Bella is on the opposite team..." Ender said," Oh, yeah. I believe that most of the princes and princesses are going to be ok the Royal Academy side." I said," Now... What games have we not played?" Blade said," There's the one with the water guns... The fish bowl one..." I said," Fish? Where?" I then looked around the area, then spotted the fish! Haha! Can't hide from me!" Ender said," Kia! Don't! Those are meant to be kept as pets! Not food!" I turned around and said," Not food?" Blade and Jazz laughed. What? I'm a cat! So they shouldn't be laughing! So rude! I'm hungry...I said," Can we go somewhere to eat... The fish made me hungry..." Ender said," Sure,I could eat.." Blade and Jazz followed behind Ender and I. After we ate,we heard the intercoms say," Every DWMA member and Royal members come to the arena!" I dragged Blade since we, special class students,have to be there early. Blade said," What's the rush?" Ender,since he was dragging Jazz, and I said," We age to be their early! It's a required thing for people in the special class! In case things get..." I said," fishy," while Ender said," out of hand." Blade said," Fine.." We got there and was able to sit near each other! Chi,and her partner were there as well! Blade and I sat beside Set-Up and Headphone. All was going well till A girl,that looked liked that girl that kissed Blade, had a gun. Guns are not allowed unless it's a person that can turn into one... Ender put a force field,while Chi and I jumped from the audience to the seen. I got my scythe out and Chi got out here weapon. Ender got the persons that was competing to safety,while Chi was more focusing on the power of the force field. I had to fight the person. The person kept on shooting at me,none of them got me though for I was deflecting them to where they were bounced off of my scythe to the ground. I got a run in at her and was able to slice the weapon in half. Without doing any damage to her,she said," But I was going to kill them all!?! I was going to be the winner of this game!?! Why?" I said," Silly! It's against the rules for you to have guns! Unless it's a person that can turn into one! Oh yeah and next time you think you should kill someone for self defense try to aim for the head or heart and also if you want to be precise there's always a direction scope." Then I walked out.I did some cart wheels to get to here,that was me just showing off. People clapped and whispered while I went back to the area,we were suppose to be in.

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