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Kia's POV: I went back to Ender and Chi. We were standing in the crowd. I was going to tell Blade that he could pick someone in the crowd that didn't have a sword man , but I think that would have hinted to much... I mean I don't want to manipulate what or who he chooses. Ender whispered to me," I wonder who the 7 princes are going to pick.." I shrugged not knowing the answer. Prince Brice and Prince Sky already chose to stick around here but be apart of the ISS. The princes names from left to right are Prince Falcon ,Prince Jerome, Prince Setup,Prince Blade, Prince Jazz, Prince Sitheran, and Prince Youth. The oldest princes are Prince Sky then Brice... Pretty much in order from left to right. Falcon chose a girl with black hair and black clothes on, Jerome chose a archer boy with brown hair and a checkered red and black jacket, Setup chose a person that I believe was nicknamed," Head-Phone,"who is a boy, in the archer class with me. Blade was up next. I held in my breath... He's going to pick someone in the first row... Right? He was looking and looking around, people held their breath with anticipation, for Blade was the most popular Prince of the group... I swear if a girl gets picked then she would prodartly faint, I mean that's what the girl Falcon picked did. Head-Phone fainted from shock... since he is a kind of geek boy that nobody,besides his freinds, wants to deal with...The girl fainted from how hot? he was.? I don't know ,women are not easy to read with what they do. Anyway, He said," I pick him.." He pointed at me??? Hu? Maybe it's someone behind me... I'm apart of the special division so people aren't usually allowed to pick us... Jazz spoke up and said," I pick the guy beside him with the purple eyes..." The only person that has purple eyes is.. Ender. Everyone was looking at us and whispering... Our leader was able to quiet them down and then said," Yeah ,yeah ,yeah I know people don't usually pick out people from the special class but Prince Blade and Prince Jazz have spoken who they chose, you can not judge. Now on with the ceremony!" Prince Sitheran and Prince Youth chose one guy, who I believe is nicknamed,KillerRock, he is a sword man...not a archer like they need ,so I don't know how that's going to work. And yes, I'm distracting myself from the fact that Blade picked me, out of all people, to be his partner.. I'm going to embarrass myself ,big time. ... I haven't had a partner that ever stayed with me, will Blade be part of that category? Only time can tell me.

Blade's POV: I don't know why but I felt like I should pick Kia... Even though I didn't know if he was a archer or a sword man ... I still wanted to pick him. I picked him and he looked really surprised.. Does he already have a partner if he looked at me like that? Hm. I went to the little room,to get Kia. All the people that were chosen by the princes were in the room. I said," Let's go, Kia." He nodded, got up from sitting and said goodbye to Ender. We then went to the boy's dorm where I already chose a room for us.Kia looked around and said," I'm guessing this is our room..." I said," Yes, like it?" Kia said," hm... Could use more decorations on the walls..." I agree with that for the walls looked so plain and the beds were also plain... Kia said," Hm... I know!" He went out of the room, and I went to sit on the bed near the door while waiting for Kia.

Kia's POV: I know! I got some wallpaper designs and some themes we could have on.. I walked in the room with my hands full. I said," Now the first boring part, picking the set-up.." Blade said," But that's my brother!" He had a smile on his face; I laughed and said," The theme, and wallpaper,silly." Blade went with a black setting while I went with a cuter setting... Blade said," Well, I think black wallpaper and white tile on the outskirts is better.." I said,coping him,"Well, I think blue with white cloud wallpaper with green tile on the outskirts is better..." Blade said the same thing again in an arguing tone and I said,"Fine, I'll meet you half way, with black wallpaper and stars with dark green on the outskirts.." He said," Fine. It's a deal... But if you have 20 gigantic stars on each wallpaper then I'm drinking you dry!" I put my hands in the air and said," Fine... Fine... I surrender! Happy?" He smiled and said," Yeah... Now let's go get the items." I said," No ,your staying here,Master!You have a tour to see in 5 minutes!Bye!" I then went out the door as I said," bye ,"with a little wave.

Blade's POV: I didn't have time to argue with the fact that he called me master again, or the fact that he told me what to do. I am still a Prince ,no matter if I love him or not, I can't allow him to disrespect me. He'll be punished when I get finished with this tour of the academy.I went back and Kia already had everything moved outside and had newspaper scattered everywhere for the paint to not get on the floor. He already had the walls black and was starting on his third star on the wall.Kia looked over to me and said," Want to help? Or are you going to keep starring at me?" I said,"No,I'm going to let you finish this up.I can put the dark green tiles up." He nodded and smiled at me before going back to painting stars on the walls. When we got finished, we moved the furniture back. Kia yawned and said,"the room looks awesome!" I will admit that the stars in the black wallpaper and the dark green tile at the bottom made it look like we were outside under the moonlight sky. Kia also painted the roof and when I asked him why he would do that,he replied," It gives more of an effect? Yah that's why!" We ate dinner then went into our room again. It's late at night... But I need Kia to be awake the whole time for his punishment... And no I haven't forgotten why I need to do it and what I'm going to do.

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now