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Blade's POV: We went to the place,Kia was talking about. Thankfully they did sell blood drinks to vampires that went into the restaurant. After that we went into the training arena,Kia seemed way to excited for this. I overheard Kia singing softly,to no one in piticular," We're going to the arena!?! The arena, the arena! Were people fight! And it almost looks like a war camp! A war camp,a war camp!" I said," What's got you so excited to go to this arena?" Kia looked at me and said," Well,Duh! I am a former assassin!I like to see fighting! It reminds me of home... Besides! This is your first day in the arena! New comers always have to go solo for the first round! I get to see you fight! If anything you should be excited! The tournament only happens once a year! It the biggest event that the DWMA has!" I looked over to see that Ender and Jazz were waving us over,then noticed that there were princesses in groups to. I said to Kia," Why are there princesses here?" Kia said," To prove that they can defend themselves? I don't know.." He shrugged then I followed him to Ender and Jazz. Ender said," Did you guys sign up?" Kia gasped and said," I knew I forgot something!" Then he ran to the sign up sheet. I said," Is it just me or is Kia way to excited for this..." Ender said," No, usually he only cheers on me and Chi ,but now he has more people to compete with,he likes a challenge..." Jazz looked at me and said," No wonder,he's still your partner..." I looked at him in the eye and said,"What's that suppose to mean brother?At least I don't bite him every single time, I'm bloodthirsty. "Ender blushed and looked away,confirming what I thought. Jazz said," Ok,point one for you..." Kia came back and said,"I signed us up for the tournament already! Now are we going to train or..." Ender said," Sure! Let's go into our training room!" Kia and Ender wee the first people to fight in the arena, the reason that everyone was able to get into the arena was to know our surroundings.. Ender was doing a good job, he was swinging his sword left and right at Kia,who dodged most of the attacks. Kia then jumped in the air,then got out his bow and shot at Ender from the higher platform. Ender got up there while Kia was shooting him, the arrows not hitting him,barely missing him. Ender got close enough to hit him all the way to where he slammed into the other walk across the arena. Ender had a sword to his neck,but Kia whistled and the Kia that he had trapped disappeared for Ender to learn that Kia was behind him,for he had his scythe at his throat. Kia said," I believe I have won..." Ender said,as he dropped his sword," Good game, Kia. You win." Kia put his scythe down and they both left while the other people in the academy cheered.

Kia's POV: I won!?!With my help of course! Yea! I love fighting! This is so fun! The plus to being in the DWMA is that we get to fight but don't have to worry about getting killed! We went out of the arena and I still wasn't used to people cheering, you see people from the special class usually don't show there talents in fighting to other academy members. Today was actually the first that anyone has actually seen us fight.! I said," Your strategy was amazing,Ender! I wasn't even sure if I hit you at any point in the match!" Ender said," Well, I did hit you ,but you were able to get a death blow on me." I said,with a smile," That's why,we are apart of the special class." Blade and Jazz came over to us,which we were outside a café,Blade said," Kia,you were very impressive,you two,Ender." Jazz said," Hay,now! Blade! Only I get to complement Ender on his wonderful performance!" Ender smiled at Jazz,while I looked over at Blade,who said," So you either use a scythe or a bow... Interesting combination.." I smiled at him and said," Thanks! But shouldn't you two get going back? You two are next to compete!" Blade said," your not coming with us?" I said," Of course, we're coming along! You can't get rid of Ender and I that easy! Right,Ender?" Ender said," Officiously! Let's go!" Ender and Jazz were in front of Blade and I when we walked back. Ender said," I bet 5 bucks that Jazz is going to win!" I said,with a smirk," I bet 10 bucks that Blade's going to win!" Ender said,with smirk,"You have to much confidence in Blade! That will be your downfall!" I said," Or my uprising.." Ender smiled and said," Deal?" I said,as I went back to look out onto the arena," Deal!" Then they started fighting,Blade in the left corner while Jazz was across from it. Jazz said," 3.." Blade said,"2.." And then Jazz continued by saying," 1.....GO!" They then ran at each other,they were so fast that I could barely see them! Let alone,know who was winning till I saw that Jazz had a sword at his neck in the ground. The person holding the weapon there was Blade! Jazz said," I surrender,l which meant that Blade won! Ender said," Fine! Here's 5 bucks! I can't believe I lost a bet..." Blade and Jazz were surrounded by a crowd of ladies that all wanted o speak to them,or ask for an autograph.I said to Ender,as we looked at the seen," Let's go..I don't think they would want us to disturb them,with there fans." I spat out fans for I noticed that the one princess that called me a pet was on Blade's arm... Oh if only they weren't royalty then I could kill that women!Ender touched my shoulder,which had me look over to him,he shook his head and then we walked away.We talked about how our progress was and what we thought the princes were doing,things like that.

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now