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Kia's POV: Blade seems really angry... His eyes changed red as he said that. I can't do anything! I'm all tied up! Literally... I was running by Blade's limo. Till out of nowhere these guys pulled me into the alleyway and tied me up. I didn't have much time to scream,before they put a bandana over my mouth. Blade said," Which will it be?" One of the other people said," He's a royal vampire! We have to obey the rules and leave or we could face death." The Hunter let me go and said," Fine... Your lucky for now,neko." Then he and his crew left. Blade untied me and brought me close to his chest,and said," Your never going outside of the house alone.. Do you hear me.." I nodded and said," How did they know I was a winged-neko and not just a regular one.?" Blade said," Maybe from another source of theirs.. I don't care. All I know is that their trouble and I will need my spies to handle it." I said," Ok...Let's go." Blade and I then went into the limo. Though I don't really like it...for not liking royals... Ok,most royals. We went home and I was in the living room when Chi and Ender came out with some of their fans.One of the girls said," Chi! Do you create the music?" She said," Nope.Well sometimes... Ender though doesn't make his songs." One of the boys said," How do you get your songs then..?" Ender said,as he looked at me," Kia makes my songs... He also makes music for Chi and I's group with the dancing choreography. You could say he's really the brains of our band." Then the fans came over to me with questions. One girl said," Kia! Why don't you sing any of them?" I said," Well.. I'm camera shy ,so I can't really sing while being nervous..." The fangirls Awwed then one boy said," How do you come up with them?" I said,nervously,"I don't really know... Some are from past experience and some are just random or about a movie...or someone telling me about their past! You know Delusional? Well ,that was one of my random ones." They said," That's so cool!" I said,with a slight blush from the praise," Um..thanks..." Ender said," Are we chopped liver now!? I swear ,I should have just told you fans something different! " I said," Bye." They went over to Chi and Ender after saying goodbye to me. Blade came back from addressing his spied and the fans then went to him,One of the girls said," Your Prince Blade! Why did you want to come to this school? I thought that all royals were naturally smart! So they didn't have to go to school." He said," Everyone needs to learn something. No one is naturally smart." She said,"Ok." They then all left. I said," Man.. That was so hard... I'm going to take a cat nap." With that said,I turned into a kitten,curled up into a ball and fell asleep on Blade's lap.

Blade's POV: He fell asleep on my lap while I went to read a book. I don't really care that people are taking pictures of us. Bella came in and was beat red with anger. I don't know who she was angry at,but it didn't look good for that person.

Bella's POV: I have to get Rid of Kia! He shouldn't have gotten in between me and my Bladey Ken! Now if only the people had done there job and had killed Kia when I wanted them to! Now he's mocking me with being on Blade's lap!My cold-hearted Blade is doing nothing to stop him either! I know that Blade loves me and only me! I'm the prettiest,richest princess in the world! A flashback comes back into my mind as I remember what Kia said to me," Your not a princess in my book...If you think I'll bow down to you,then your in for a surprise. I did not get where I am today to take care of a princess..Just remember,this is war. A fair game.! To see who is worthy of Blade's heart." We then did a hand shake to make it official.You see winged-nekos and vampires are able to choose our mates.Vampires usually choose a person who is cute,tastes good..well their blood,their personality and what really sells it,their ability to calm our inner vampire. I haven't had a situation to calm his inner vampire,he's good with control.... So In order for me to know if Kia or I wins this round I need someone to annoy him to the point he loses control! Only then will I stop trying to kill Kia! I went out of the living room on the way home and laughed evilly at my amazing plan!

Kia's POV: Wait a second,why does Bella have a evil smile on her face? I'll have to worry about it later. I have a meeting to go to with all the other people that are nekos. Blade was still reading his book,and all the photographers were near Ender and Jazz. Well, I know who's going to be late to the's Ender!?! Yeah... Wait ,that's bad. I turned into a human,with a fake tuxedo shirt and blue jeans. I said," Ender! We have a meeting to go to!?!" Ender said," I have to go,excuse me." Ender and I walked together to the meeting place. Jazz and Blade came along as well. Blade was serious when he said that he didn't want me to leave his sight. Jazz came along to know how experienced or professional in meetings. I went into the area where it was on stage. I was beside Ender. Chi said," As you all know there have been reports of missing fellow nekos. Sala found collars at the entrance of the academy. Now as you all know,we wear collars for our identities since Nekos are still considered 'pets.' Without these we are able to get arrested,for not abiding the rules. We will have NO neko alone.You have to be in pairs of two or more! Your partner and you will be together at all times! The only times that you are permitted to leave your partners side is to go take a shower or use the bathroom. Do you understand?" They said,"Yes mam' " I said," Remember this is only until we find the people who kidnapped and possibly killed our fellow friends." Ender said," Meeting dismissed and please however your partner is write it on the sign up sheet at the front of the desk with your name ,so that people without partners can join up.People without partners have to stay in here until you find one. Chi will help you people out with the details."Then everyone went to the sign up sheet in an orderly fashion to sign their names.

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now