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Kia and Blade were able to live a peaceful life with their baby boy Niall. They were able to keep being protectors of the gate,insuring peace in the area. Blade ;after a couple of weeks, when they defeated the witches of the area though ;not all,announced Kia and Blade being a couple. Then after getting married; Blade moved to a house with Kia and Niall. Kia and Blade has to be together at all times for being soul mates! And for the gate protection deal to be at it's finest! Blade had after a couple of days setting into their new house in the village closest to the gate called the Assassin Village. They lived with their now five year old with their responsibility of kings or respected leaders as Kia liked to call it for not liking to have anyone see another person as a 'higher being.'

Ender and Jazz stayed at Blood Castle. They got married after a couple of years. They attended Kia and Blade's wedding as they did them. Jazz then became the king of Blood Castle. Ender also was able to get pregnant from a magic potion that Blade asked for later on.

Kings Z and John were starting to become love birds from not having as many responsibilities for their villages and spending most of their time together.

Slitheran became a person in the theives guild and was able to be really useful in gathering information for them.

Bella after getting out of jail,finally saw the error of her ways and apologized to Kia and Blade. Being trained as a princess of Karma Castle.

Brice was able to finally confess to Seto. They are now love birds and spend most times either doing their work or spending time together.You can see them mostly in the forest behind the castle.

Sky was able to become a very good ISS person. Helping people solve mysteries and bring justice to those who defied the law.

Head Phone and Set-Up got into a relationship.. Starting slow and steady.. King Z started to wonder if all his children were bi or gay ,but accepted them none the less... 3 at least have had girlfriends and said they were straight.
Author's Note: Hello! Chi Here!
So the music that was in here goes to their respected authors and owners! The cover was made by me with Wattpad Covers. This is the longest book that I have so far for my writer skills! I loved this story and hopefully didn't miss any errors in the book! I hope you ,Warriors,liked this book! I could have done more with this book ,but I felt that it would just be prolonging the book. Hope you enjoyed and I will be updating my other books that I haven't been updating lately! Chi Out!

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