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I was choking the girl she was pleading with me. Kia went up behind me and whispered in my ear," Let her go...She's not hurting anyone,Look at her...She regrets her decision..Let her go." As he said this, he loosened the grip I had on the girl. It was also the first time that anyone has ever been able to hold back my inner vampire. Even the staff members were just as surprised as I was. He moved back and said," Well,we should be going back to work guys. Don't want the royals to be upset.." They all then rushed back to there duties,while Kia helped the girl up and patted me on the back as they walked out. He said," I'm going to bandage you up,Ok? ....No I don't know why he attacked,Could be from frustration or stress! I don't think he would be mad at you. I bet right now,he's probably really upset...." I could hear them for I was at the door,being curious on how he calmed me down so easily. The girl walked past and I apologized to her. She smiled kindly as an apology accepted,then went off. Kia came out of the door and I asked him," How were you able to calm me down so easily?" Kia said," I don't know! I'm just a kitten...maybe your inner vampire likes cats? Anyway,I'll see you later,Master." He then went past me and left. I heard my heart beat,which is very rare.That's why I will never forget that day,for it was when I knew that their was something about Kia,that made him special to me.

Still Blade's POV: I was petting Kia,who purred without knowing,as he fell asleep. The reason I knew he was asleep was because of his light snores and him saying in between his snores," Master,master..master." I smiled,he's so cute. I petted his head. Then to the sound of him saying 'Master' in a whisper with his snore,I fell asleep. I woke up to see that Kia was still asleep. I woke him up and he said,"Five more minutes... Tired." I yawned and said," Your lucky it's a Saturday." He yawned,then snuggled back into me.Classic Kia. I fell back asleep,till I heard the sound of a photo being taken. I opened my eyes to see Ender and Jazz. I whispered,"I hope your happy with waking me up." Jazz and Ender flinched,then they looked at me. I had my arm around Kia,who was still cuddled into my chest still asleep,or that's what I thought. Kia yawned and opened his eyes. He whispered loudly enough for humans to hear,"What is with all the noise? I keep hearing flash,flash noise. Please be quiet,Jazz... Ender... I'm trying to sleep." Ender said," I got blackmail on you two!" Kia said,as he looked at Ender," Hm?" I said," He just got up,he won't be able to understand what your saying..." I then ,with the move of my hand, motioned to the door. I said," Get out." Ender and Jazz did as they were told. I got up and so did Kia. He got his clothes on and I got my clothes on,though I couldn't help but glance at Kia putting on his clothes. Kia then said," What did you say,Ender? I still want to know what the flash,flash noise was.."I said," It was a camera... and If you value your life you'll delete the picture or pictures that you have."

Kia's POV: I don't really get what their talking about, Oh wait TOOK PICTURES OF BLADE AND I SLEEPING!?! Well...Took you long enough for your brain to work.. Oh be quiet. I said," You took pictures of.... Yeah delete them now or I'm getting Chi!" Ender said," Fine,Fine... Can I keep at least one!!??" Blade and I said,at the same time," NO!!" Ender showed me the newspaper and the first page had a picture of Bella and I beside each a collaged photo,or two photos put together. The title read...'Could Prince Blade be bisexual??' I said," I don't think I'll want to read this.." Ender said," I know..but your going to have to bring it to Blade..." I said," D-do I have to?" Ender nodded,while I sighed and said,"Ok,"then headed out. I went to Blade and gave him the newspaper. He said," Well..This is one of the prices that I have to pay for being a prince...Looks like me spending half the day with you and the other half with Bella has gotten the reporters ideas for the paper." I said," Man...I could not deal with that..You really have no private life ,do you?" Blade laughed and said," Kind of don't,kitten..." I said,with a blush," Don't call me that..." Blade said,"You call me Master..I get to call you kitten." I huffed,but after that their was a red light that turned on with a sound that said," Red Alert ,this is not a drill! Special Class go out to destroy the enemy!" I said," Looks like we have to go,Ender." Ender nodded and we went out. The commander,Chi, was giving us orders telepathically, Ender helped me move swiftly in the containment,or shield, for the Taurus monster. Ender and I were able to banish him back into the walls..After that day,Spring break was over.. When we walked in I could see my enemy, a werewolf...or as I like to call him the mutt of this generation... What?He calls me names all the time, from wimp to scardy cat. I said,as he entered the classroom," Oh, look what the dog dragged in..." The guy turned to me,his name's Hans,and said," Oh.. look boys, It's the scardy cat.." His gang,that was behind him,which evened our own group, which consists of Chi,Ender and I, laughed. I said," You guys laugh like a bunch of Hyenas... go back to the pound where you belong..." Ender joined in and said," I don't think they can, they smelled so bad they were prodartly kicked out!" I high-fived him and said," Good one." Now you see, Blade and Jazz were also in the class,they had shocked faces. We,our group, don't trash talk a lot ,but when we do. It burns.Chi said," Man, Do you guys need some ointment for that burn!?" one of Hans's freinds said," Girl, Don't worry..We're just warming up..All you guys do is bark no bite..." I said,as my eyes kind of wavered to yellow," Oh,Don't worry about us,We can bite, when need be.." Hans said," Come on,guys. We got better things to do,then to waste our time on these losers." I said," I think I can agree to that statement...loser." He growled,but he did leave. Chi,Ender and I high-fived each other. I said," We totally won!" Ender said," What's new?" Blade said," Can I be filled in.? When did you guys know how to trash talk.?" I said," Well..You saw that group that we were trash talking..Let's just say we have a claw or two to nag at them... Ok, so basically us,nekos and those,werewolves don't get along really well... Since there isn't alot of us nekos, werewolves only trash talk us and fight you vampires..." Jazz said," Man... You guys roasted them! When did you guys learn to trash talk?" Ender said," Well.. When we first meet the group and they started trash talking Kia. We picked up trash talking and used it against them,since we can't kill anything like we were used to doing..Some of us are still trying not to kill anything.. Kia..." I said," I killed a BIRD! I admit it! But it was mocking me! I swear!" Blade,trying to hold back a laugh..though failing,said," Mocking you?" I said," It was..."

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now