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Blade's POV: I went to Kia and said," Did you sign our names on the sign up sheet?" Kia said," Of course! What type of people would we be if we didn't follow our own rule? That would be like cheating!" I laughed and said," I guess it would be." Something bad is coming... I can smell it. I wonder... Kia and I went back to the house.Kia got shot with a tranquilizer,when we walked into the door of the dorm. I closed the door and said," Kia are you ok?" Kia said,tiredly," I'm really sleepy..." Then I had to caught Kia as he fell asleep. I was able to defeat the vampires without Kia getting any of the attacks since I was carrying him,bridal still while fighting. I sighed and thought,' Those were some of Bella's men.' The only reason I know this is because I have seen her talk to them in secret. I don't spy on people but I was at the right place at the wrong time for Bella at least. I never,ever said that I loved her. She's just one of the many admirers that I have. I wonder why she's putting Kia on these situations.? Could she know? No, I haven't said anything about whether Kia was a worthy mate for me or not.Hm... Kia was asleep still while I was thinking about this. It is really late,I should probably get some sleep. In the morning,I woke up and I watched Kia make pancakes. Ender was helping him,and Jazz sat beside me. Jazz said," I wonder how long it will take for them to find those people." I said," Who knows,but if they don't find that person in a couple of days I'll just have to get them myself." Kia said,while working on the pancake mix," All I know is that when we finish making pancakes,Chi is going to come through the door and then eat some of our food.She then will make us train to burn the 'calories.' " Kia then put chocolate chips into one of the two pancake mix. Ender said," Let me guess your eating that batch of pancakes?" Kia said," Yep. But I have to save Chi one,since she will be here in a bit after the meeting about... You know who and you know what..." Ender said," Oh...yeah. Anyway,Jazz what soupy want on your pancake? Or are you not hungry?" Jazz said," I'll have a regular pancake with maple syrup... And I'm not very hungry,I'm very thirsty though."

Ender's POV: He always has to then whatever I say into something suggestive! I kind of feel bad for Kia. The boss doesn't treat us like his son. We're only treated like co-workers and equals. Kia though has a overprotective dad-figure. The meeting that Chi is in,is discussing if Kia is old enough for a mate...and be mated with who he chooses. Jazz said," Did my attempt at flirting not work?" I said,"Hu? Sorry what? I wasn't paying attention..." Kia said," That's my job,Ender! You almost burned the pancakes! Move aside." I got out of the way... Now where was I,oh yeah. Since Kia is a winged neko,his short wings will be as tall, if not taller than him,on him. Now I know who Kia is crushing on, and let's just say that Jazz and I both know they like each other but the things in their way is Blade's dad, the boss, and that girl Bella. Now Chi and I can help with getting Kia's dad stop being so protective. Jazz,Brice and Sky have tried to get Blade's father off his back. Jazz has an idea that will stop him for good. Then Bella is something that Blade and Kia ,themselves have to get rid off. Breakfast was done,Jazz looks worried about me. Prodartly wondering what I'm thinking since I usually talk during breakfast. Jazz said," What are you thinking about Ender?" I said," Just a plan ,that's being accomplished in the meeting that Chi's on."

Kia's POV: I went with Blade to the meeting that all the princes are suppose to go to. I had to go since I am a neko and we have to follow the rule that John gave us. Ender and Chi also came along since John was also to be at the meeting with King Z. King Z took a seat and said," Welcome, now we all know that their has been some treats to the neko kind. The people that have gone missing,have two things in common. 1. Their nekos 2. They had nobody with them,and had their collars removed. We have to find the perpetrator or who knows how many people could be next." I spoke up and said," Whoever their after,their not making it easy to tell. They could be using the neko kidnapping as a decoy for all we know. What's more troubling is that it seems their very serious about killing this person or selling them in the black market for a load of money. It must be a person that is either rare to find or someone with a high rank." Ender said," The only way that we will be able to know what their up to is by trapping one of them. Since they appear to be going after nekos that are alone at night,I suggest that we use Kia as a decoy. He could have a communicator with him,and tell us where they took the other nekos." Blade spoke up and said," That's not a very good plan, they could search Kia and with him not having a communicator,he'd just be another person that was kidnapped." Jazz said," Blade does have a point.I like Ender's idea though,we need to know their real motive and fast. If they get their real target then it will be bad for all of us."

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now