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Kia's POV: I said weakly,for not having used my voice since the whole incident yesterday,and being afraid he would decline,"Can you stay with me...? Till I fall asleep... I mean you don't have to... If you don't want to,but..." Blade smiled and said,"Sure,Kia..." Blade let me lay my head on his chest,and I was finally able to sleep...and feel safe in this hospital place..When I woke up,Blade was asleep... After a couple of minutes, I heard a knock on the door which also woke up Blade. The clan leader,John,separated Blade and I..then said," Kia, you're able to be lead out of the hospital... I'll fill out your papers..." He looked at Blade then me,and said," Did anything happen here?" I shook my head,'no.' He said,"Ok," as he left,looking back at us then leaving. Blade said,"What was that all about?" I said,"It's a long story.." He said," We have loads of time...paperwork to get out of the hospital can take a while..." I said,"Ok..well... hm.. where to start? Okay,so before I was an assassin, I had a family.. my mom,dad and two brothers.... One day,my parents got into a car accident..they both died...My older brother went to an orphanage,since he is the only human child in the family..while my little brother and I are nekos...Nobody came to get us, the orphanage people and everyone... left us there to die..we stayed in the house,with the remaining food..till we were kicked out,since the government had control over that area. My little brother,Con and I were forced on to the streets.. not having any money,we had to steal... It wasn't a good living,but we were surviving... One day.. since we always are in our cat forms to not get caught in the day..Con was captured by the pound people...I searched for him...after a while our clan leader found me...and I became an their group ever since...So he's very overprotective...of everyone in the clan.." Blade said," You weren't kidding when you said it was a long story.. so is that why you were mad at the butlers...and were so quiet when we first met?" I said,"I was mad because a prince was taking advantage of what they have...and It's not why I was quiet...I just don't want to say why.. I'm like that." Blade said," Well.. you should get dressed, I got your clothes..there on the chair..See ya,Kia." I smiled and said,"Bye,Master!" If he ever knew what master actually meant in neko..then he would yell at me for calling him that...but he doesn't need to know my feelings for him.I got changed and went out.I was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans,can't argue with Blade's taste in clothing..I'm kind of cold though,since it is a short sleeved shirt in November. When we got out,I shivered as a cold wind flew by.Blade took off his jacket and gave it to me.I said," Won't you get cold,though?" He smiled and said,"I'll be fine.. you'd caught a cold though.So keep it." I said,"Ok...."

Blade's POV: I don't really need a jacket,it just makes me look cool. Kia though, he needs a jacket so he won't get a cold.I may have been taught how to 'be a gentleman,'by my older brother ,Brice,so I might as well use it. I said,as we were walking back,since Kia wanted to see the scenery of the area and it wasn't that far from the dorm. Kia looked cute, looking at all the trees and the bakery goods in the area.I guess having such a hard life growing up,made him not have time to look around and enjoy the scenery. When we got home,There was a line of girls outside the dorm...what surprised me was that they were the princesses from Karma Castle,wearing school uniforms. Princess Bella said," Hello Prince Blade! We are here for the first semester!" Kia went behind me,to not have to talk to the princesses... I wouldn't blame him,there last encounter was not a nice one. Kia went out as I talked with Bella, who flirted with me the whole entire time.Our father told us that no matter who was first in the family,anyone can be elected the king by him. It seems fair,but I really don't want to get married to any of the be honest,I want my kitten. I stopped her by saying that I needed to do some paperwork. She left me alone,to my relieve.

Kia's POV: Those princesses again,I went inside since I already had my share of torture for today. Blade healed the scar for me,so it's not there. Blade said,as he got into the room," We were invited to a party on Friday,by a person named Alic,a baseball player! We should go... It would end the first week,like a breeze." I said,"O-ok.." I didn't want to attend, for those people usually aren't nice to me. I wrote about the day in my journal and then went to bed.I was able to stay in my bed,as I woke up I was still in my bed.It was 6:00 am, said my clock. I woke up Blade,by shaking him and saying,"Master..." He got up and went into the shower area,which I avoid at all cost...unless I know for a fact ,there's no one there. That day,orientation went out and Monday,turned into Tuesday,then Wednesday,then Thursday,On Thursday,I was able to get to talk to my freind,Head-Phone...Now I'm certain that he was picked by Set-Up for Set-Up was right beside him,till I waved at Headphone,who came over. I said," Hi.." then whispered,"So Has your bully problem stopped?" He smiled and said,"Yeah,Set-Up protects me from them...How about you?" I smiled sadly,and said,"Wish I could say the same...See ya later." He nodded then went back to his partner. Friday was just around the corner.We went to the party and I was able to get away from Alic and his gang..but My mistake is that I ran into them in the alley way... I was beaten to a pulp...If you just let me out,I could kill them...NO,That's our old more killing.Set-Up and Headphone went around the corner and got them off me... Set-Up said,"My brother's an idiot..I'm sorry.... and I can't protect you all the time... I won't always be here,Headphone...Let's go.He's not injured." Headphone said,"I'll take him back..." He looked at me and I said,as I got off the ground,"Let's go to the dorm..." He smiled sadly ,and we went out. We three,Set-Up, Headphone and I went to the dorm....wonder if Blade's wondering where I am,prodartly is.

Blade's POV:I wonder where Kia is? I left the party early and saw that Kia was writing in a leather bond book... I said,"Where were you?" He said," I went out of there,since I didn't have any fun there...I also couldn't find you I left." I know that he's lying ,but I won't question it today.

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now