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Kia's POV: Before we were after the bad guy I reflected how it was at the party and remembered how much  I don't like parties, unless there are few people and I know them. We were at the party, people..vampires were looking at me with hungry eyes..I didn't like it one bit.Blade called me over,he's surrounded by girls...princesses?or fangirls? Who knows...they were so close to him.. I don't get how Blade can handle that much physical attention...Any way,I went over there and said" You called,Master?" Blade said" The girls wanted to get a look at my new servant.. Ladies this is Kia.." One girl,with a black dress said," You're so cute! Blade how did you get such a rare specimen..?" I wanted to glare at that women,I'm still a human-being! How dare she say something like I'm a pet..Remember Kia..The mission...No one can know that Ender and I are assassins... act calm and causal.. We also have to caught a bad guy.. I was dismissed and went over to the punch bowl. It had alcohol in it..It smelled awful. Chi talked to me..I also had to get people drinks,and snacks...for I was ordered by the head butler.That's the only person that I was introduced to by Ender. I mostly looked around for anything suspicious.I haven't found anything ,so far...I stand corrected..After that we went into battle,I got my weapon,a bow out. Ender was fighting with the guy and since he had a sword to fight close range.The reason I jumped in front of Blade..well to tell the truth, it's because I want him to be my master...I know it'll never happen though...We have to go back to the academy after a month.The reason that I can be like a robot...well that's because I'm a keeper and keepers are suppose to protect the gate that separates Tarturus and the human world.

Blade's POV: Why did he jump infront of me? I would have been fine! I have a healing factor and he doesn't ,so why did he...? Man he's confusing... Kia said"Well.. I say we get some ice-cream for that successful mission..but I need to find the first aid..." Ender said"I need you two to get out of here,his shirt is dappling the blood sent,and I don't want you two to bite him while I try to mend the wound.." Jazz said" Who made you the boss of us?Hm? Ender?" Ender said"Jazz....cut me a break...Right now I'm a assassin, not your butler...Now shoo, you two.." Jazz smiled and said" Fine..Let's go Blade." I nodded and we went out of the door. I could smell Kia's blood from here..Neko blood must be rare and more delicious than humans, for his blood smelled like cake. Ender opened the door and said,"Prince Blade..Prince Jazz, can we leave now? This party is troublesome." Kia came out and said"Yeah! Let's get ice-cream! Or we could go to that fish restaurant..I forgot what it was called though." Ender said" So Jazz...Blade,We going or are you going to stay with the annoying fangirls?" Jazz laughed and said"I HAVE to stay with the annoying fangirls..and their princesses..Wait is someone jealous???" Ender said" You wish,Mr.Mystic."

Kia's POV: After Ender said that,I said,"You guys sound like an old married couple.." Blade laughed at that,while Ender just rolled his eyes with a smile and Jazz just glared at me...If looks could kill..I'm pretty sure I would be dead.I avoided eye contact and said,"So we have to stay here a little while longer?" Blade said,"Yes,I already have a butler taking the criminal to the hospital,after he gets treatment he is being questioned.For now we have to enjoy the rest of the party.." Oh so girls admiring him..I mean; don't get me wrong ,he is someone to admire ,but not that closely..I sighed along with Ender since we will be doing work,not having any fun..or enjoying ourselves. Ender said" Let me guess, Kia you're thinking what I'm thinking.." I nodded and said,"We better not have to wake up early tomorrow..or.. we're domed.." Ender said," See you two later..." I nodded at them,to say the same thing.We left and did more work... Blade and Jazz were surrounded by girls..Ender and I are very, very tired...How can vampires stay up this long? It's practically midnight! Ender was glaring at any girl or guy that looked at him... A tired Ender is not a friendly Ender..If anyone were to back talk him, I don't think he would be able to stay calm. I yawned...I was sitting down beside one of the few tables that didn't have anyone there. Ender was beside me. Ender said to me,"Let's go.." I said,"We can't just leave them here unsupervised!*Yawns* They should finish soon...I hope." Ender said," There not going to stop anytime soon..And I rather not be the cause of any tragedies.." I said," We'll wait one more hour then go..I promise." Ender closed his eyes and said,"Fine,only one hour.."

Blade's POV: We were talking with the girls and our brothers,who also had girls following them.Ender and Kia were busy for the set amount of time.You see princes can't leave a party till everyone is dismissed.This party was thrown for us,and if we walked out it would basically say," Your party is boring and a waste of our time,we're leaving." unless we had a good excuse. I was able to hear over the girls talking, and heard Kia say,"Come on Ender..One of us has to stay...up..." Ender must have fell asleep,as for Kia.. he prodartly fell asleep too. Jazz said,"Excuse me, but we have something to attend to,Thanks for inviting us to the party,We enjoyed it..Right, Blade?" I said,"Yes,I hope to meet you,lovely ladies again.Till next time." The girls nodded admiration to me and Jazz.We went over to Kia and Ender, who were asleep. Ender was leaned back in the chair and Kia had his head on the table.Jazz said," I've never seen Ender asleep before.He looks so peaceful.." I looked at Kia and said,"Don't you two have the same room?" Jazz said," Yes,but he usually wakes up before me.So I've never seen him asleep.... Guess we're going to have to carry them?" Our older brothers, Brice and Sky, came over to were, we were and Brice said,"You two are idiots...You should have dismissed them,then they wouldn't have had to fall asleep at a party..If you guys had not  have noticed them, who knows who could have taken them.Falling asleep is like letting your guard down..Remember that." You see Jazz and I's oldest brothers were  trained in the military, so to some they talk funny but we understand.I don't think I would be able to live with myself if something happened to Kia. Chi,i think her name is, came over and said," Ok, Now which one should I wake up first? ..." She went over to Ender and was about to pour the coffee in when suddenly the drink was out of her hands and on the table. Ender glared at her, and said," You try,just try to make me drink coffee and I swear, you'll regret ever meeting me.." Chi said,        "Aww... Is someone upset that they couldn't finish there nap,Mr,GrumpyPants?" He was standing and had a blade on her neck.. I've never seen Ender this scary before. He said,"Oh,Chi... You know I can be most deadly when tired so I would appreciate you not testing me.." She nodded and Ender let go.

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now