Chapter 6 pg.16

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Kia's POV: Ender and I have been waiting for three hours for our partners to come back to the dorm. Ender said,as I was still at the door when he gave up 1 hour ago,"Their not coming over here, they prodartly went somewhere with the princesses." I said,"
No ,they didn't.. I know they'll be here soon.." Ender said," You don't know when though." I said," Their close,should be here in about thirty three minutes... If I'm wrong then you can have your 5 bucks back." Ender shook him head at me,then left the living room.

Blade's POV: Jazz and I headed back from our meeting with the princesses and the head master on the arena and tournament. It was four hours and thirty three minutes when we got there. Kia was asleep on the living room couch,while Ender was asleep on the chair one chair in the living room. They waited for us,how cute. I went over to Kia, and he's very light,I thought as I picked him up to carry him to bed. Jazz whispered to me," Their so cute..." I nodded. In the morning,Kia said,as he woke up,When did I get here?" I said," When I came home,kitten." He shuttered," M-master! I thought I told you to not call me that!" He got out of bed, then said," When did you get home?" I said," in about four hours and thirty minutes.. Why?" Just then I heard Ender say," Aww! Come on! Now I owe Kia ,5 more bucks!?!" Kia then said to me," Ender and I betted ,on the time ,you guys would get home, I bet after waiting for four hours that you guys would be here in thirty three minutes while Ender bet that you two wouldn't be back till today!" I smiled and said," Well, Ender's not happy about the bet.." Kia smiled and said," No,he is not!" We went out of the dorm room with clothes on since it is early in the morning I decided to take a shower,but I overheard Ender said," Guys, we can just shower together! And Jazz don't get any ideas..! Ok,Kia?" Kia said,looking at the ground," I don't know..." Ender said," Come on,Kia! Man up! Or Neko up! We took a shower when we were little kids! If you can handle that then this should be no problem! I'll make sure that Jazz doesn't look at you even for a second." Kia smiled and said," Ok!" I went over and said," What's going on here?" Ender said," We decided to all take a bath or shower together.! Want to join?" I said," Sure." We then all went to the dorm bathroom. Nobody was there,but Kia still had his eyes closed when walking in. I whispered to Kia," There's no one here.." Kia opened his eyes and said," Oh.." Kia and the others went to get undressed while I went over to the shower area. It's the only thing that is separate.I heard the door open and saw through the shower curtain,Kia's figure. He also went into one of the showers. The best part was that it was next to mine which was the one in the back... far away from the door.. Guess he doesn't want anyone to see him. I peaked over through a little peek hole that someone made. Jazz said,to me telepathically," You don't see the peek hole.... Ignore it! It's totally not something that I made!" I thought,telepathically to Jazz," You pervert... Let me guess Ender was always in the other one?" Jazz said,back to me," Yeah.." Ender said," Quiet ,Jazz! This is suppose to be relaxing and quiet!" I didn't look at Kia for fearing I would do something bad.

Ender's POV: After everyone took a shower,and we all got dressed. I told Blade,that I needed to speak with him in private. I said," So you saw his wings?" Blade nodded and said," Yeah, I looked it up and it's said to be named a winged-neko." I nodded then said," The winged-neko is extremely rare... For most people hinted them down for they were considered a animal then ,so they were used as 'pets.' Kia is one of these. You,Blade,are his soulmate... For what reason I don't know.. The winged-neko has three winged colors depending on who there mate is. If their wing is white,it means a human or half human. If it's black it means another supernatural,like Kia's. And then the blue one which means that there mate is the same species,as them. Kia is a half cat ,half human,and half vampire. His predatory instincts are what makes him deadly in a fight or something of the sort. These winged-nekos are sold in the black market for a very,very high price.. Mostly why,Kia has to keep his wings hidden,and if you and him fully mate his wings will be big enough for him to fly.. The reason the head master and I are keeping everyone from being touched is because of this." Blade then said to me ,after a little bit of thought,"It's so that Kia doesn't have a chance at getting wings and people trying to take him away." I nodded my head,and sent him a sad smile. Jazz then came in and said," That's why... We are trusting you not to tell, the only reason Ender told me ,Was because I'm his boyfriend.. although we haven't announced it." Blade said," I understand,but does Kia know of this?" I said," Yes,he knows all of this ,that's why the head master made us go early for noticing Kia's wing color change. You see when your born a winged-neko , you have white wings until you met the person that's your soulmate. Then your wings change color.." Jazz then said,for me," If your mate is already human or is half human then you have black wings when you are born. There like a indicator to the winged-neko." Blade then said," I understand,and I will keep it a secret.. Anything else?" I said," Yes.. Kia doesn't know what a mate is..and you prodartly made his instinct go out of whack.. Keep an eye on him.." Blade nodded then headed out. I looked over to Jazz and said," You think they can manage?" Jazz went over to me and put his head on the top of my head,then said," We are able to,so I see no reason why they couldn't make it work out in the end."

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