Chapter 9 pg.23

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Kia's POV: Ok... Ender told me that he wants me to see him. Ender said,as I walked into Jazz and his room,after closing the door," Kia do you think that Blade knows your 'feelings' towards him?" I said," No... He's never confronted me about it..." Ender said," Ok... Tell me what you two do together? When you guys hang out..." I said," Hm..." as I sat down on a chair. I said," Well... um... Everyday thing?" Ender nodded,then I said," Well...We usually play video games together,go out to the park...and shop for food... " Ender said," He lets you cuddle with him.? Or are you both asleep and you wake up in his bed?" I said," he lets me... Why?" Ender said," I can get why you don't understand,but Blade should understand...from past lovers.." I hissed at the thought,then said," Sorry..." Ender said," It's fine.Jazz isn't here." He then let me leave though I was still confused... I said,as I opened the door," Why did you ask those questions?" Ender said," I'm investigating something..Don't worry about it." I said," Ok," as I left the room.

Ender's POV: Kia wouldn't know that that was a sign of Blade knowing Kia's feelings... What I don't understand is; why he hasn't questioned him about it,to know for sure..." I said to Jazz," If your telling me that Blade does have admirers and knows about their feelings ... Then why hasn't Blade questioned Kia's actions?" Jazz said," To tell you the truth,I know that Blade loves him... He's more happy around him,and more open. I don't know why or how it happened ,but I think that Blade wants Kia to tell his feeling..He doesn't want to jump to conclusions... That's the brother that I know. To think that even the reporters are on to them,just shows how obvious it is." I nodded and said," With the rule that their not allowed to do anything physical to each other... Kia could die. So Jazz how do we fix that?" Jazz said," I don't know,Little Wizard." I said,with a slight blush,"If you call me that in front of my friends I'll have your head on a plater!" Jazz said," always,Ender."

Blade's POV: I went into Jazz's and Ender's room for they requested I come and see them. I said," What's this all about?" Ender said," We have a question for you..." I said," Go on." Jazz said," I know that you love Kia,but Why have you not questioned him about his actions...?" I said," He'll tell me in due time.... I don't want to rush into anything,it has to be gradual. You two though have a different rule then Kia and I." Ender said," True...but the reason is because we can go steady for a while,you and Kia can't though. Kia will need you to claim him.. He's already has been depressed by you,when you and Bella kissed. I don't want him getting hurt by you,so mate with him..even if it goes against the rules." I said," When Kia is ready,and I clear up everything...about the situation..Then we will see." With that said,I left the room and went to my father's office since he did request for me. I opened the door and took a seat. I said," Hello Father." My dad said," Hello Son." I then said," What is the meaning of this meeting?"He said," I find you worthy of being a great king...but you have to marry someone royal." I smirked and said," Kia would the into a royal when I marry him..." He flinched,something my father doesn't do often. He said," You just..stated it like Kia's your chosen soulmate." I smiled and said," He is... Now goodbye father and if you change my partner into another room,then I'm going to override it and change it back... Just so you don't waste your time." I left,Kia was at the door when I opened it. I closed it and said," What are you doing here?" He said," Ender,Chi,Jazz and I are going out training today.. So Chi wanted me to find you,and ask if you wanted to join. Bella hadn't seen you all day,so the only resonance place you could be is here! Now that I found you,let's go! The others are waiting!" I slightly smiled for a second and said," Then Let's get going. Lead the way,Kia." He smiled and said," Ok-e D-oke!" He then lead the way,I asked him if he heard what my father and I were talking about. He said," Nope.. I came to the house only a couple of minutes ago. I went to your dad's office first,then when I got there you opened the door! So I came there in perfect timing!"I went into the limo,and Kia just said," I'll walk...I'll be able to get there faster..." I said," You want a bet.." Kia said," I bet five dollars that I'll get there before you!" I said," Deal." Kia said," 3..2...1...GO!" The limo person obeyed and went really fast. Kia was running...The cheater! We eventually lost him. I told the limo driver,Dave, to slow down. He did and I heard a scream from Kia. I got out of the limo,with their driver saying," Your majesty wait.!" Kia was being tied by these sort of hunters. I said," Your going to let the boy go or else.." The Hunter said," But we just caught a rare species... Do you know how much this winged-neko cost in the black market? Over 1 million,the same price for capturing one of you royals.. Except way easier..." They dare to touch what is ours? Let's teach these commoners a lesson! I said," You will let the boy go,or your going to have to answer to me..."

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