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Blade's POV: He moved again,in his sleep. I said,as I shook him," Kia,Get up.." He was laying down with his head in his hands like he was looking at me. I would be lying if I said that he wasn't cute.He mumbled,"Five more minutes.. Too tired.." I said," Wish I could ,but I have a meeting to get too,and you have to go to the academy." Kia mumbled, still not opening his eyes,"It's the weekends! No academy days..." He yawned and cuddled into my chest. I said," Kia open your eyes..." Kia opened his eyes while he said," Why would I need to......" He yelped as he jumped off me, a blush covering his cheeks. I said,as I got up," Thank you.. For the show.." Kia said,confused," Show? What show? Where you watching me sleep?!" I smirked and said," Well.. You were on top of me,so it's not like I could have looked at something else.." He said," Sorry.. For that...." He went out of the room from embarrassment.

Kia's POV: I can't believe, I got out of my bed and went to Blade's in my sleep! Man ,that's so embarrassing... He was comfy though.. No bad Kia! Bad thoughts! Think of something else..! Oh kittens are really cute! I am more scarred of dogs but puppies are cute too. Anyway... I have to make some lunch since Blade and I slept through the morning... Or at least I did. I went into the kitchen with my fish decorated-apron. I started making fish since Blade wasn't going to join. A random guy came into the kitchen. I paid him no mind since this is a community kitchen that all dorm members have. He went over to me and then looked out the window... I think he is a vampire Prince guy... But I couldn't put a name on which person he was for he smirked at me, and then kissed me.. After that he was going to my neck... I was frozen in place... I couldn't move at all... When something that a neko doesn't expect they freeze, another reason people don't chose me as a partner. Luckily, Blade came in and got him off me. Blade's eyes were filled with anger,as he said," You don't touch what's mine... Brother.." If only I knew what he meant by mine... My butler? My partner that helps with combat? My friend? Or something else.? I can't even yell at the guy for pecking my lips because of my shock! I hate my cat instincts sometimes.Why couldn't you have let me kill him for doing that?

Blade's POV: I was minding my own business when I saw my brother,and Kia. Kia looked distressed and scared. My brother was about to bite him when I intervened,I angrily said,barely able to stop myself from snapping his neck,"You don't touch what's mine,Brother." My brother,Sitheran, smirked and said," Won't happen again..." then whispered," He is cute though..." I glared at him but couldn't disagree with him. I then said," Let's go,Kia." Kia nodded as we went out, I had him in front of me ,so that I could keep an eye on him. I took Kia to Ender who said," Let me guess Kia. Your instinct told you one thing and your mind said another thing so you froze?" Kia nodded and said," Yeah... My instinct said to punch him in the face then kick him in the 'No-no' place but my mind said that's to cruel..." Ender laughed and said," I bet if he does that again then he's going to pay?!" Kia laughed and nodded then said,"Yeah!" I got up and said," Tell me if my idiot of a brother does something. I have a meeting to go to." It would look weird if I missed a meeting! So Even if I don't want to, which I know Jazz is prodartly feeling the same way, I have to attend. When I came back to the dorm, I found a note in Kai's and my room, that said,"
Hi! Master Blade!
Ender and I went to go to Chi's house! We were invited to play some Minecraft! Chi also forced us to compete in a duel... She's paying us with snacks! Anyway...We'll be home at 6:00 pm at the latest! Also Ender wanted me to ask you if you could bring this to Sire Jazz! Ender doesn't want him to worry!
🔔Sincerely, Kia Bell🐾 "
That's cute.. Jazz came in and said," Ender got kidnapped?! Or something! I can't find him!" I gave him the note and after he read it, he said," How come Kia gives you cute letters? While Ender doesn't give me any!" I laughed and said," Maybe he hates you for picking him?" Jazz said," Don't say that!?! It could crush my vampire heart!" I said," Ok,ok.. Let's go to Chi's house I remember Chi telling me in case I needed anything."

Kia's POV: We were battling, using wooden swords and fake arrows. I said as I got higher ground and shot at just one of the many opponents. I then said to Ender," These opponents are getting more skilled each person that steps into the ring,Be careful!" Ender said,with a smirk," Aren't I always?" After the battle was over.Ender said that he would win against me in a strategy game that involved math. I smirked and said," Ok... Fine what's pie in numbers?" He said," Um..3.14," I said," The long version is 3.1415195... Do you want me to continue?" Ender sighed in defeat and said," Smart mouth!" I said back," Bookworm.." Then Blade said," Ok,enough's enough... Let's go back home ,now." I smiled and said," Ok,Lead the way!" When we were home,I had to make dinner... Hopefully these 2 weeks of cooking go by for I am not enjoying this...I don't have anyone to talk to! Besides me ,but you hate me,right?

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now