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Kia's POV: I was asleep, cuddling with Blade. When I woke up,I saw Blade tied up and me near creep and not cuddled into my master. I went to get out of Slitheran's hold ,but I wasn't able to. I said," Let me go! You creep!" I then moved to get out of his hold. I'm not in the right mind set to get kidnapped... I'm still tired after all Blade and I had to stay up for most of the night,because of that meeting. Blade,said with red eyes," Brother, what is the meaning of this? Let go of him!" He then struggled to get out of the ropes that tied him to the chair. Bella came out of the shadows and said," Can't you see,Blade? I am a very strong women, that can defend their selves,so Slitheran and I mad a deal.You're coming with me...and making love to me... Or Kia gets taken from you by Slitheran... Oh and another thing,we get married and you are to stay with me till death." Slitheran whispered to me," Play along and you both will get through this..." I nodded and said," Bella... Why are you doing this?" She glared at me then said," You got in the way! Hahaha! This wouldn't have happened if you didn't manipulate him into loving you! I've been trying for years to get him to even look at me and be his friend! I've gotten so desperate to receive his love,I've had to degrade myself to this! This!" She's mad that Blade loves me and not her,she's had feelings for him for years and is very jealous and angry. She doesn't have a rational mind if anything she is insane...But not the good kind! Yeah..Not the good kind of crazy..I said," Wait! What's going to happen to me if he accepts your....",I said in my head stupid," offer?" She said," Well, I'll let you go and you get to be back with your assassin friends! " I said," Have you even thought about the royal family and guards coming to get Blade? Or the punishment you will reserve if you get caught!? Let's be rational on this situation! That involves nobody getting killed!" Slitheran said to Bella," Let's hear him out... He's just pleading for his live,I mean he is still human." Bella said," Fine ,tell." I said," Ok,so why don't we do this! You spend as much time with him as you want and Slitheran gets to hang out with my brother and I during that time, If you're not able to get Blade to love you by next year then you have to leave us alone.." Blade said," You would never be able to get me to fall for you. What I thought of you was wrong, and to think you would do This sort of thing to people who you consider friends and people that you love... Is unbelievable."

Blade's POV: Enough playing around. I broke the rope that I was in and knocked Bella to the ground.Then I looked at Slitheran and said," You know the brother code, so why betray it? I don't trust you as a brother anymore... You lost that title. Step aside and you won't end up like her." I motioned my head to Bella; on the floor,knocked out.Slitheran said," Knock me out... I am spying on them ,it would blow my cover,Knock me out if to date for I'm not letting Kia go." He held on to me tighter and Kia squeaked,surprised by the tightness of his grip. Kia couldn't even see me for he made it ,so his face looked at chest. I'm the only person that should hold him like that. I knocked him out and then possessively brought Kia to my my chest. Kia then said," Master... What do we do now?" I looked at Kia and he looked like he was about to cry. I said,soothingly," shh.. It's ok,kitten. I'll have the Blood Castle guards put them in jail. Let's go to the castle,and then go to my room.." Kia wrapped his arms around my neck and said," I don't think I can go anywhere." I said," Don't worry kitten ,I'll carry you." I arrived the tired Kia,down the stairs, but Jazz said," Where are you two going?" I said ," The castle, I suggest you go home with us." Jazz nodded his head then carried a sleeping Ender while a butler carried their bags. The guards that I called already went into the room,they packed Kai and I's things then handed them to my personal butler Carl. Carl takes secret pictures of Kia and I when he catches us cuddling or something like the only reason that I know is because he always 'Awws' at us. I carried the sleepy Kia to the limo. I said," Sleep,Kitten." He obeyed and fell asleep in my lap with him cuddled into my chest. Jazz whispered,"You look like a panther compared to your kitten." I knew he was talking about Kia and whispered," I couldn't say the same about you and Ender." Ender was also asleep,being beside Jazz ,but cuddled into Jazz.I'm so tired ,but I know that if I fall asleep then Kia and I will be sleeping in a car where some of my other brothers would probably take pictures for blackmail on me. I got up from sitting as I carried Kia to my room. He was still sleeping soundly,cuddled into me. He mumbled between his light snore,"Master~" I smiled not knowing what he was dreaming about ,but knowing that he was dreaming about me. I opened the door with one of my hands that was wrapped under his legs and then after unlocking it I turned the nod with that hand and kicked the door gently to open it. When I came into the room,I remembered the first time Kia and I were in here. I laid down with Kia and fell asleep,thinking of ways to torture Bella... She did hate maybe I'll make it public and official. The people do need to know what's happening with their future king.

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now