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Kia's POV: I woke up and looked over to see Blade asleep. I said," Master... Master,we have to get up... Master." Blade opened his eyes and said," Can't we just lay here for a while? " I smiled and cuddled into his chest,after I sighed contently ;I worriedly said,"Master.." Blade said," Kia...Will you be my boyfriend?" I said,excitingly," Yes! Yes! And more Yes's!" Blade said,"That's good.. What should we do now.? I'll have to announce us to the people,when your ready. For now What do you want us to do?" I wonder... I've seen T.V shows about what a relationship is and what they do..but..Would it work for us? I then thought of something I always do in my dreams, I kissed Blade. Blade kissed me back and then pulled away. He smirked and said," Was that w hint to something more than a kiss?" I looked at him confused and he just smiled and said," Nothing.... Let's go out today,we can't be in bed forever." I nodded and then got out of bed,after that I took a shower. Blade took a shower last night ,so he just told me he would put in some morning clothes. After I got dressed,Blade and I went downstairs to eat. Ender and I looked at each other for we were the only two people at the dinner table that weren't royals..besides Head-Phone,who was here because of Set-Up's orders. He was playing with his hands,looking down. He looked very nervous, wonder why he let Set-Up persuade him to coming. The princes and princesses were sent back to their castles with a person of their choosing,if they choose anyone. We have Princess Bella and her parents are going to beside her punishment. Bella has still said nothing even though her parents told her that the longer she didn't tell information,the harsher the punishment. Blade said that when I'm ready for Blade to announce us,then he would tell the people and have her watch T.V on that channel. She'd probably tell the information then from seeing the truth. I think it will just make her mad though. Blade and I went out of the castle. I didn't want to ride the limo that the royal kingdom always uses when they go out. Blade didn't like me walking for what happened last time,so we ended up in the limo. We were going to the movies. I wanted to watch a new superhero movie and Blade has never went to a theater. I said," We could go to the theater to watch Batman vs. Superman!" Blade said," I've never been to a movie theater." I said," Then let's go to one! There lots of fun,you get to have big popcorn and big sodas,there's games in the little arcade area! Then there's the movies that you get to see on a big gigantic wall! It's so cool." Blade said," Fine,we'll go to a movie.

Blade's POV: We went to the theater,my guards were near us,Kia didn't like them for he said that he could defend himself. It maybe true, since he is a assassin and was a butler/guard for a couple of weeks. The movie was pretty cool from the previews I've seen. We didn't get to watch the whole movie though ,for my father called us back to the castle. It took us hours to get there for the reporters stopped us for a whole hour. Kia was hiding behind me while they asked questions. Own of them said," Are you two a couple? Why did Bella get thrown into prison? Have you been able to get any information on he disappearances of nekos?" I said," Bella got thrown in jail for... Being in cahoots with the witches in capturing nekos. She hasn't given is any information about the nekos... Being a very stubborn person. We have found out that the nekos are not getting kidnapped anymore and that only 8 of them are captured by the witches." Another reporter said," Can I take pictures?" I said," I'll let it slide for today on being allowed to take pictures." Another person said," How com everybody who's partner is a neko isn't allowed to leave their side?" I said," The nekos that got captured where alone so as a precaution they aren't allowed to be alone.. Their are exceptions to the rule that was put though I am not allowed to say them." Another one said," Are you and Kia a couple?" I smiled and said," What do you think? We are or we may not be.. That is all the questions that I am going to answer today,Let's go Kia." He nodded and followed me. He mumbled," Is it that obvious?" I laughed at that.We finally made it there, I am planning on announcing us as a couple when the ball for the castle anniversary. Hopefully by then Kia will be ready. Kia looked at me and said," What should be our next move to get the information out of Bella,Master?" A person,a neko person from the former assassination group,said," Prince Kia!The gate is closed but monsters are coming out of it from the ground." Kia said," Don't call me that.. It's just Kia and I'll see what I can do. The gate should be closed,since my power is focused completely on it." He then looked at me and his eyes went wide. He grabbed my hand and tried dragging me to wherever. I followed him to a far away area,where their was a big mountain. I said," What is this?" He looked at me and said," This is the gate to Tarturus... I have protected it and secured it for years... I'm technically 17000 years old. Your gaining some fog my powers from being my mate.. So I need you to also help me protect this world. Say with me,Gate close and stay close for eternity. Since you don't know you have these powers it's not focused on the gate."

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now