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Kia's POV: We mated and I totally forgot that after you do that your souls becomes one and your soulmate gets some of your powers. Mostly why winged-nekos are endangered for once being used as slaves... Our energy depletes. I'm glad I was born a royal winged neko for the other kingdoms can't touch other royal people... I didn't know that it was a rule at the time. The only person that could possibly be ruling that kingdom is probably my loyal nanny, Winter. Or it could be my older brother. Anyway, I spoke the words and Blade followed suit. I told him that I was going to explain to him ,why that happened. The gate glowed and then the monsters that were around the area died,and disappeared. I said," Ok... So you know when you did that thing.." Blade said,after laughing," Oh.. That's cute ,you don't want to say 'that word.'" I blushed and then said," Well...that's how you got the powers to do that. My guardian is going to be so mad at me...for us doing that." Blade smirked and said," I thought it was pretty fun." I blushed and said," Don't look at me like that. Let's go back." Blade nodded and lead the way. I followed behind him and we were their after a couple of hours. John was at the door of the castle and said," Hello Prince Blade.. Kia." I looked into his eyes and saw his anger. I hid behind Blade, John said." You two shouldn't have done that,Kia was suppose to stay pure till marriage! My innocent baby! I hope you know what this means!" Blade said,with a smile," Don't worry sir. He's in good hands." He pulled me closer to him by his chest. John sighed and said," They grow up so fast.." I blushed and said," Leader! Stop! You're embarrassing me." John laughed and said," That's my job as your guardian,Kia." He ruffled my hair then went inside the mansion. We went after him into the mansion. I saw Ender and Jazz,they were talking to the rest of the princes, I heard one say," Just answer the simple question! Are you two dating!?" Blade and I went into the area. I was kind of behind him,because I didn't want anyone's attention. Blade said," What's going on in here? What's this about someone dating?" Brice said," I'm asking a question to Ender and Jazz. I saw them cuddling!I was wondering if they were finally a couple!" Blade said," Jazz are you still trying to hid it?" Jazz said," Fine. Fine, We're dating!" Sky said," I need proof!" Jazz then kissed Ender on the lips.

Blade's POV: Everybody either whistled or took pictures. Kia just smiled at them. Since everyone was paying attention to Jazz and Ender,I stole a quick kiss from Kia. Kia whispers to me,with a smirk," Thief!" I whispered to him," Said the person that stole my heart." He laughed and said," That's so cheesy." Sky said," What's so cheesy?" I laughed and said," Nothing,brother." He said," Wait! Brice,Can you see it?" Brice said," Their finally a couple! It's about time." Kia just blushed at his words,then hid behind me more. I said," Brice! You can't even talk! I know those secret lovey-dovey eyes you give Seto the sorcerer of our kingdom.Don't think I don't know your crush Sky!" Sky looked around and said," Shh! Don't say! I don't want people to know!" I said." Then don't say stuff like that without my say-so." Sky and Brice said," Understood." I then went with Kia. Kia and I cuddled with him while he had the cat in his lap,and watched some T.V ; while my father interrogated her and he's very good at getting information that he wants. Kia fell asleep after awhile,being cuddled into me,the little kitten had also fell asleep. I soon followed them. I was the second to get up,their was a baby on Kia's lap. Kai whispered as he covered my mouth for me almost screaming from suprise," Don't freak out,It's just RainCloud! He's a neko as well! I took him in,since he's a stray. He's to young to learn any words ,so I just feed him and we play tag and chase. " He removed his hand as he saw me calm down. I said," When were you going to tell me?" Kia said," Tomorrow...Well, I wanted to tell you the day that I got him but.." I said," What's his human name?" Kia said," It's Niall which is an Irish name and it's variations means cloud." I smiled and looked at the little new born. I then looked back at Kia and said," That's a really good name." Kia smiled at me as he looked back to the adorable little nekos in his hands.He said," Thanks! Chi helped me pick it out..." My father came into the room and said," I got the information from her,but the more important thing is where did that newborn come from? Don't tell me you two.." Kia said," It's RainCloud! The cat that followed me home that one... depressing day! Geez...You guys overreact with everything." John came in and said," Oh my.. Where did this cute neko newborn come from? He's so cute! Wait a sec... Is this RainCloud? Man I would have never guessed he was a newborn neko! You hid him, very well Kia." Kia said," Well.. At least someone gets it!" Kia picked up the baby since it said," Goo Goo Ga Ga! Ma-ma.! " He took care of the baby. I just watched with a smile as I saw his 'motherly-side' come out. He talked to the baby,and my father and John just looked at the scene with a smile as well. With everything that's been happening we haven't been able to have such a peaceful moment.

The Neko Assassins (Book 1 of the Three Princes' Legend,Completed)Where stories live. Discover now