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An Omega had a very long list of rules to live by, and had to follow each one accordingly.

1: An Omega must show submission to an Alpha or any higher ranking Okami. Meaning, an Omega must be compliant to Alphas, Betas, or other Omegas of great power. For any Omega who failed to comply, the penalty could be anywhere from a simple flick on the wrist to sure death. Obedience was essential.

2: An Omega must remain pure and unclaimed until reaching the peak of age twenty-two, and is given until age twenty-five to find a suitable Mate and reproduce into the community. Under-aged claiming was nothing short of forbidden, and violators were cast out of the pack. If an Omega was unclaimed beyond the age limit, he or she would be forced to live in solitude.

3: Omegas must always listen to the commands given to them by their own Alphas above anyone else. Regardless of the Head Alpha’s words, an Omega may only consult the leadership of his or her personal Mate.

4: If unclaimed past the age limit by an Alpha or Beta, an Omega has the right to Mate with another Omega. This option is given to those Omegas who are considered undesirable to other Alphas or Betas as a second chance.

5: Omegas, like all others, are required to attend Lupine University on the eve of their nineteenth birthday to study and become a fully functioning member of the Pack.

Lu Han knew every rule like the back of his hand, studying them daily and growing to understand them as a way of life. It was expected, he assumed; his parents were Omegas, and he was an only child. Everything his mother and father learned in Lupine University for Okami & Wolfkind was passed down to him, and he grew up to be an exceptionally obedient, kind, and beautiful Omega. There was not a day that passed by where Luhan wouldn’t receive praise from neighbors and comments on what a fine Mate he would become, and Luhan was always pleased to hear such kind words from kind people. He had hoped, growing up, that he would live up to those expectations and bring home a big, strong Alpha that would care for him and love him.

What Luhan didn’t understand, was why he was still left unclaimed. He didn’t like to brag, but he was exceptionally beautiful, having a charm and grace to his appearance that was endearing, or at least was described to him as such. He was kind to every person who came in his way, sweet to every soul, and held onto his purity like a lifeline.

He half expected to be claimed on the night of his twenty-second, but to his surprise, no Alpha had come to take him. Not even Betas seemed to glance at him, more preoccupied with the other Omegas in his class, busy courting them with sweet gestures and romantic artistry. It had slightly devastated Luhan, but he kept a high hope for the future to come. After all, he was still only twenty-three; he had another two years to find his rightful Mate, and he was determined to find him or her.

“If all else fails, we can just Mate,” his best friend Lay voiced quietly from the seat beside him. Luhan turned to him and made a face, unhappy with the idea of Mating with his best friend.

“That’s disturbing,” he replied in an equally quiet tone, sitting up straighter and yawning. Lay just shrugged, continuing to scribble in the margin of his notebook, drawing little unicorns. Luhan pulled his notes closer and studied them for a couple seconds before growing bored, staring up at the clock on the far wall.

“It’s better than a lifetime of solitude, no?” Lay proposed, stopping his doodles to write a few notes down. “Besides, at least we can tolerate each other.”

“That’s true,” Luhan sighed, leaning into his palm. “But only a last resort.”

“Of course,” Lay conceded.

Luhan just sighed again, slumping down over his notes and poking his pen, rolling it over the free space on his desk. All he wanted was to be claimed, to be marked with the permanent bite wound at the base of his neck. To hang off the arm of an Alpha who would protect him and hold him and love him and keep him safe – he wanted todepend on someone. He didn’t like the idea of waiting, and the more days that passed by with him unclaimed and Alpha-less, the more anxious he grew.

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