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The next school day was rather rough.

Sehun's abrasions were less sore due to the ointment Lay had given him, but he still complained about pain and had a slight limp in his step. Luhan felt guilty beyond belief, but there was nothing more he could do. He'd applied more of the cream before they left for class, but Sehun still walked funny. It was more than obvious what had happened to the two of them over the past week, and though it wasn't a secret they'd been sexing it up (many other Pairs had come out of their rooms looking like glowing couples returning from their honeymoons, giving Sehun a little comfort), Luhan couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. He dropped Sehun off at his Omega based class like usual, trying his best to ignore the envious whispers of Omegas around them. With a kiss and a promise of a well-caught meal for lunch, he bid his Mate goodbye and wandered off to his own classes.

Suho was not helpful. The second he saw Luhan, he had wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and laughed when Luhan's face went bright red. "Welcome back to class. You missed a lot, but it was all on Mating, so I suppose you didn't miss a thing."

"Please don't make me hurt you," Luhan nearly begged in response. Suho chuckled, patting his back sympathetically.

"Be proud, Lu. Listen to everyone else, will you? Mating isn't something to be embarrassed about."

Luhan gave him a look, but he did stop to look around the room. Those he knew to have Claimed Mates were talking animatedly with each other, using large hand movements and laughing like gleeful school girls. Those without Mates were slumped over, bitterly murmuring to each other. He took a moment to listen in, and his eyes widened when he realized why everyone was so alight; they were talking about finally being Bonded to their Mates in the most intimate way, bragging about their beautiful Omega and Beta and Alpha pairs and how loud they screamed, how much they begged, and how great they were. For a moment Luhan was disgusted, promising himself he'd never reveal Sehun's bedroom habits, but he understood what Suho was trying to hint to him. Most of the Alphas in the room were in the same boat as him, and he had no reason to be humiliated.

"Don't worry," Suho continued, watching the emotions flicker across his face. "The teachers all know about those who have to deal with Heat, so homework is exempt and you just have to catch up on your reading. So you're not behind or anything."

"Thanks," Luhan muttered back, sliding back into his seat and slumping forward, still red in the cheeks. "And I know I should be proud and everything, but if you ask me a thing about Sehun, I will punch you."

"Too bad," Suho joked, nudging him. He settled down when the lesson began, but continued to give him eyebrow wiggles throughout the day.

The second the lesson was over, Luhan bolted from the room and rushed towards his Hunting class, speeding through the throngs of Alphas out into clean open air, staring at his feet as he waited for the others to come forward.

Kris stepped up to him eventually and patted his shoulder. "Look alive, Luhan."

"I'm fine," Luhan snapped back quickly, too quickly to be considered normal. Kris just laughed at him and moved his hand up to ruffle his hair. Luhan frowned but allowed Kris's large hand to stay nestled on his head. It was comforting, and it made him feel a little normal. Kris used to pat his head when he was an Omega, after all, and back then, it had been an action that sent butterflies rocketing around his stomach. Now, it just lulled him into a peaceful state, reminded him that he had no reason to be anxious.

He couldn't help but wiggle closer to Kris's tall frame, seeking refuge from the whispers around him. "Kris? Can I ask a personal question?"

Kris looked down at him and nodded his head. Luhan pushed himself a little closer. "Have you ever...mounted someone?"

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