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Luhan woke on the forest floor feeling sweaty, nauseous, and exhausted.

He knew he needed to get back to the school soon, but a part of him held him back from even stepping a foot in the direction of what he knew was home. He didn't quite know what it was exactly - obligations? Questions from all his friends? - but he knew he couldn't return just yet; he had to solve the things going on in his own life before he could ever face anyone again. Until he did that, he needed to stay away.

Three days however, was pushing it. He knew Sehun had to be beside himself in worry, wondering where he had suddenly vanished to. Luhan felt terrible about it, wanting nothing more than to run back to the dorms and pull Sehun into the tightest hug he could ever give, but he couldn't face Sehun, either. One thought constantly plagued his mind and until he came to a conclusion, he could never, ever face Sehun again.

Was Sehun Luhan's Mate? Or was he Fenrir's?

He didn't know the answer. How could he, when he was suddenly given all that information three days ago? Now he knew he had a demon inside of him, an entirely different person not Luhan. Fenrir was his own person, according to legends, according to Headmaster Cid, according to Fenrir himself. To make matters worse, Fenrir constantly referred to Sehun as Mate, so Luhan couldn't help but question his relationship to the boy. He didn't want to love Sehun because Fenrir loved him. He didn't want Sehun to think that Luhan loved him, when the reality was it was his wolf, the other part of him, that was devoted to the boy. He didn't want Sehun to make that mistake either.

Thankfully, as Luhan lazily mulled over his thoughts in the forest, Fenrir kept his mouth shut. If the wolf had spoken even a word to him, Luhan probably would have hightailed it out of the Pack and run off to live on his own, at least until the stupid creature went away, left him alone. Luhan wanted so badly to shut him out like he had for the first years of his life, but he found he could no longer do that. Now that Fenrir was out, he was here to stay - much to Luhan's chagrin. He had to put up with him, one way or another. The silence in his own head had been extremely comforting, though. For once, Fenrir heeded his pleas and remained in the background, silently observing, but never commenting. Though it was annoying how Fenrir avoided every question Luhan shot at him, he was grateful. The silence gave him the chance to wander the forest shrubbery, kicking rocks around as he slowly came to terms with the facts of his life.

One: He was an Alpha. He'd settled this issue long ago and accepted it as truth. He was meant to lead, to dominate, to overpower. It was in his nature. It was who he was.

Two: He'd Imprinted on an Omega, but he could not determine if it was he who Imprinted or his wolf side. Was his carnal side to blame for his new relationship with Sehun? Or had the Imprinting process been all him, no wolf to dictate his actions?

Three: He was now playing host to a creature of myths in his own body.

Luhan sighed, getting to his feet and stretching his arms over his head. Even with three days away from everything, he could not settle the stress and confusion churning inside of him. There was just too much on his plate.

He walked to the nearby stream and gradually took small handfuls of water, bringing them to his lips and drinking earnestly. He'd been living off of the water and a few fish he'd managed to catch. He would kill for a steak, some kind of venison or maybe cougar meat, but he refused to shift and left Fenrir take the reins on his body. The second he let the beast out, he would return to the school to Sehun's side, and Luhan didn't want that. Not yet.

He missed Sehun to the point of physical pain, though. His heart ached to be with him, his arms yearning to wrap around his skinny frame and hold him close, cradle him to sleep. He wanted to see him so badly, but he felt so disgusted with himself as the feelings washed over him. It was getting repetitive, how many times he asked himself if it was the wolf making him feel that way, or if it was truly him feeling that way, and he hated it. Why couldn't he answer his own questions?

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