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Two steps back! Duck! Get out of the way! Now aim for his throat - that's his leg, you imbecile! - yes, there - no!

Luhan grit his teeth, snarling and jumping out of the way as Kris took another swipe at him, barely missing by a thread. His head was pounding under his skull, and Fenrir's constant orders were beginning to drive him up a wall - though he was thankful for the wolf's help during times of dire need, while he was practicing for his Dueling course, the wolf was nothing but a giant hindrance.

Could you please just shut up for two seconds and let me think? He asked it in frustration, growling low at his Dueling partner. Kris sat himself down on the ground and mockingly tilted his large, grey head, taunting Luhan's headache further as Fenrir hissed. Stop it!

This friend of yours is mocking us! Destroy him! Fenrir demanded. Luhan shook his head, trying to rid himself of his throbbing headache as he took another lunge towards Kris, this time going for his legs and unfortunately missing by a longshot. He ended up tripping over his own feet and falling face first into the grass, defeated.

Up! Get up! Fenrir demanded. Luhan finally had enough.

Stop yelling at me! He shouted, though out loud it became nothing more than a loud bark followed by a whine. Kris trotted over to his side and tilted his head, staring at him in confusion.

I haven't said anything since we began, he said to him. Luhan rolled his eyes, pushing himself up off the dirt and plopping back onto his hind legs, pressing his ears back into his skull and closing his eyes. His head was pounding like a drum.

Not you, he said, trying his best to contain Fenrir as he snarled and wailed in protest, wanting to jump back into battle. I'm sorry. I'm done for the day, Kris, I have a migraine.

Alright, Kris replied with a small nod, backing away, though he stopped for a minute and licked across his muzzle. Your attacks are strong, but not well-executed. Any of those attacks could have taken me down if they hit, so next time, let's work on your technique. Once you figure out how to read your opponent's moves, fighting high ranking Alphas will be easier for you. After all, fighting on instinct is greatly different from fighting for practice, or fighting for fun.

Obediently, Luhan nodded, wincing as Fenrir barked out a chain of protests. Kris gave him a wolfish smile and nudged his side. Get back to the locker room and change. I'll see you in class.

Again, Luhan nodded, pushing himself onto his feet and hobbling away, his muscles protesting each little movement as he pushed into the school, wandering through other Alphas in full-transformation to get to his clothing. Once he found the small green locker, he closed his eyes, letting his bones shift and crack back into place.

"Stupid, lousy, good for nothing, complaining, never satisfied," he chanted to himself, ripping the locker open and pulling on his clothes. "I can fight for myself. I don't need your advice. Dumb wolf."

He was so tired. Since he'd taken those two weeks off, he had fallen behind in his class and had to work twice as hard as everyone else to catch up. It didn't help that he still lacked a lot of basic Alpha knowledge - dueling was difficult for him, since he could not rely on Fenrir's assistance. Hunting was easier and came almost naturally, but when it came to fighting, he was at a loss. Fights that risked Sehun's life were a million times easier to him since there were no rules. Dueling was just a thorn in Luhan's side; you weren't allowed to step out of a red circle traced on the ground. You weren't allowed to attack the face or throat. You weren't allowed to inflict major bodily harm on your opponent.

The goal of dueling was to make your opponent submit. Get the other Alpha on his or her back and hold them there until they tapped out. Fenrir could not understand the concept. Luhan was quick to understand that Fenrir was made for killing, hurting, destroying - the simple play fighting that Dueling entailed was not in the wolf's repertoire of skills. Dueling had to be done by Luhan himself, without Fenrir's help, and learning how to fight was difficult to say the least. Still, his daily lessons with Kris were coming along, at the very least. He was satisfied with the progress he made.

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